22nd September 2018
Remember John Rock? It seems he honed his ponzi skills and used them to start his own scam - a cryptocurrency scam called World Cryptcurrency International:https://bitcoinexchangeguide.com/wor...ts-legitimate/
28th July 2018
The Thirteenth Receivers Report dated 25th July 2018
Dixit has been ordered by the courts to pay the Receivers $200,000,000.
But since he hasn't got $200,000,000 to give, we can speculate that a jail term is looming.
Mention is also made of a $100,000,000 receiver request from Kul, who also has no hope of raising that amount, so a jail term must also be on the cards for him?
No mention of Chris Smith was made in this Court Order.
10th June 2018
The Twelfth Receivers report dated 4th June 2018:http://www.spergelcorporate.ca/…/Motion%20Record%20returnab…
Receivers fees to be paid.
Confidential report covering the return of between $10 -$25 million to be court sealed and kept confidential.
Kul Josun had been ordered to pay the receivers $6,070,790 but has so far paid zero. He has also refused to co-operate with the receivers investigations.
In August 2016 the receiver commenced five actions against 18 individual and corporate defendants (who are not employees of Banners Broker) who between them owe $4 million.
Francis Best
Paulos Araya-Ontario Ltd and Bella Moda
OWE: $1million
Michael Kraemer -WorldE Wallet
Andreas Geladaris - My Finance Dept
OWE: $847,304.
Glenroy Browne - Funkional Fitness
'Don River'
OWE: $1,375,429
Maxwell Morgan - Ontario Ltd
OWE: $372,249
$160.36 million was originally received from Banners Broker affiliates and $77.31million was paid back to them
as 'pay-outs'.
$15.68 million was paid to Dixit, Smith and Josun.
$9.07 million was paid to payment processors in fees.
$10.85 million was paid to Banners Broker Independent Contractors.
Operating Expenses- $24.91 million
$5.26 million owed by an unidentified recipient.
10th November 2017
Latest Court Documents:
A brief Summary of the Latest Receiver Report:
Kuldip Josun has been ordered to repay $6 million.
The Receivers are claiming $200 million in damages from Rajiv Dixit.
The Receivers are claiming $100 million in damages from Kuldip Josun.
Tens of millions of dollars has already been recovered.
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) began investigating Banners Broker in early 2013. The status of its investigation is unknown and may still be pending.
Dixit is facing indictment on serious criminal charges.
27th September 2017
Some more newspaper coverage of the case:
4th June 2017
The receivers have released an open letter to affiliates:
12th May 2017
The final Receivers Report has just been released with the news that Smith and Dixit have pleaded guilty to operating a Ponzi scam and have been sentenced;
'On April 27th 2017 Smith and Dixit pleaded guilty to operating a pyramid scheme under the Competition Act. The two principles have received conditional sentences whereby they will serve two years less a day in the community and will be required to pay a $50,000 fine with in two years.
A Final Court Motion has been filed and will be heard on Tuesday May 16th.
In addition, more information has been given regarding the sentence:
and that if they do not pay their respective fines within five years there is a “default hearing” and a presumptive 5 year prison sentence.
The criminal proceedings require that each of Smith and Dixit pay $50,000 within the first two years. The default hearing is a mechanism whereby Smith and Dixit are allowed to adduce evidence as to why they are unable to pay the balance of the fine...'
11th April 2017
Things are getting interesting. Has Simon Stepsys finally had his knock at the door?
And a $100 MILLION lawsuit has been launched!
The Ninth Receivers report is ready:
There's alot of useful information:
A $100 million lawsuit has been launched against World Web Media Inc and Real Profit Ltd for the misappropriation of millions of dollars of BB funds.
Five separate recovery actions have been stated against 18 individual and corporate defenders who between them received $4 million from BB.
(Pretty sure Simon claimed a million just on his own!)
A criminal court hearing has taken place.
And the approval for distribution of funds from the ringfenced account.
More details on this will undoubtably follow.
And just look at the list of companies in the BB Group..unbelievable.
Banners Broker International Ltd
2087360 Ontario Incorporated.
Parrot Marketing.
2341620 Ontario Corporation
2439748 Ontario Corporation
Stellar Point
Dixit Holdings
Monetize Group Inc
Vault Capital Inc
Promo 121
DYZ Media
Create My Banners
Banners Broker International Ltd Belize
Banners Broker International Ltd Marshall Islands
Banners Broker Portugal
Banners Broker Uk Ltd
Banners Broker India Ltd
Banners Broker Ireland Ltd
G Cube Media LLC
Banners Broker USA LLC
Stella Point Inc
StellaPoint Ltd
Stellar Point Productions
Stellar Point Web Hosting
Stellar Point Consulting India
Stella Point Israel Ltd
Dreamscape Ventures Ltd
Revstar Hosting Inc
The Dixit Consortium
Dixit Group PLC
Kibotec Inc
Reemas Kitchen Ltd
Reemas Kitchen Inc
Glenroy Browne Funkional Fitness
buzinga.ca LTD
Jestsetter Dating Ltd
Dataware Ltd
Dataware Management Ltd
Kulclub UK Ltd
Kulroc Marketing Group
Stellar Point UK
Revstar Global
Paytronics Belize
Tisochritifaos - Cyprus contractor
CM consulting - France contractor
North Star Support - Nordic contractor
Maccone Online Marketing - Ireland Contractor
Corsuco - Dominion contractor
Imander Associates - Spain contractor
Accurate Solutions - Trinidad contractor
iPrime Consulting Poland contractor
J.W Rock & Assoc Management Services
Sisel Canada
Real Profit ltd
Kulclub Portugal
Kul Branding and promotions
Silver Line Club
1587803 ontario ltd Aramor Payments
Vector Card Services
...and last but not least:
10th February 2017
The Receivers have now Officially moved to Canada:
Website Link for Information in Connection with Banners Broker International Limited:
Banners Broker International Limited
Communications/Notices by Isle of Man Joint Liquidators/Receiver:
On 6 October 2016, the Joint Liquidators made an application to the Isle of Man Court for an order releasing the Joint Liquidators and effectively transferring all Banners Broker International Limited (“BBIL”) insolvency matters to the Canadian court-appointed receiver of BBIL, msi Spergel inc. (“Canadian Receiver”). On 9 December 2016, the Order was granted by the Isle of Man Court and the Joint Liquidators were released from their role as Joint Liquidators. The Order also transferred all insolvency administration matters to the Canadian Receiver. A copy of the Order is posted below.
If you have previously filed a claim with the Joint Liquidators you do not need to file a claim with the Canadian Receiver at this time.
If you have not yet filed a claim in the UK proceedings, the Canadian Receiver will provide instructions on how to file a claim once the transition of the BBIL insolvency administration matters from the Joint Liquidators is complete. If you have already communicated with the Canadian Receiver and provided your contact information, the Canadian Receiver will contact you with information about how to file a claim.
In order to obtain any further updates or to amend your claim, please contact the Canadian Receiver directly using the contact information listed below. Information about the BBIL insolvency proceedings in Canada can also be found below.
Address: msi Spergel inc., 505 Consumers Road, Suite 200, Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4V8, Canada
Attention: Frieda Kanaris
Email: bannersbrokerinternational@spergel.ca
Telephone: 416-498-4309
20th June 2016
The latest receivers report is out (seventh) and is fascinating reading. All about how Kul embezzled funds and a stand up row at the Portugal event. About Stephanie, Rajs wife, and her role. About the reason why (leaders) were needed in lots of different countries to sell BB, the Indian story... and the money! MILLIONS of dollars squandered on private jets, jewelry, fancy cars etc . Very interesting.
The Report also states that Kul Josun and Raj Dixit have had an Injunction placed on them and have been ordered by the Courts to disclose their assets within thirty days (from May 31st)
The courts have also ordered the (HSBC)bank to freeze and disclose all assets held by them.
This is an overview of the current situation:
BBIL was central to a group of at least eight related companies and service providers.
Together they were involved in and/or operated the "Banners Broker" online enterprise
("Banners Broker"). Banners Broker was a platform whereby registered members known as "affiliates" could advertise their businesses on websites within the Banners Broker network of publishers while, at the same time, earn revenues as an advertising publisher through specialized and targeted publisher sites created, designed and hosted by BBIL.
