'Danny Turner' isn't his real name.
But the scams he promotes certainly are.
'My Advertising Pays'.
Danny was a big player in MAP. He appeared in Leaders videos and helped recruit loads of people.
He also set up a Facebook page called 'My Advertising Pays is NOT a Scam' and was a vicious admin.
Now he wants you to believe that he's a changed man and was lied to and conned by Mike, Tony and Lynne.
He calls them scammers and wants you to join the fight against them.

But these are just hollow words from a coward who doesn't want to do jail time for promoting a scam, something he's had plenty of practice at.
He joined Empower, and somehow managed to miss seeing Simon Stepsys promoting it.
This is just one of the posts from a blog he ran that has also since been deleted:
Empower was also a Ponzi Scam. So was Banners Broker.
Let's look at some of Dannys other 'businesses'.
Likes XL - another scam.
Digital Altitude - another scam.
Danny is heavily into marketing or 'Team Building', which is another name for gathering as many names as he can, so he can sell his next venture to them:
And judging by the comments on HashFlares Facebook page, it certainly looks like a scam to me:
HASHFLARE has closed down:
...to malicious sites!
This a post from Danny promoting USI TECH - another ponzi scam (now closed)
At best, Danny's judgement is crap. At worst, he 100% knows exactly what it is he promotes and doesn't care who loses money as long as he gets his referral commissions.
And he lies:
UPDATED 8th May 2019:
There's an interesting development in this story. A leopard never changes it's spots!
An author called 'Dutchmanripper' wrote these posts on the comments section:
'Here is a cover letter to summarize the criminal activity Danny Turner has been up to:Regarding the Thief and Con Artist named Doede Osman KHAN Known on the Internet by the alias of Danny and Daniel Turner
26 April, 2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are a group of online investors from whom Doede Osman Khan (using the online alias of Daniel Turner, from the maiden name of his wife) has stolen an estimated 80 BTC from us through pretending to invest our funds in online cryptocurrency trading programs. For those who are unfamilar with Bitcoins or cryptocurrencies, this is equivalent to over £300,000. Despite the fact that Doede Osman Khan (aka 'Danny' aka 'Daniel Turner') has all of our contact information, he has refused to communicate with us, has refused to pay us our dividends, and refuses to return our original investments. Our group of 38 investors is currently organizing civil and criminal actions against Doede Osman Khan (aka 'Danny' aka 'Daniel Turner').
Doede Osman Khan is not poor. In addition to his personal Bitcoin wallets at legitmate organizations like Binance and BitPanda (estimated as holding at least 200 BTC, or over £750,000), Doede owns a house worth over £240,000, and has been involved with over 10 companies between Mar 2012 and Apr 2019, some of them registered using the fake name of 'Daniel Turner'.
Doede Osman Khan will deny that he owes us our money, claiming we are 'haters', or we are jealous of his success, or that we have no proof, as he appears to have done so many times in the past. We challenge him to get a lawyer and contact us - we have plenty of evidence and all 38 members of our group are willing to swear affadavits, and provide enough evidence to support a criminal investigation.
In order to verify that we are speaking the truth and have evidence agaisnt Doede Osman Khan (aka 'Danny', aka Daniel Turner), please visit our website at the address provided below and read the redacted report that has been compiled for us by our private investigator. You will be able to read for yourself that Doede Khan and Daniel Turner are the same person who stole investment funds from 38 investors.
The 38 investors of the online crypto-currency community who want their money back,
Informally known as 'The People Vs Daniel Turner alias Doede Osman Khan'
(website address here)'
These are some of his posts:
When the inevitable happened and MAP started running into problems, Danny took the cowards way out and started to distance himself from MAP.
He changed the name of his Facebook page to 'Against Cyber Bullying' and deleted all the posts he'd written.
Now he wants you to believe that he's a changed man and was lied to and conned by Mike, Tony and Lynne.
He calls them scammers and wants you to join the fight against them.
But these are just hollow words from a coward who doesn't want to do jail time for promoting a scam, something he's had plenty of practice at.
He joined Empower, and somehow managed to miss seeing Simon Stepsys promoting it.
This is just one of the posts from a blog he ran that has also since been deleted:
Empower was also a Ponzi Scam. So was Banners Broker.
Let's look at some of Dannys other 'businesses'.
Likes XL - another scam.