4. Banners Broker promised affiliates a doubling of their money if they could recruit others in a marketing program purportedly involving the sale of online advertising. In effect, the Banners Broker "product", which was described as "advertising", offered affiliates the opportunity to double their money.
5. Now defunct, various of the corporate entities making up the Banners Broker enterprise,are currently subject to insolvency proceedings in the Isle of Man (in the case of BBIL), as well as in Canada (in the case of BBIL, Stellar Point and others).
6. Dixit, as well as former Banners Broker principal Christopher G. Smith ("Smith"), are
also subject to ongoing criminal proceedings in Canada, in which Banners Broker is alleged to have been an illegal pyramid scheme.
7. Contemporaneous with the filing of this report, the Receiver will commence an action in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) on behalf of the insolvent corporations,BBIL and Stellar Point, and their creditors. The Receiver's action seeks the recovery of over $100 million in damages for negligent and/or fraudulent misrepresentation, conspiracy, conversion, breach of fiduciary duties, breach of contract, negligence and oppression contrary to the Canada Business Corporations Act R.S.C. 1985, c. C-44 (the "CBCA"), as well as punitive damages, disgorgement and restitutionary remedies arising from the alleged misappropriation of millions of dollars in affiliate funds by Dixit, Josun and certain Banners Broker associated corporations under their ownership and control. A copy of the Receiver's Statement of Claim, to be issued, is attached as Appendix "A".
8. Since its appointment in August of 2014, the Receiver has had an opportunity to conduct an extensive investigation into Banners Broker's business, operations and financial affairs.
Using the investigatory powers granted by this Court, the Receiver has collected and reviewed thousands of documents relevant to the global flow of affiliate contributed funds through the Banners Broker enterprise over the course of its operations, The Receiver has successfully recovered millions of dollars that had been taken from Banners Broker entities by management.
In the course of that recovery, the Receiver determined that millions of dollars in affiliate funds were transferred, without any legitimate business purpose, through the various Banners Broker associated entities, such as BBIL and Stellar Point, and into the possession of Dixit and Josun with no right and virtually no observation of formality.
9. Through its still ongoing investigations, the Receiver has determined that Dixit personally received, either directly or through corporate entities under his ownership and control over approximately USD$4.8 million in affiliate funds spent by affiliates on Banners Broker advertising products. Josun similarly received over approximately USD$3.8 million in affiliate funds. Millions more in affiliate funds remain unaccounted for. Based on the substantial amounts the Receiver now believes were misappropriated by Dixit and Josun, and their demonstrated capacity to move funds abroad or otherwise put monies beyond the reach of creditors, the Receiver seeks the ex pane relief sought on this motion. The Receiver believes that the grant of a Mareva injunction is critical to preserving rights of recovery in respect of affiliate funds.'
12th June 2016
Its been a little while since I posted so I thought I'd give you an update.
The deadline for creditors has still to be announced so it isn't too late to join if you haven't already done so. Please don't worry if you haven't heard anything. If you're registered, you should hear in due course how this is proceeding.
All the latest receivers reports are here:
The news in the latest one - May 26th 2016 - has reports of Chris and Raj being interviewed and bailed. A court date has yet to be announced but I will keep you updated as and when I know.
As a reminder, this is the website for creditors:
These are the Liquidators names:
Paul Robert Appleton
David Rubin & Partners
26-28 Bedford Row
Website: www.drpartners.com
Miles Andrew Benham
Mann Benham Advocates
49 Victoria Street
Isle of Man
Website: www.mannbenham.com
9th December 2015
Chris and Raj have been arrested!
15th October 2015
It looks like the Official Facebook page has finally closed:
3rd October 2015.
It's been a while since I've updated these pages, so I thought a little post was in order
to let you know what's been happening. News about the Banners Broker Liquidation is still patchy but is ongoing and will be reported here as soon as anything happens.
All the latest Receivers reports are here for you to read:
and a dedicated page is available for when the time comes to take this to the next stage:
As for 'news' , an interesting news article appeared yesterday in the Liverpool Echo regarding a Banners Broker shill called Gillian Hillier who has been sent to jail for stealing all her mums money.
She ran the largest BB closed Facebook group and then handed the reins over to Martin Codack (currently pushing the PONZI scam My Advertising Pays).
Friday 21st February 2014
OH NO! The fake engine has gone up in FLAMES!!
...but don't worry folks. Your data is safe from the billowing smoke. PHEW...!
Thursday 20th February.
Oh dear! No more fake panels can cap now..
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Website Down
On Feb 16, 2014, the website went down for approximately 30 hours. The reason for this is the complexity of the engine. As a company, we have decided to not run the engine until the launch of BBv3. We will be announcing the date of the blackout and launch soon. We thank you for your patience.
Wednesday 19th February.
REMEMBER:Applying to David Rubin and Partners to be listed as a creditor is CONFIDENTIAL.
Banners Broker will NOT know you are on the list and it will NOT affect your account.
Paul Appleton @ David Rubin and Partners.
Email paul.cooper@drpartners.com.
020 7400 7900
(Isle of Man High Court, Wednesday 26th February)
Monday 17th February.
I have personally spoken to Paul Appleton at David Rubins and I can verify that this isn't just a rumour - its TRUE!
Many people have already contacted them and the net is widening daily.
I urge you tonight to contact Paul personally. He will advise you on how to fill your claim in.
If Banners Broker owe you money please email paul.cooper@drpartners.com.
Tel : 020 7400 7900
Friday 14th February
Thursday 13th February
The court hearing for a liquidation request of Banners Broker International Ltd is on February 26th in the Isle of Man's Court.
These are email replies from two affiliates who wrote to DAVID RUBIN & PARTNERS requesting that they want to go on a list of claimants.
If you would like to apply to go onto this list of creditors please fill in this form:
Wednesday 12th February
We have had several messages lately saying that Banks are taking a stronger stance on chargeback claims. In particular they are demanding proof of Banners Broker refusal to pay you.
Many people have still not put in a withdrawal request and we urge you tonight to do so.
Take a screen shot of your account as proof, both now and in the coming days. The bank will need to see this.
It appears that Banners Broker International Limited (“the Company”) is not only registered on the Isle of Man and Belize.
Christopher Smith is also sole Director...
Its sole shareholder is shown as:-
Targus Holdings Limited
303 Aarti Chambers
The current sole director of the Company is:-
Christopher SMITH
250 Jarvis St, suite 503
Canada M5B 2L2
It appears Chris is using another offshore company to liquidate BBI. That is probably why he made BBmobile a separate company. Close one down and continue scamming with another one.
As of February 12, 2014, we will be taking a firmer stance against people that are speaking badly against Banners Broker. Affiliates found to be contributing to the negativity on the Internet will have their accounts locked, they will be banned fromparticipating in the Banners Broker system and they will forfeit all of their inventory and revenue. These terms have been in the Policies and Procedures since the inception of BB.
We are doing this to establish a more positive presence on the Internet. This brighter image will benefit us all; it will make sales easier, and you will be able to hold your head high when you tell people that you are a BB affiliate.
We can all choose our attitudes. Negative attitudes and actions are only good to bring people down. Positive attitudes help make people happier, improve the lives of people around us and let us make more of ourselves. Please join us in adopting the positive and sharing it with others.
From todays Banners Broker Facebook Page:
Tuesday 4th Feb 2013
These are all the reasons why Chris hasn't paid you folks...the funniest excuse being this:
Is this the reason everybody has to have a TWITTER account?
Dear Bannersbroker, 2014, 27 january
I started my account on 27th of July 2012. It was a green package and started building. I did everything as I was told. Keep enough money in my ewallet to keep out of the negative, Reinvest as much as you can, create organic traffic and make campaigns and wait with withdrawing money until you can make regular monthly withdrawals.
I am not much of a networker so I have no referrals.
At this moment I have in active panels: In inactive panels I have:
2 red 1 black
2 green 2 blue
2 blue 4 purple
3 purple 4 yellow
5 yellow
I’ve got $740,- in my Ewallet and I am buying 9 tp’s each month. I am growing into my first activated black panel. Every time panels cap, I roll them up and buy new lower ones. So the black Panel is created out of three red ones and the lower panels are Re-Purchased.
With v3 coming on you tell me in basics to start all over again after building consciously my account for over 18 months. I have never made a withdrawal nor have I ever broken the rules, yet you say that if I want to continue in the new system, I can do so with only 10% of the money in my current Ewallet (which will be $74,-) pay a monthly fee of a $100,- and if I want to use the rest of the money I earned, I have to pay a 25% fee. Not only that, you are only willing to transfer a part of my unqualified panels (which will be in my case 4% of my black panel and none of the other panels) so you keep $2612,80 (that is 43,7% of my total inventory!)
So in summary it means I made from $500,- (the amount I started my account with) eventually $5980,- (Ewallet + unqualified and active panels) in 18 months (and you call that excessive earnings after countless hours of webinars, klicking, keeping up with the changes of the system, adapting my tactics, learning new skills, etc., etc.)
Yet to make a regular income out of it I need to keep on growing to at least one Prestige panel which means I need an active inventory of $15.000,-
This would have taken me at least another 2 years (wich I wouldn’t mind) IF you wouldn’t change the rules again (and this time afterwards!) While this is not enough you force me to pay more money and take my earned money and still you dare to call it a money earning system.
Please tell me, while I fully understand the necessary changes, how do you accountable this to yourself? And how can I possibly carry on with this originally outstanding program?
Regards ,
'... 90% of your BB2.9 funds will be in the legacy wallet.
Legacy wallet (for 90% of V2.9 funds) + V3 Ewallet (I guess for funds created within V3 not carried over from 2.9)
Each acts individually and you can only have 1 pending withdrawal from each, for $200, at any given time.
All your V2.9 pending withdrawals get reversed (regardless that they have been legally overdue for months and a year + by Chris), except your most earliest withdrawal will remain, which in 99% of the cases is the partial from March/April 2013 for people, unless they have a pending 4/5/6 figure amount from 2012/early 2013...'
Monday 13th January.
From a pro BB chat room:
David L Tree -
Friday 10th January.
Roll up , Roll up! For a bargain $5 you get a 'Rapid Winner Panel' and the chance to enter a WEEKLY $500 draw!
But since they are now MONTHS behind on payments, don't expect those winnings anytime soon!
($5 x 400,000 is... a nice little earner. Way to scam Chris, way to scam!)
Tuesday 7th January.
From todays Daily News:
Tuesday 7th January.
Where is the mass payout Chris PROMISED would be done to STP and PAYZA
for Christmas???
Tuesday 11th February:
This story is getting interesting!
It seems that TARGUS is actually OWNED by Chris Smith -
It appears that Banners Broker International Limited (“the Company”) is not only registered on the Isle of Man and Belize.
Christopher Smith is also sole Director...
Its sole shareholder is shown as:-
Targus Holdings Limited
303 Aarti Chambers
The current sole director of the Company is:-
Christopher SMITH
250 Jarvis St, suite 503
Canada M5B 2L2
It appears Chris is using another offshore company to liquidate BBI. That is probably why he made BBmobile a separate company. Close one down and continue scamming with another one.
Monday 10th Feb.
TARGUS INVESTMENTS LIMITED have applied to have Banners Broker International Limited liquidated.
The hearing is on February 26th at The High Court of Justice in The Isle of Man.
How much money have TARGUS invested in BB?
It must be a substantial amount for them to go to the trouble of a High Court order.
Targus are an international company. With shareholders. This could be the news we have been waiting for.
Friday 7th Feb
The latest wheeze to rid Banners Broker of those pesky affiliates who just WON'T comply and be POSITIVE about not getting paid for ELEVEN months: BAN THEM!
As of February 12, 2014, we will be taking a firmer stance against people that are speaking badly against Banners Broker. Affiliates found to be contributing to the negativity on the Internet will have their accounts locked, they will be banned fromparticipating in the Banners Broker system and they will forfeit all of their inventory and revenue. These terms have been in the Policies and Procedures since the inception of BB.
We are doing this to establish a more positive presence on the Internet. This brighter image will benefit us all; it will make sales easier, and you will be able to hold your head high when you tell people that you are a BB affiliate.
We can all choose our attitudes. Negative attitudes and actions are only good to bring people down. Positive attitudes help make people happier, improve the lives of people around us and let us make more of ourselves. Please join us in adopting the positive and sharing it with others.
From todays Banners Broker Facebook Page:
Gotta hand it to the Facebook admin team.
This statement is actually TRUE. Not ONE affiliate has been banned.
Tuesday 4th Feb 2013
Is that email Chris's 'get out of jail free' card?
When does Chris ever write emails? Especially emails that he knows perfectly well will be posted everywhere and read by a huge amount of people.
He has basically listed all the reasons why BB has supposedly failed.
Will he use this as an excuse to end this charade once and for all?
Monday 3rd Feb.
These are all the reasons why Chris hasn't paid you folks...the funniest excuse being this:
Sunday 2nd Feb
Banners Broker Facebook page 'likes' UseMyServices.
Look what they posted yesterday:
Saturday 1st Feb
Chris wants all his affiliates to be happy with V3.
Chris wants his leaders to be happy with V3.
His programmers haven't completed the work on time so Chris - being a considerate employer - has given them some more time.
(Wish my boss was that sympathetic!)
So what is V3 all about?
Nobody is really sure. There isn't ever any mention of ADVERTISING you see. Very strange. Especially as Banners Broker is supposed to be a, well, BROKER of advertising?
In a nutshell, this is Chris's new business plan. Hope you can understand it ok. It has taken weeks to finalise:
The V3 Banners Broker business plan:
Pay us $10 or we will close your account in 90 days.
The money you were supposed to have been paid by us has been cancelled.
You may now request $250 a week but you will have to wait behind 400,000 other affiliates before we pay you.
The current payout is once a month to as little affiliates as possible.
In order to get this amazing opportunity you must WORK for it. CLICK, CLICK. CLICK
on your fellow affiliates sites. You may vote for which ones are the best.
Hope thats clear!
Friday 31st January.
The launch of V3 has been delayed - I know, shocking! and SO unexpected!
This is a note from the webinar that Chris supposedly DIDN'T want you to see today!
Wednesday 29th January 2014
Dear Chris, a letter from one of loyal affiliates:
Dear Bannersbroker, 2014, 27 january
I started my account on 27th of July 2012. It was a green package and started building. I did everything as I was told. Keep enough money in my ewallet to keep out of the negative, Reinvest as much as you can, create organic traffic and make campaigns and wait with withdrawing money until you can make regular monthly withdrawals.
I am not much of a networker so I have no referrals.
At this moment I have in active panels: In inactive panels I have:
2 red 1 black
2 green 2 blue
2 blue 4 purple
3 purple 4 yellow
5 yellow
I’ve got $740,- in my Ewallet and I am buying 9 tp’s each month. I am growing into my first activated black panel. Every time panels cap, I roll them up and buy new lower ones. So the black Panel is created out of three red ones and the lower panels are Re-Purchased.
With v3 coming on you tell me in basics to start all over again after building consciously my account for over 18 months. I have never made a withdrawal nor have I ever broken the rules, yet you say that if I want to continue in the new system, I can do so with only 10% of the money in my current Ewallet (which will be $74,-) pay a monthly fee of a $100,- and if I want to use the rest of the money I earned, I have to pay a 25% fee. Not only that, you are only willing to transfer a part of my unqualified panels (which will be in my case 4% of my black panel and none of the other panels) so you keep $2612,80 (that is 43,7% of my total inventory!)
So in summary it means I made from $500,- (the amount I started my account with) eventually $5980,- (Ewallet + unqualified and active panels) in 18 months (and you call that excessive earnings after countless hours of webinars, klicking, keeping up with the changes of the system, adapting my tactics, learning new skills, etc., etc.)
Yet to make a regular income out of it I need to keep on growing to at least one Prestige panel which means I need an active inventory of $15.000,-
This would have taken me at least another 2 years (wich I wouldn’t mind) IF you wouldn’t change the rules again (and this time afterwards!) While this is not enough you force me to pay more money and take my earned money and still you dare to call it a money earning system.
Please tell me, while I fully understand the necessary changes, how do you accountable this to yourself? And how can I possibly carry on with this originally outstanding program?
Regards ,
Sunday 26th January 2014
A 'money-back' guarantee from Mark Ghobril.