Digital Altitude - another scam.
...with Aspire
Danny is heavily into marketing or 'Team Building', which is another name for gathering as many names as he can, so he can sell his next venture to them:
Danny has predictably now jumped on the Crypto bandwagon and is pushing
- which has a scam warning against it already.
And judging by the comments on HashFlares Facebook page, it certainly looks like a scam to me:
****UPDATE 26th July 2018
Despite Danny proclaiming it was legit:
And ever helpful, Danny offers 'tips':
...to malicious sites!
This a post from Danny promoting USI TECH - another ponzi scam (now closed)
Dear USI-TECH Believers,
People have suffered from many programs over the years running out of money, meaning the account balances people see are not backed up by any real money. Some of those scams lasted years. Wouldn't it be good to detect this sort of thing early? Wouldn't it be great if we helped people avoid these problems?
The real offer on USI-TECH (which everyone can see) is to pay money to USI-TECH, and each day they will receive some money on their account until they reach 140% -- which is predicted to be in approx 140 business days (only trading Mon-Fri). The description for where this money is coming from is on the website too: Trading in crypto-currencies; which they say they typically get up to 150% returns for their clients annually.
They also say they typically trade for clients investing a minimum of $100,000. Now they are accepting everyone to tap into their trading abilities. So money spent is constantly being described as being used in trades to get returns for the client. This is the very definition of what a security is. I'm certain you can see this all for yourself.
So if this sort of offer holds concern whether or not it's a real investment or just a ponzi which runs out of money and can't pay balances.. to protect consumers a company really should help the potential client see with absolute certainty that when they invest with this company their money will be used as described and returns will come from the common enterprise as described.
So if this sort of offer holds concern whether or not it's a real investment or just a ponzi which runs out of money and can't pay balances.. to protect consumers a company really should help the potential client see with absolute certainty that when they invest with this company their money will be used as described and returns will come from the common enterprise as described.
That's why I keep talking about 3rd party accounting firms to verify the books are legit and the returns are truly coming from trades. Then the problem next comes--
what if this 3rd party accounting firm has been paid large sums of money to lie on behalf of the company? The only way to be certain is to have the government double check into everything.
what if this 3rd party accounting firm has been paid large sums of money to lie on behalf of the company? The only way to be certain is to have the government double check into everything.
This is why it's vital for an offer such as USI-TECH to be registered with the SEC, and not have people out there lying about it.. or saying they don't need to be registered with the SEC, because the SEC's alert just basically disproved everything people have been saying about USI-TECH not needing to be registered with the SEC because it transacts off-shore and with bitcoin.. the statement from the SEC says the complete opposite when the SEC is empowered to protect USA citizens from frauds, even if they originate offshore. So definitely USI-Tech should register with the SEC to simply prove their offer is legit, and without that in place-- the offer should be questioned and doubted by default.
At best, Danny's judgement is crap. At worst, he 100% knows exactly what it is he promotes and doesn't care who loses money as long as he gets his referral commissions.
And he lies:
'I was the one who called them out before they stopped paying people!'
No, Danny. WE were.
'...the money they used I gave them to invest'
Seriously, Danny!
'first online business I had ever been in...' 100% LIE, Danny!
And the real Danny is never far away...
'...you should be grateful there are people like me who made mistakes and warn people so you don't have to do the same.'
UPDATED 8th May 2019:
There's an interesting development in this story. A leopard never changes it's spots!
An author called 'Dutchmanripper' wrote these posts on the comments section:
'Here is a cover letter to summarize the criminal activity Danny Turner has been up to:Regarding the Thief and Con Artist named Doede Osman KHAN Known on the Internet by the alias of Danny and Daniel Turner
26 April, 2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are a group of online investors from whom Doede Osman Khan (using the online alias of Daniel Turner, from the maiden name of his wife) has stolen an estimated 80 BTC from us through pretending to invest our funds in online cryptocurrency trading programs. For those who are unfamilar with Bitcoins or cryptocurrencies, this is equivalent to over £300,000. Despite the fact that Doede Osman Khan (aka 'Danny' aka 'Daniel Turner') has all of our contact information, he has refused to communicate with us, has refused to pay us our dividends, and refuses to return our original investments. Our group of 38 investors is currently organizing civil and criminal actions against Doede Osman Khan (aka 'Danny' aka 'Daniel Turner').