Friday 24th January.
From this weeks webinar:'... 90% of your BB2.9 funds will be in the legacy wallet.
Legacy wallet (for 90% of V2.9 funds) + V3 Ewallet (I guess for funds created within V3 not carried over from 2.9)
Each acts individually and you can only have 1 pending withdrawal from each, for $200, at any given time.
All your V2.9 pending withdrawals get reversed (regardless that they have been legally overdue for months and a year + by Chris), except your most earliest withdrawal will remain, which in 99% of the cases is the partial from March/April 2013 for people, unless they have a pending 4/5/6 figure amount from 2012/early 2013...'
Sunday 19th January.
The Irish Gardia were investigating cases of complaints about Banners Broker in Ireland.
Some great news just in has confirmed that these complaints have been taken out of the Gardias hands and are now being investigated by the FINANCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY as an Illegal Investment Fraud.
Consumer Helpline on 0800 111 6768
Friday 17th January.
News from todays webinar is that V3 will be delayed by three weeks because the leaders and advisory board aren't happy with it...I'm shocked to hear this, totally shocked!
(Thats English sarcasm in case you thought I was being serious!)
Thursday 16th January.
The results of the court case were promising. The judge has declined Simon Stepsys request for a set aside of the original court judgement and he has also refused to award costs yet. There will be a high court case now so if you have given Simon CASH then please contact me asap so that we can use your testimonial in court.
Thank you.
Wednesday 15th January
World E Wallet is owned by Chris Smith. A source close to Chris Smith has given me this latest information:
'...Chris is making his money by channelling the money affiliates are giving him into high interest yield investments. These are going through the bank that supports WeW.
This is giving him a legitimate money source.'
Affiliates are 'invited' to keep there money in for long periods of time. 400,000 affiliates with an average spend of (£1000) is ALOT of interest!
Monday 13th January.
From a pro BB chat room:
David L Tree -
If Chris starts loosing affiliates it's game over, so that would not be part of the game plan, we do give value to the business, "without us there is no business", so he has to bear that in mind.
To encourage new members we have to feel positive about BB in order to recruit, there are many elements to be taken into account, it is a balancing act for all involved.
I am sure common sense will prevail and we will all ultimately be successful within the business otherwise a helluva lot of effort will have been wasted along with a lot of dreams and that would be a great shame.
So lets try to work together.
Of course as Sally and Emcee sing in the song
"Money makes the world go around",
But working BB sure beats sitting in your room listening to the Prophet of doom, so come on Chris and team let's hear the MUSIC PLAY and
bring on the " Caberet".
To encourage new members we have to feel positive about BB in order to recruit, there are many elements to be taken into account, it is a balancing act for all involved.
I am sure common sense will prevail and we will all ultimately be successful within the business otherwise a helluva lot of effort will have been wasted along with a lot of dreams and that would be a great shame.
So lets try to work together.
Of course as Sally and Emcee sing in the song
"Money makes the world go around",
But working BB sure beats sitting in your room listening to the Prophet of doom, so come on Chris and team let's hear the MUSIC PLAY and
bring on the " Caberet".
These people don't realise that THEY actually speak the truth!
Friday 10th January.
Roll up , Roll up! For a bargain $5 you get a 'Rapid Winner Panel' and the chance to enter a WEEKLY $500 draw!
But since they are now MONTHS behind on payments, don't expect those winnings anytime soon!
($5 x 400,000 is... a nice little earner. Way to scam Chris, way to scam!)
Tuesday 7th January.
From todays Daily News:
Tuesday 7th January.
Where is the mass payout Chris PROMISED would be done to STP and PAYZA
for Christmas???
Friday 3rd January.
I know your missing todays webinar, so I thought this video would cheer you up!
Tuesday 31st December
So you thought that you could withdraw money from WeW in MID January?
WRONG- Try the FIRST QUARTER of next year!
Saturday 21st December.
BELOW is a message dated October 17th from the source that told us about World e Wallet.
I have some updated information about the payment processor Banners Broker is developing. Since the name of payvalley has leaked, I presume they decided to rebrand. World eWallet. I am basically leaking you this information because, this is BB's exit strategy. It will probably come just in time for version 3. If i'm not mistaken, it will become the ONLY payment processor used by Banners Broker for affiliates to withdraw money. I hope you bring this to the attention of the hundreds of thousands of people being scammed by this operation. I hope these crooks are caught before they launder their illegitimate accumulation of wealth into a "legitimate business' aka World eWallet. Here is a link to their video promo. As you can probably notice, it uses the exact same animation as payvalley did.
Friday 20th December
(which incidentally, I disclosed way back in October!)
This processor is another shell company designed to launder money.
In the paper this morning, it says that Mark Zuckerberg is being sued because:
After Facebook's £9.7 billlion flotation, the stock took a battering as it became clear that it could not re-coup as much money from mobile advertising revenue as it could from online advertising.. UNQUOTE
so...if FACEBOOK can't make money on mobile advertising, how can BB hope to?
Tuesday 10th December
From Fridays Webinar:
'We are doing a payout for STP & Payza this weekend'.
Where is it?
Chris persistently LIES. Why do you stand for it?
Sunday 8th December
Oh what a tangled web we weave...
(Don River is to the bottom right of this screen just out of view)
Chris Smith is listed as director of PARROT MARKETING:
Chris also seems to have his finger in the DYZ MEDIA pie:
The above picture is the returns address from the pay check envelope of a copy writer employed online by DYZ media.
The Church Street address is where Chris Smith has his condos and office suites as posted on here earlier this year.
The 'S. KEEFE' mentioned is/was an editor and I have been asked to relay that this person is an innocent party.They have asked me to post this info with their blessing:
"There was a delay receiving monthly payment a few months ago, and rather than receive an electronic transfer as described, a paper cheque came days later in the mail. It was later revealed there had been a limit on transfers. A few weeks later, the site seemed to shut down and they stopped posting articles for weeks. No one told any writers what was going on, whether to keep posting, or if payment was coming for the submitted work. Eventually, vague word came that the WordPress site was 'down', and later a 'restructuring' was happening and a few people were fired and replaced. The cheques for that month were over two weeks late. Yesterday, writers across the DYZ Media sites received an email saying payroll is questioning the number of articles written. The whole thing has been very sloppy and stressful. Getting paid to write online is a hard gig to find, and people just want to write and get paid for their hard work."
I know your missing todays webinar, so I thought this video would cheer you up!
Tuesday 31st December
So you thought that you could withdraw money from WeW in MID January?
WRONG- Try the FIRST QUARTER of next year!
Saturday 21st December.
BELOW is a message dated October 17th from the source that told us about World e Wallet.
I have some updated information about the payment processor Banners Broker is developing. Since the name of payvalley has leaked, I presume they decided to rebrand. World eWallet. I am basically leaking you this information because, this is BB's exit strategy. It will probably come just in time for version 3. If i'm not mistaken, it will become the ONLY payment processor used by Banners Broker for affiliates to withdraw money. I hope you bring this to the attention of the hundreds of thousands of people being scammed by this operation. I hope these crooks are caught before they launder their illegitimate accumulation of wealth into a "legitimate business' aka World eWallet. Here is a link to their video promo. As you can probably notice, it uses the exact same animation as payvalley did.
Friday 20th December
(which incidentally, I disclosed way back in October!)
This processor is another shell company designed to launder money.
In the paper this morning, it says that Mark Zuckerberg is being sued because:
After Facebook's £9.7 billlion flotation, the stock took a battering as it became clear that it could not re-coup as much money from mobile advertising revenue as it could from online advertising.. UNQUOTE
so...if FACEBOOK can't make money on mobile advertising, how can BB hope to?
Tuesday 10th December
From Fridays Webinar:
'We are doing a payout for STP & Payza this weekend'.
Where is it?
Chris persistently LIES. Why do you stand for it?
Sunday 8th December
Oh what a tangled web we weave...
(Don River is to the bottom right of this screen just out of view)
Chris Smith is listed as director of PARROT MARKETING:
Whose address they share with:
Chris also seems to have his finger in the DYZ MEDIA pie:
The above picture is the returns address from the pay check envelope of a copy writer employed online by DYZ media.
The Church Street address is where Chris Smith has his condos and office suites as posted on here earlier this year.
The 'S. KEEFE' mentioned is/was an editor and I have been asked to relay that this person is an innocent party.They have asked me to post this info with their blessing:
"There was a delay receiving monthly payment a few months ago, and rather than receive an electronic transfer as described, a paper cheque came days later in the mail. It was later revealed there had been a limit on transfers. A few weeks later, the site seemed to shut down and they stopped posting articles for weeks. No one told any writers what was going on, whether to keep posting, or if payment was coming for the submitted work. Eventually, vague word came that the WordPress site was 'down', and later a 'restructuring' was happening and a few people were fired and replaced. The cheques for that month were over two weeks late. Yesterday, writers across the DYZ Media sites received an email saying payroll is questioning the number of articles written. The whole thing has been very sloppy and stressful. Getting paid to write online is a hard gig to find, and people just want to write and get paid for their hard work."
The Linked In info below is from another writer employed by DYZ MEDIA to write blogs. I have been contacted personally by TWO of them so far and have found out that MANY were employed over a long period of time.
Saturday 7th December.
This was posted on my 'This Is Money' Daily Mail thread in March this year.
But look what just turned up on the TALKING BB FORUM!:
My mobile phone has had access to the internet for years. The same internet that the MAIN BANNERS BROKER site is supposed to be displaying millions of ads on ALREADY.
And why does this MAGIC NEW BUSINESS suddenly have NO payment issues.
Because you are tied, once again to leaving your money in. Which means there is fresh money into the system to pay previous withdrawal requests.
Which, incidentially, is how a PONZI works!
From the Official Facebook page:
Should be a continuous cycle surely? Have adverts STOPPED all of a sudden?
Wednesday 4th December.
BB are launching another way to get some fresh money from you:
Note its signed RON ANDERSON? Why not Chris?
If you try for a chargeback on your account, this is what happens:
By requesting a chargeback for monies paid to Banners Broker, you are effectively closing your account. Many people have messaged me to ask how to do this, so chargeback seems a far simpler option than writing to Belize!
Tuesday 3rd December
I've been contacted by somebody who earns their living developing Anti-hacking software. This person has managed to hack into Banners Broker main computer and this is what they found.
1/ It was EASY to get into.
2/ There are TWO main admin accounts accessed by two 'foreign sounding email addresses'.
5/ The panels move manually.
6/ There is NO evidence of any payment software linked to any accounts.
7/ There are NO payment storage details.
......more details to follow shortly.
This confirms what we have known all along:
There are NO advertising platforms, NO publishers, its all a giant computer game which you've have been pouring money into. And we all know that Chris does payments MANUALLY so the database is completely separate from panel movement.
And if MONEY isn't linked to PANELS MOVING then this 'business' can't possibly be driven by
how many clicks/impressions etc etc happen.
Which proves conclusively that this is a SCAM!
This information can not be verified. There are only TWO people who know whether this information is true or false.
And they are the people who matter.
Friday 29th November.
This weeks webinar was done by Chris's side kick Ron Anderson. Who seems to love speaking in lo....n....g pau....s....es. It makes the webinar last longer! His news is that all the people who have requested payouts from months back will be disregarded and they will, instead, only get a $250 payout from October's request.
Didn't do a request in October? Oh dear....
There is also another STP lie. STP confirmed in SEPTEMBER that there were NO issues with Banners Broker.
From September 27th:
Thursday 28th November.
Homeland Securities has frozen the payment processor that Payza used to pay people in America. Chris will undoubtably use this information to delay payments. He'll have to re-do his excel spreadsheet for a start!
But as BB isn't big in America (the Americans would have him in jail by now if they were!) It shouldn't make any difference to the regular payments he PROMISED should it.
This was posted on my 'This Is Money' Daily Mail thread in March this year.
But look what just turned up on the TALKING BB FORUM!:
My mobile phone has had access to the internet for years. The same internet that the MAIN BANNERS BROKER site is supposed to be displaying millions of ads on ALREADY.
And why does this MAGIC NEW BUSINESS suddenly have NO payment issues.
Because you are tied, once again to leaving your money in. Which means there is fresh money into the system to pay previous withdrawal requests.
Which, incidentially, is how a PONZI works!
From the Official Facebook page:
Should be a continuous cycle surely? Have adverts STOPPED all of a sudden?
BB are launching another way to get some fresh money from you:
If you try for a chargeback on your account, this is what happens:
By requesting a chargeback for monies paid to Banners Broker, you are effectively closing your account. Many people have messaged me to ask how to do this, so chargeback seems a far simpler option than writing to Belize!
Tuesday 3rd December
I've been contacted by somebody who earns their living developing Anti-hacking software. This person has managed to hack into Banners Broker main computer and this is what they found.
1/ It was EASY to get into.
2/ There are TWO main admin accounts accessed by two 'foreign sounding email addresses'.
5/ The panels move manually.
6/ There is NO evidence of any payment software linked to any accounts.
7/ There are NO payment storage details.
......more details to follow shortly.
This confirms what we have known all along:
There are NO advertising platforms, NO publishers, its all a giant computer game which you've have been pouring money into. And we all know that Chris does payments MANUALLY so the database is completely separate from panel movement.
And if MONEY isn't linked to PANELS MOVING then this 'business' can't possibly be driven by
how many clicks/impressions etc etc happen.
Which proves conclusively that this is a SCAM!
This information can not be verified. There are only TWO people who know whether this information is true or false.
And they are the people who matter.
Friday 29th November.
This weeks webinar was done by Chris's side kick Ron Anderson. Who seems to love speaking in lo....n....g pau....s....es. It makes the webinar last longer! His news is that all the people who have requested payouts from months back will be disregarded and they will, instead, only get a $250 payout from October's request.
Didn't do a request in October? Oh dear....
There is also another STP lie. STP confirmed in SEPTEMBER that there were NO issues with Banners Broker.
From September 27th:
Thursday 28th November.
Homeland Securities has frozen the payment processor that Payza used to pay people in America. Chris will undoubtably use this information to delay payments. He'll have to re-do his excel spreadsheet for a start!
But as BB isn't big in America (the Americans would have him in jail by now if they were!) It shouldn't make any difference to the regular payments he PROMISED should it.
Sunday 24th November.
...but hold that front page. This is the first PAYZA payout since MARCH and everybody except the Indian affiliates are jumping up and down with the excitement of it! In their exuberance they have failed to grasp that:
a/ its a small payout and doesn't even BEGIN to cover there previous pending withdrawals and b/, this is simply NEW money that other poor suckers have recently handed over.
Again and again, I go back to the obvious but I'll repeat it anyway.
Banners Broker are supposed to be a broker between advertisers and publishers. They take a cut from this simple transaction and then are charitable enough to pass some onto there affiliates. Sounds simple doesn't it?
Except that if Banners Broker WERE real we wouldn't have this charade of 'who got paid?' EVERYBODY would be paid on time and directly into there bank accounts - just like Google do with ADSENSE. Can you imagine if GOOGLE didn't pay? There would be uproar!
Wednesday 20th November.
I've been involved in fighting Banners Broker for nearly a year now. From the first time I read Finches blog (way back in January of this year) to now, I've made it my own personal crusade to shout out to the world that Banners Broker are a scam and to work hard at stopping as many people as possible from joining.
I know also that many people have managed to get back there original stake from their banks and credit card companies through my own efforts and from many others who shout as loud as I do. We all want to help you. But you, in turn, must help us.
The police ARE investigating Banners Broker but they need COMPLAINTS from you to proceed.
The banks/credit card companies will investigate Banners Broker if enough people claim for a 'chargeback'.
The media WILL get involved if enough of you contact them to complain.
Until that day comes, Banners Broker will continue to stall for time. There ultimate goal is to reduce all your accounts to NEGATIVE so that Chris and Raj and all the others complicit in this fraud can just walk away with a nice sum of money. YOUR money.
Don't let them get away with it..
Sunday 18th November.
I found the Facebook page of Alan Sils and asked him some perfectly legitimate questions about Banners Broker but of course, he banned me. So Alan, if your reading, my right of reply is this:
1. Which part of this blog isn't honest Al? I haven't made one cent from what I do, unlike you Alan.
2. I DO have an agenda Alan. To expose Banners Broker for the scam it is.
3. You are NOT only an affiliate Alan. You REPRESENT THE COMPANY WITH YOUR INFINITE AMOUNT OF VIDEOS. And you have admitted on video that you have access to Chris Smiths INNER CIRCLE. Ordinary affiliates do NOT have this access Al.