Doede Osman Khan is not poor. In addition to his personal Bitcoin wallets at legitmate organizations like Binance and BitPanda (estimated as holding at least 200 BTC, or over £750,000), Doede owns a house worth over £240,000, and has been involved with over 10 companies between Mar 2012 and Apr 2019, some of them registered using the fake name of 'Daniel Turner'.
Doede Osman Khan will deny that he owes us our money, claiming we are 'haters', or we are jealous of his success, or that we have no proof, as he appears to have done so many times in the past. We challenge him to get a lawyer and contact us - we have plenty of evidence and all 38 members of our group are willing to swear affadavits, and provide enough evidence to support a criminal investigation.
In order to verify that we are speaking the truth and have evidence agaisnt Doede Osman Khan (aka 'Danny', aka Daniel Turner), please visit our website at the address provided below and read the redacted report that has been compiled for us by our private investigator. You will be able to read for yourself that Doede Khan and Daniel Turner are the same person who stole investment funds from 38 investors.
The 38 investors of the online crypto-currency community who want their money back,
Informally known as 'The People Vs Daniel Turner alias Doede Osman Khan'
(website address here)'
But then suddenly, the comments that 'Dutch' left were removed and he sent me another post saying Danny had refunded all his money. WHY? Because Danny told him that if he removed all the bad things he said about him, he could have his money back!
Which proves conclusively that the money given to Danny in the first place went straight into his OWN pocket - or how else how could he refund it!
16th August 2019
Danny's bit off more than he can chew this time. The article in todays Times newspaper is all about him and refers to the post above:
And I've recently come across this Facebook post which Danny posted sometime before USI TECH crashed:
16th August 2019
Danny's bit off more than he can chew this time. The article in todays Times newspaper is all about him and refers to the post above:
And I've recently come across this Facebook post which Danny posted sometime before USI TECH crashed:
Dear USI-TECH Believers,
People have suffered from many programs over the years running out of money, meaning the account balances people see are not backed up by any real money. Some of those scams lasted years. Wouldn't it be good to detect this sort of thing early? Wouldn't it be great if we helped people avoid these problems?
The real offer on USI-TECH (which everyone can see) is to pay money to USI-TECH, and each day they will receive some money on their account until they reach 140% -- which is predicted to be in approx 140 business days (only trading Mon-Fri). The description for where this money is coming from is on the website too: Trading in crypto-currencies; which they say they typically get up to 150% returns for their clients annually.
They also say they typically trade for clients investing a minimum of $100,000. Now they are accepting everyone to tap into their trading abilities. So money spent is constantly being described as being used in trades to get returns for the client. This is the very definition of what a security is. I'm certain you can see this all for yourself.
So if this sort of offer holds concern whether or not it's a real investment or just a ponzi which runs out of money and can't pay balances.. to protect consumers a company really should help the potential client see with absolute certainty that when they invest with this company their money will be used as described and returns will come from the common enterprise as described.
So if this sort of offer holds concern whether or not it's a real investment or just a ponzi which runs out of money and can't pay balances.. to protect consumers a company really should help the potential client see with absolute certainty that when they invest with this company their money will be used as described and returns will come from the common enterprise as described.
That's why I keep talking about 3rd party accounting firms to verify the books are legit and the returns are truly coming from trades. Then the problem next comes--
what if this 3rd party accounting firm has been paid large sums of money to lie on behalf of the company? The only way to be certain is to have the government double check into everything.
what if this 3rd party accounting firm has been paid large sums of money to lie on behalf of the company? The only way to be certain is to have the government double check into everything.
This is why it's vital for an offer such as USI-TECH to be registered with the SEC, and not have people out there lying about it.. or saying they don't need to be registered with the SEC, because the SEC's alert just basically disproved everything people have been saying about USI-TECH not needing to be registered with the SEC because it transacts off-shore and with bitcoin.. the statement from the SEC says the complete opposite when the SEC is empowered to protect USA citizens from frauds, even if they originate offshore. So definitely USI-Tech should register with the SEC to simply prove their offer is legit, and without that in place-- the offer should be questioned and doubted by default.