4. BB affiliates have not made REAL money. Its money STOLEN from new affiliates who have yet to see a penny from there 'investment'.
5. 'Don't fund an account with the rent money'?. Nope, use your life savings/morgage money/ISA accounts/ inheritance. You aren't seriously telling us that you've refused an account on the grounds that the affiliate can't afford it???
6. 'It takes time to earn with BB'. WHY? There business model is supposed to be a broker of advertising space. A VERY lucrative market. And yet...no significant payments for NINE MONTHS!
Friday 15th November.
There will be weekly tasks to carry out. These may include You tube videos, websites to view and clicking on banners. The purpose is to show that people are active on their accounts. This is a business and should be treated as such.
Thursday 14th November.
I have had some insider information that when V3 finally launches, PAYZA and STP will be dropped and WORLD E WALLET will be the only processor available.
This means, I'm guessing, that all previous withdrawals will be cancelled and the slate wiped clean. And, of course, it also means that you will have to upload all your ID again.
Wednesday 13th November.
Unfortunately they have to perform 1725 tasks first before the V3 launch can complete! (trying really hard to type this and not fall off my chair laughing!)
But not to worry, there highly skilled programmers are completing these difficult tasks at a rate of 25 a day! They are SO clever aren't they? They are currently on task 416#. Way to go guys!
Monday 11th November
We want to say Thanks!
The Beta test period has come to an end.
We want to express our sincere appreciation to everyone that has assisted us in the process of making Banner Broker v3 the best platform yet. We couldn't have done it without all of your help and participation.
We are glad that you could be a part of this with us. The next time you see this, it will be with the launch of Version 3.
The BB Team
Monday 4th November.
Wednesday 30th October
This is the first video that Banners Broker produced, nearly three years ago.
It proves that BB have lied about:
Chris Smith - he is NOT the man in this video!
Raj was the Head of Marketing at BB when this video was made, NOT Stellarpoint!
Kul and Chris formed BB, NOT Raj as he stated on a previous video.
And they have LIED about the ad networks.
A company that is REALLY an ad broker would NOT have problems paying people.
Google makes MILLIONS doing the exact same thing and it has NO problems paying its bloggers through ADSENSE, DIRECTLY into there valued customers bank accounts.
WHY cant BB do the same?
Because its a SCAM. The money is all sitting in Chris's Belize account at Choice Bank.
YOUR money on the screen is just that - numbers on a screen. Completely worthless.
Tuesday 29th October.
All those 'thousands' of propaganda videos made in return for 'beta testing' have found a home. Yep...BB TV has returned!
Wednesday 23rd October.
This reporter is investigating Banners Broker and needs YOUR help.
PLEASE contact him with your stories of BB:
Sean O'Shea
Consumer Investigative Reporter
Global TV News Canada
+1 416 446 5467 direct office
Thursday 17th October.
Or maybe THIS is there new PAYMENT PROCESSOR?
Wednesday 16th October.
So...is this
Many thanks to 'BEACON' over at REALSCAM
for this information on INDIA:
Domain ID:D5409806-AFIN
Created On:20-Oct-2011 20:50:10 UTC
Last Updated On:07-Jul-2013 18:42:48 UTC
Expiration Date:20-Oct-2013 20:50:10 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Tucows Inc. (R119-AFIN)
Registrant ID:tulXBdlQrlm9OwBj
Registrant Name:Ana Onofre
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street1:Albufeira
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Albufeira
Registrant State/Province:Faro
Registrant Postal Code:8200
Registrant Country:PT
Registrant Phone:+351.931150970
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email:
Admin ID:tuGpylu0lyRJXGee
Admin Name:Ana Onofre
Admin Organization:
Admin Street1:Albufeira
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Albufeira
Admin State/Province:Faro
Admin Postal Code:8200
Admin Country:PT
Admin Phone:+351.931150970
I see she is still seems to be operating out of Portugal So I looked up her case
The District and Subordinate Judiciary of North Goa
Search the case status -party name - use "bento"and for court complex - civil and criminal panaji
You will note
CRMA / 243 / 2013 - Pending (Final Hearing) -
Sunday 13th October.
Saturday 28th September 2013
Raj said that people wouldn't like changing. He was right...
Affiliates say it way better than we ever can. Thanks Leny.
In recent months Banners Broker has repeatedly made headlines – unfortunately not in a positive sense. Just recently OBTAINER reported in detail about current developments concerning the company, which markets advertising using an MLM model. In addition to the recurrent allegations that Banners Broker is a fraudulent pyramid scheme, affiliates of the company have announced on the internet that their commissions have not been paid completely, or not on time, or in some cases not at all.
Now the Irish Examiner has published a report which says that Banners Broker is officially withdrawing from Ireland. The business relationship with the Irish Country Manager, Paul McCarthy, has been ended – with immediate effect queries should be directed to the office in the Central American country Belize. For the time being the repayment of investments made by the Irish affiliates has been bound to strict conditions. Whether all the affiliates will recover their money in full appears, however, to be doubtful in view of the current situation.
By his own account Paul McCarthy, Banners Broker's Country Manager in Ireland, learned about the decision to terminate business in Ireland at extremely short notice: “Business relations and contracts were terminated overnight. All support is now being handled via the office in Belize.”
McCarthy is owner of the company Maconne Online Marketing. As Banners Broker's Country Manager he had held numerous information meeting on the Emerald Isle and allegedly was able to recruit between 10,000 and 15,000 affiliates for the MLM company, which has in the meantime begun to appear quite dubious. In view of the great success McCarthy opened an office in Cork and hired 15 employees.
“In the last month my life has been turned completely upside down and Banners Broker's withdrawal from Ireland has already caused me a world of hassle,” said Paul McCarthy. However, in the past McCarthy has drawn attention to Banners Broker less because it offers such an innovative business model than because of over-exaggerated promises of profits. “If you are in this room tonight and you are an affiliate with Banners Broker, after seven days you’re making money. […] Every day you're with Banners Broker you'll go to bed at night and next day you'll wake up richer,” said McCarthy literally at a meeting in the Irish city of Cork. There was talk of profits of up to 400%.
The meeting was secretly filmed by a journalist so that Banners Broker's company management was unable to downplay the incident, and instead came under pressure to provide an explanation.
Current developments give grounds to believe that Paul McCarthy has been made a scapegoat. However, far more important at the moment is to what extent the Irish affiliates can hope to get their money back.
McCarthy has declared that the affiliates will get their money back, but not all at once. Those who've already received part of their investment will be placed in line after those who haven't received any money yet. In addition Banners Broker has allegedly placed a limit of US$250 on withdrawals from affiliates' accounts.
“My phone is ringing 24/7. I am just telling them what I can but it’s a mess. Chris Smith [the general manager] is still giving a [web seminar] every Friday and there are details on that about what is happening, so I am giving that back to people,” said Paul McCarthy.
According to the company, in November 2012 after a promotion tour there were already 9,000 affiliates registered in Ireland. Many of these affiliates had invested tens of thousands of euros in the company. However, in general Banners Broker has always been very reticent as far as the publication of concrete figures is concerned. Thus at no point in time have there been exact details on the part of the company about the investments made by Irish affiliates. On top of that, the company has maintained a very low profile about which websites have actually booked the company's online advertising.
The allegation that Banners Broker is a fraudulent pyramid system isn't new. In Canada the company is already being officially investigated and also in India investigations are being carried out into illegal business practices. The company itself has always denied that it's operating a pyramid scheme even though CEO Rajiv Dixit has been connected with a now defunct company that operated an illegal business model.
Banners Broker itself has made no further statements about its withdrawal from Ireland; instead the company has issued the following press release: “All support queries will now be handled by Banners Broker International. All existing queries have been forwarded and will be processed by the Belize office directly.”
The actual reasons for the withdrawal from Ireland remain obscure. However, it can't be discounted that through the aggressive and grandiose promises made by Paul McCarthy the company has been thrust into the public eye – which may not have been desired in this way. However, at the moment the most urgent questions is: Will the Irish affiliates get their money back? The response to this question will be the benchmark against which Banners Broker will have to measure itself if it wishes to prove that it's a credible and serious company.
Related News
Another Blow for Banners Broker - 28 March 2013
Banners Broker – Game Over? - 12 August 2013
- See more at: http://www.obtainer-online.com/news/en/banners-broker-withdraws-from-ireland-irish-affiliates-hope-to-recover-their-investments.html#sthash.nUs1j38S.dpuf
From Sundays Editon of Irelands Sunday News...
She will not deal with any questions from victims,
She will not deal with requests for refunds.
She will not arbitrate, negotiate, or present your complaints to BB.
What she will do, is:
1/ Pass on any specific complaints to Banners Broker’s customer service department.
2/defend BB against any claims, in Supreme Court of Belize
In her own words "All claims against Banners Broker must be filed in the Supreme Court of Belize"
(Many thanks to Jan Blatt for this information)
Coleman Ohagan
Amazing no payouts for people who never made a withdrawal before yet this is really becoming a joke excuse after excuse from BBI whats the point in having 1000,s in our ewallet if we cant get access to it
every webinar for the pass 4 weeks we were told that payouts were going out in fact the last webinar on fri with CS he stated that payouts would go out over the weekend which hasnt happened
At this point this is really becoming a complete JOKE
ive been in BB for over 12 mts never made a withdrawal untill 5 weeks ago now i cant access it
Is this how BB repay us for our loyality and time & effort we put into building there bank accounts
do they really understand the issuses this has cause people i had left my full time job after buiulding my BB account now ive had to go back to Full time employment its a complete Joke & im fed up with all the lies
plus i have lost good freindships of people who had trusted me and got involved with BBI
Its about time that CS follows though on his words & pays the withdrawals he cant expect people to wait untill Oct to get paid with V.3.0
hold on a min ill tel the bank & electric company oh hold on till Oct then ill pay you we need money to pay the bills , eat , look after our families etc i bet CS isnt struggling to pay the bills with access to our money
i had helped a good freind of mind who is 73 build up his account to 1000 a month ( not a massive account) but as has he just recovered from cancer and isnt getting a large pension i worked and helped him over 6 months to build his account
he made a withdrawal back in April still cant access it This was a long time freind who trusted me he has falling behind on his bills etc and is now struggling to keep his head above water
THis is the reality of what CS is causing plus ive lost the friendship & repect , trust of this close friend
Its about time he stops with the BS and takes real action and pays people the money they are owed
...but hold that front page. This is the first PAYZA payout since MARCH and everybody except the Indian affiliates are jumping up and down with the excitement of it! In their exuberance they have failed to grasp that:
a/ its a small payout and doesn't even BEGIN to cover there previous pending withdrawals and b/, this is simply NEW money that other poor suckers have recently handed over.
Again and again, I go back to the obvious but I'll repeat it anyway.
Banners Broker are supposed to be a broker between advertisers and publishers. They take a cut from this simple transaction and then are charitable enough to pass some onto there affiliates. Sounds simple doesn't it?
Except that if Banners Broker WERE real we wouldn't have this charade of 'who got paid?' EVERYBODY would be paid on time and directly into there bank accounts - just like Google do with ADSENSE. Can you imagine if GOOGLE didn't pay? There would be uproar!
Wednesday 20th November.
I've been involved in fighting Banners Broker for nearly a year now. From the first time I read Finches blog (way back in January of this year) to now, I've made it my own personal crusade to shout out to the world that Banners Broker are a scam and to work hard at stopping as many people as possible from joining.
I know also that many people have managed to get back there original stake from their banks and credit card companies through my own efforts and from many others who shout as loud as I do. We all want to help you. But you, in turn, must help us.
The police ARE investigating Banners Broker but they need COMPLAINTS from you to proceed.
The banks/credit card companies will investigate Banners Broker if enough people claim for a 'chargeback'.
The media WILL get involved if enough of you contact them to complain.
Until that day comes, Banners Broker will continue to stall for time. There ultimate goal is to reduce all your accounts to NEGATIVE so that Chris and Raj and all the others complicit in this fraud can just walk away with a nice sum of money. YOUR money.
Don't let them get away with it..
Sunday 18th November.
I found the Facebook page of Alan Sils and asked him some perfectly legitimate questions about Banners Broker but of course, he banned me. So Alan, if your reading, my right of reply is this:
1. Which part of this blog isn't honest Al? I haven't made one cent from what I do, unlike you Alan.
2. I DO have an agenda Alan. To expose Banners Broker for the scam it is.
3. You are NOT only an affiliate Alan. You REPRESENT THE COMPANY WITH YOUR INFINITE AMOUNT OF VIDEOS. And you have admitted on video that you have access to Chris Smiths INNER CIRCLE. Ordinary affiliates do NOT have this access Al.
4. BB affiliates have not made REAL money. Its money STOLEN from new affiliates who have yet to see a penny from there 'investment'.
5. 'Don't fund an account with the rent money'?. Nope, use your life savings/morgage money/ISA accounts/ inheritance. You aren't seriously telling us that you've refused an account on the grounds that the affiliate can't afford it???
6. 'It takes time to earn with BB'. WHY? There business model is supposed to be a broker of advertising space. A VERY lucrative market. And yet...no significant payments for NINE MONTHS!
Friday 15th November.
There will be weekly tasks to carry out. These may include You tube videos, websites to view and clicking on banners. The purpose is to show that people are active on their accounts. This is a business and should be treated as such.
So folks, not only are you being scammed you have to work extra hard for the privilege...
And for all your efforts you will be paid SOON.
Thursday 14th November.
I have had some insider information that when V3 finally launches, PAYZA and STP will be dropped and WORLD E WALLET will be the only processor available.
This means, I'm guessing, that all previous withdrawals will be cancelled and the slate wiped clean. And, of course, it also means that you will have to upload all your ID again.
Wednesday 13th November.
Unfortunately they have to perform 1725 tasks first before the V3 launch can complete! (trying really hard to type this and not fall off my chair laughing!)
But not to worry, there highly skilled programmers are completing these difficult tasks at a rate of 25 a day! They are SO clever aren't they? They are currently on task 416#. Way to go guys!
Monday 11th November
We want to say Thanks!
The Beta test period has come to an end.
We want to express our sincere appreciation to everyone that has assisted us in the process of making Banner Broker v3 the best platform yet. We couldn't have done it without all of your help and participation.
We are glad that you could be a part of this with us. The next time you see this, it will be with the launch of Version 3.
The BB Team
Monday 4th November.
Wednesday 30th October
This is the first video that Banners Broker produced, nearly three years ago.
It proves that BB have lied about:
Chris Smith - he is NOT the man in this video!
Raj was the Head of Marketing at BB when this video was made, NOT Stellarpoint!
Kul and Chris formed BB, NOT Raj as he stated on a previous video.
And they have LIED about the ad networks.
A company that is REALLY an ad broker would NOT have problems paying people.
Google makes MILLIONS doing the exact same thing and it has NO problems paying its bloggers through ADSENSE, DIRECTLY into there valued customers bank accounts.
WHY cant BB do the same?
Because its a SCAM. The money is all sitting in Chris's Belize account at Choice Bank.
YOUR money on the screen is just that - numbers on a screen. Completely worthless.
Tuesday 29th October.
All those 'thousands' of propaganda videos made in return for 'beta testing' have found a home. Yep...BB TV has returned!
Wednesday 23rd October.
This reporter is investigating Banners Broker and needs YOUR help.
PLEASE contact him with your stories of BB:
Sean O'Shea
Consumer Investigative Reporter
Global TV News Canada
+1 416 446 5467 direct office
I have had this message from a disgruntled affiliate in Canada who has helpfully sent me links to the Canadian Media. They are VERY interested to hear from you all:
***************************BREAKING NEWS******************************
The Husband of Ana Alves - the BB leader in India, has been arrested for assaulting her!
Tuesday 22nd October.
This statement was released by Banners Broker to the Irish media at the time of Paul McCarthys demise:
'Banners Broker had vigorously denied it was a pyramid scheme, but has told investors its current difficulties arose because of a failure to attract enough new entrants'.