Tara, who ever you are i know we had our differences about My Advertising Pays and i might have joined a few other stupid businesses here and there but i never financially hurt anyone, so unless you have any factual evidence then your comments here are nothing but slander or even cyber bullying:
ReplyDeleteMAP (My Advertising Pays) Was the first online business i joined in which i recruited friends who i personally financed but and because it turned out to be a scam i never got anything back from them and i don't expect it either, i invested my own money and lost my own money, i was not a big recruiter like Simon or any other for that matter.
Before MAP I joined a company called the Empower Network, i lost $600 in that never ever recruited anyone in it, i think i made a capture page and enrolled in the training but i cant remember much as it was years ago and i just wrote it off as a bad investment. I have NEVER been in Banners Brokers, i only heard of it once i joined MAP.
Since the fall of MAP i was approached by some people in LikesXL and i almost made the same mistake and i pulled out before i got in deep, never recruited anyone!
I do invest my own money (This is not a crime) in to companies such as, Bitclub Network and Hashflare, both are simply cloud mining companies and i am not interested in any one joining me to do it, i simply share what i do, if people want to join it they dont have to join me they can do their own research.
I looked in to Mobe, Digital Altitude Worldventures and HeloLX but i never recruited people in to it either. infact i lost 18k in MOBE and 5k in DA. again my own money.
So yes i agree my choices were not great, however i never harmed anyone or their finances.
Further its up to you if you wish to continue to slander me but its nothing but slander and you are only able to do it as you are hiding behind this blog and fake profiles, so that means only one thing, you are an online bully or trying to be one.
As for the name thing you keep mentioning, Yes i did change my name but that is common knowledge and totally done in a legal way, i know you are in touch with Henk, he is a troll and has been stalking my mother in Holland for years and thought let me try and get through to her via Danny, this did not work, hence he joined you with all sorts of BS.
If you are not i request you to make yourself known so i can legally take action against you, this i doubt will happen, if you come clean and apologies for all the false stories you are making about me i will also apologies for the stupid comments i made towards you and we will leave it to rest and possibly collaborate and help people identify real scammers.
I think i have explained myself in quite enough detail, i cannot do more, neither do i feel i must but i thought let me try and clear the air.
Further i wish you no harm or anything bad.
Kind regards,
Danny Turner
Firstly Danny,'factual evidence': You ran a page dedicated to saying that MAP wasn't a scam which enticed hundreds to join an illegal ponzi scam and made our fight against them harder.
DeleteSecondly, you recruited your friends who you personally financed? You really expect us to believe that?!
Thirdly, not a big recruiter? Your 'MAP IS NOT A SCAM FACEBOOK PAGE' had hundreds of likes and you were a MAP leader! Your name and face were everywhere! ACTIVELY RECRUITING!
Also, I never said you were in BANNERS BROKER! I said it was a scam, YOU said it wasn't a scam and failed due to BAD MANAGEMENT!
You promote numerous dodgy scams and then say 'you never forced anyone to join!'
Who the hell is 'HENK'? Never heard of him???
And your name is 'Danny Turner'. That's what everybody knows you by. If you wanted people to know your REAL name, you'd use it!
Lastly, your apology for calling us vile names and promoting illegal Ponzi scams is not sincere and not accepted.
But I will make you this promise:
Until then, I'll report exactly what you publicly do!
Hi Tara,
ReplyDeleteThanks for opening dialogue, i am not going to try and justify that what i did was right, it wasn’t, it was a misjudgment by me but what i am telling you is the truth, its up to you to believe it or not... I personally have apologised however if you dont want to accept then there is not much i can do, but i assure you i mean it, you do not have to take anything down, infact keep it up its a good tool for me to show people that even i have made big mistakes, not sure why people followed me but i think it was because they saw i was a business owner and had a bit of cash which i NEVER claimed i made in MAP because I didn’t...
I have since MAP been calling out Ponzi’s like USI Tech and many more out and am runing groups to make people aware, Simon Stepsys is now on another mission and needs to be stopped before it becomes another MAP disaster....
If you ever wish to talk things out let me know, im willing to talk and resolve our differences.
I think i still have a very strong following on social media and we can help many more people together then on our own.
BTW about my name, its public knowledge to why i changed my name LEGALLY back in 2010... however this has nothing to do with any online business or anything else.... you can ask Jon Walsh as he is aware to why.
As to finding a job, im a business owner and am in the industrial equipment business and export industrial equipment worldwide... online stuff is just online stuff, i do try progams out like i have but i have told everyone publicly that i do not want to or will recruit anyone in to any business, im sure you can see i dont publish much on Facebook, i do have a few groups with quite a few followers which are slowly dying off as im not active in them....
Wishing you the very best...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteA agreement with Danny to refund funds where to remove all negative blogs or comments.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSo what's he been up to now? A leopard never changes his spots. Can you elaborate?
DeleteA agreement with Danny to refund funds where to remove all negative blogs or comments.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteA agreement with Danny to refund funds where to remove all negative blogs or comments.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat's interesting. Can you please send me a link to your website? Or contact my Facebook page 'TaraTalks' directly? Many thanks.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteA agreement with Danny to refund funds where to remove all negative blogs or comments.
ReplyDeleteHere you go tara , there are 38 more internet pages like ours go ahead and share the report/link , this must stop
Really hope you nail him. Good Luck!!
ReplyDeletecontent updated.
DeleteDanny Turner has refunded me under his terms. In Feb., 2019 I purchased .30 btc for $1400 American which I sent to Danny for bot trading. Danny refunded me April 2019,.18 btc worth $1400 American. I'll leave judgement to the reader. There are currently 37 other good, honest members nogiateing for their refunds. I hope they receive full funds and promised profits.
ReplyDeleteI hope so too.
DeleteHow do you get in touch with him then he owes me 3 bitcoin it would be nice thanks
Hello, maybe you want to take alook here
Hello Tara,
ReplyDeleteHere is an update on our group‘s progress. We filed with Action Fraud UK. Turns out that is just a call center that the London Police created and doesn’t do anything. The UK Times had a big writeup in their paper about it a couple of days ago. They are using our story to show there are real people affected by the inadequacy of this reporting system. They even mentioned his area of Shropshire, UK. Although they don’t mention more of his whereabouts. That might still come as we are still in communication with the Times.
Here is the article. It is available right now online and will be in the Times tomorrow, Saturday.
Thank you for supporting us Tara.
Sincerely, CryptoGirl
Action Fraud ‘ignored dossier detailing Bitcoin scam’
August 16 2019, 5:00pm, The Times
A Canadian known by the pseudonym Crypto Girl and Stephen Johnson lost thousands of pounds in investments
A bitcoin trader accused of stealing nearly half a million pounds from investors reportedly continues to trade cryptocurrency from his home in Shropshire as Action Fraud ignores a dossier detailing his alleged crimes.
More than 30 people have reported the trader to the national centre, which handles fraud complaints for the police, after losing their savings in a complex bitcoin scam. Despite being passed a detailed report with names, contact details and evidence of the online transactions Action Fraud has failed to act since the cases were first reported in May.
It is the latest in a series of failings exposed at the fraud centre. An undercover investigation by The Times this week revealed staff mocked victims as “morons” and were trained to mislead them into thinking their cases were being investigated. Police chiefs in England said that they were “deeply concerned” with the findings and it has emerged that Police Scotland recently pulled out of the service.
The bitcoin trader, who The Times has chosen not to name, contacted people online last year offering tutorials on how to buy and trade bitcoin cryptocurrency for a fee. Within a few months he had established a group and encouraged up to 130 people to invest their bitcoin funds into “trading bots”, which automatically monitor the volatile market to make optimum trades.
“He appeared genuine and lots people vouched for him. He came across as trustworthy, often mentioning his family — someone who just wanted to help others make money through bitcoin,” Stephen Johnson, an oil rig worker from Stockton-on-Tees, Co Durham, said.
The trader allegedly promised his investors returns of at least 30 per cent profit or more and in the first month some saw their investments increase by 41 per cent. He repeatedly reassured them that he would return the funds in full any time they wished, according to the investors.
“The initial results were great and I was confident to put in 1.5 bitcoin, roughly £3,000. The next payout was due on 31st March but the day came and went and we heard nothing,” Mr Johnson, 63, said.
The trader, who had been communicating with the investor group daily on the encrypted app Telegram and Facebook, broke off communication and seemed to erase his online presence. According to the investors the total owed by the trader is 58.45 bitcoin, valued at about £485,000.
Left frustrated and out of pocket, a group of the investors, many of whom had put in their life savings, hired a private investigator to help to uncover their funds. The investigator compiled a 445 page investigation report with extensive details of the complex case, including the trader’s online aliases, real-life ID and transaction records linking the alleged victims.
After reporting the scam to various police forces in Britain and overseas, 31 of the investors reported their cases to Action Fraud in May and handed over the investigation report. After receiving an initial automated response the group of investors have heard little back, despite making repeated requests for an update.
Kenneth Ruud, a Norweigan investor, invested his pension savings in the trading bot and now feels abandoned by the police in the UK. “Action Fraud haven’t given me any response at all, it’s like no one cares. I believe [the trader] knew this and therefore continued to steal people’s money.
ReplyDelete“It is really shocking for me that the UK police do not even bother to open any of our files, not even one, if they did, they would have seen all our cases are linked and the massive size of the fraud.”
A Canadian investor, who has asked not to be named but is known online under the pseudonym Crypto Girl, lost £55,000. “We were promised a response from Action Fraud in 28 days but are still waiting. I reported this on May 9 and my file still says ‘created’,” she said. “I feel that I, and the people in my group, have been a victim twice. Once by [the trader] and again by the City of London Police and Action Fraud, which turns out is just a call centre.”
A spokeswoman for Action Fraud said: “Each and every report has a value to Action Fraud. Action Fraud receives 50,000 reports of fraud a month. In an ideal world every case would be investigated. Unfortunately this is just not possible, so our resources are focused on the reports most likely to present an investigative opportunity and those that present the most threat and harm to the victim, or victims, concerned. No report is dismissed at the call centre.”
Concentrix said it takes the allegations “extremely seriously” and that mocking victims is not tolerated. It said its staff are meant to follow training set by the police and it would never support them sharing misleading information.
Hello Tara, we have been watching Danny/Doede’s activities online. He is having an estate sale this Saturday October19, 2019. Here is the ad, the link and the picture.
Huge estate sale Saturday October 19th, 8AM. 1 Hunters Point, Loggerheads, Market Drayton, Shropshire.
Items available: various household items including dining room set. Sofa and recliner. TV. Bedding, towels and linen. Nearly new business computers, mostly Apple/MacBooks, iPhones. Left over mining rigs from failed business. Handyman equipment. Mercedes 2018, 4door, low mileage. To many items to mention. Most items are in the house but all tools will be laid out in the garage. Everything must go.
I believe this is Danny (Doede Osman Khan) Turner or whatever he calls himself these days current company.
ReplyDeleteSeems like he runs a massive manufacturing company from his posts.
he readily posts his (or potentially someone else) contact details.
Hi Tara,
ReplyDeleteSome great news on the scammer known as Daniel Turner/ Doede Khan. Our group took Mr. Khan to court. It was a long process. On May 2nd, 2023, in Teesside Crown Court UK, Mr. Khan plead guilty to seven charges of fraud. He now has a criminal record. He is out on bail and has to stay in contact with his probation officer. Sentencing will be on June 27th, 2023. I will update you after sentencing.
Marjorie, CryptoGirl.
ReplyDeleteHi Tara,
On June 27, 2023 Danny played his regular delay tactics by saying this time that he lost all our BTC through bad trades. The judge moved the sentencing hearing to September 22, 2023. The judge gave Danny until June 30, 2023 to show this new evidence. The judge was not pleased with D and only gave him 3 days and he told him not to be late. Minimal paperwork was handed in as usual with no concrete evidence.
On September 22, 2023 Danny showed up with a document that was “new evidence” to be submitted. This time he decided to give it directly to the judge 5 minutes before court is supposed to start because he is so full of himself that he thinks he is too above all of us to follow court ordered rules of when to submit paperwork. The judge allowed this but asked him to take the stand to defend this new document. He refused all morning and got a stark warning that if he doesn’t take the stand it will be used against him during sentencing that afternoon. He still refused. The judge ruled then, since he refused to defend his document, that it wasn’t admissible in court.
The judge called him greedy with his second bot scam when the first one was already so successful.
Next the judge sentenced Danny.
Danny had previously plead guilty to 7 charges of fraud. Thanks to the judge we got him a conviction, we got him a criminal record, we got him a 4 month curfew with an ankle bracelet, we got him 250 hours of community service and we got him a 15 months custodial sentence suspended for 18 months. I would say that’s pretty darn good!
Now jail time would have been fantastic but he can still get that by stepping out of line.
Next is getting our funds returned to us. I’ll update you again when there are new developments.
Marjorie Wilhelm
Hooray! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!