I have had this message from a disgruntled affiliate in Canada who has helpfully sent me links to the Canadian Media. They are VERY interested to hear from you all:
I asked some simple questions and didnt get a proper answer and then banned from asking questions. Ive had enough of this Banners Broker Bullshit So I contacted the Toronto Media, CTV News, Toronto, Global news Toronto, CBC news toronto here are some contact emails
My subject Line Super Online Ponzi Scheme Warning for Canadians possible $450+ million owed
Sean Oshea Investigative reporter SOS
Question or comment regarding Consumer SOS?
Email Sean O'Shea at sos@globaltv.com or call 1-866-SOS-1414.
News tips/photos/videos: newstips@globaltv.com
By phone:
My subject Line Super Online Ponzi Scheme Warning for Canadians possible $450+ million owed
Sean Oshea Investigative reporter SOS
Question or comment regarding Consumer SOS?
Email Sean O'Shea at sos@globaltv.com or call 1-866-SOS-1414.
News tips/photos/videos: newstips@globaltv.com
By phone:
***************************BREAKING NEWS******************************
The Husband of Ana Alves - the BB leader in India, has been arrested for assaulting her!
Tuesday 22nd October.
This statement was released by Banners Broker to the Irish media at the time of Paul McCarthys demise:
'Banners Broker had vigorously denied it was a pyramid scheme, but has told investors its current difficulties arose because of a failure to attract enough new entrants'.
If Banners Broker WERE a real ad broker as they claim to be, renting out advertising space on 200,000 websites, then WHY do they need to attract affiliates anyway?
Monday 21st October.
From The Official Facebook Page:
IT are aware of the recent issues accessing the site and we apologise for any inconvenience. This is due to increased traffic to the site, especially around times when the engine has completed its run.
Work on v3 continues and we expect that the recent 502 errors should not be an issue when v3 goes live.
Since the Facebook team took over the running of this page, we have aimed to keep the information flowing and handle low level queries.
We have grown by over 4,000 'likes' and will shortly pass the 25,000 mark!
We would like to take the time to remind our followers how this page is managed.
Comments are moderated automatically based on keywords and in line with Facebook and BB's Terms and Conditions.
Monday 21st October.
From The Official Facebook Page:
IT are aware of the recent issues accessing the site and we apologise for any inconvenience. This is due to increased traffic to the site, especially around times when the engine has completed its run.
Work on v3 continues and we expect that the recent 502 errors should not be an issue when v3 goes live.
Since the Facebook team took over the running of this page, we have aimed to keep the information flowing and handle low level queries.
We have grown by over 4,000 'likes' and will shortly pass the 25,000 mark!
We would like to take the time to remind our followers how this page is managed.
Comments are moderated automatically based on keywords and in line with Facebook and BB's Terms and Conditions.
NB.Facebook only ban swearing and offensive comments...Its only BB that are offended by the 'when am I going to be paid?' comments.
As we have continually posted, BB fully acknowledge a delay in payments and have never hidden from the fact.
We are trying to have a helpful and interactive Facebook page and posts of "When will I be paid" are automatically hidden. They serve no purpose as we can not answer them. While we totally understand and share the frustrations of affiliates, we have to be proactive and keep the information flowing - not be bogged down by the same posts time and time again.
We want visitors to this page to be able to see quickly what is going on and read relevant comments to a topic - anything else is a distraction and unhelpful.
As we said at the beginning, BB openly acknowledge the payment delays are are certainly not hiding anything - we are just being practical in how the FB team do our job.
We would like to thank you all for the kind words and more importantly passing the information on to your own affiliates. It has been some time, if at all ever, that BB have had this many lines of open communication.
We will post site and payment updates as soon as they become available.
Have a great week,
BBFB Team.
As we have continually posted, BB fully acknowledge a delay in payments and have never hidden from the fact.
We are trying to have a helpful and interactive Facebook page and posts of "When will I be paid" are automatically hidden. They serve no purpose as we can not answer them. While we totally understand and share the frustrations of affiliates, we have to be proactive and keep the information flowing - not be bogged down by the same posts time and time again.
We want visitors to this page to be able to see quickly what is going on and read relevant comments to a topic - anything else is a distraction and unhelpful.
As we said at the beginning, BB openly acknowledge the payment delays are are certainly not hiding anything - we are just being practical in how the FB team do our job.
We would like to thank you all for the kind words and more importantly passing the information on to your own affiliates. It has been some time, if at all ever, that BB have had this many lines of open communication.
We will post site and payment updates as soon as they become available.
Have a great week,
BBFB Team.
So, you ungrateful lot, don't you dare ask when you will be paid!
Thursday 17th October.
Or maybe THIS is there new PAYMENT PROCESSOR?
Wednesday 16th October.
So...is this
Many thanks to 'BEACON' over at REALSCAM
for this information on INDIA:
Domain ID:D5409806-AFIN
Created On:20-Oct-2011 20:50:10 UTC
Last Updated On:07-Jul-2013 18:42:48 UTC
Expiration Date:20-Oct-2013 20:50:10 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Tucows Inc. (R119-AFIN)
Registrant ID:tulXBdlQrlm9OwBj
Registrant Name:Ana Onofre
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street1:Albufeira
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Albufeira
Registrant State/Province:Faro
Registrant Postal Code:8200
Registrant Country:PT
Registrant Phone:+351.931150970
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email:
Admin ID:tuGpylu0lyRJXGee
Admin Name:Ana Onofre
Admin Organization:
Admin Street1:Albufeira
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Albufeira
Admin State/Province:Faro
Admin Postal Code:8200
Admin Country:PT
Admin Phone:+351.931150970
I see she is still seems to be operating out of Portugal So I looked up her case
The District and Subordinate Judiciary of North Goa
Search the case status -party name - use "bento"and for court complex - civil and criminal panaji
You will note
CRMA / 243 / 2013 - Pending (Final Hearing) -
Thursday, October 17, 2013 in the Evening Session
An update on this case:
She was allowed to travel to Portugal for two weeks. Apparently around that time she went to Manchester.
She then seemed to have returned to India since ther is another judgement wher she want to leave for two months this time.
Registered on:23.04.2013
Decided on:02.05.2013
9. If it is the case of the applicant that she has to renew a passport and visa then the Investigating Officer to obtain a notarized copy of the passport and visa after comparing with the originals. If it is the case of the applicant that an amount of Rs.2,00,000/- is in the court then the same amount to be continued as a security.
(That is abut £3,000)
The application is granted.
The applicant is permitted to travel to Portugal for a period of two months from the date of this order on the following conditions.
1. The applicant to furnish personal bond of Rs.2,00,000/-.
The deposit made by the applicant in criminal misc application no.47/13/C deposited on 20.2.2013 under
receipt no.189901 be continued. The Chief Judaical Magistrate, Panaji, the Judaical Magistrate First Class, “Ccourt, Panaji and the nazir to be informed about the continuation of the security deposit in the present case.
2. The applicant shall furnish her address, contact numbers, and other details to the court and Investigating Officer and also informed the Investigating Officer about any change in
the details.
3. The applicant shall return to Goa within the period of two months and shall report Investigating Officer on 2nd July 2013 at 10.00 a.m.
4. The Investigating Officer to released the passport to the applicant to enable her to travel abroad. The Investigating Officer to obtain notarized copy of the passport.
5. The applicant on her return to Goa shall deposit her passport with the Investigating Officer.
An update on this case:
She was allowed to travel to Portugal for two weeks. Apparently around that time she went to Manchester.
She then seemed to have returned to India since ther is another judgement wher she want to leave for two months this time.
Registered on:23.04.2013
Decided on:02.05.2013
9. If it is the case of the applicant that she has to renew a passport and visa then the Investigating Officer to obtain a notarized copy of the passport and visa after comparing with the originals. If it is the case of the applicant that an amount of Rs.2,00,000/- is in the court then the same amount to be continued as a security.
(That is abut £3,000)
The application is granted.
The applicant is permitted to travel to Portugal for a period of two months from the date of this order on the following conditions.
1. The applicant to furnish personal bond of Rs.2,00,000/-.
The deposit made by the applicant in criminal misc application no.47/13/C deposited on 20.2.2013 under
receipt no.189901 be continued. The Chief Judaical Magistrate, Panaji, the Judaical Magistrate First Class, “Ccourt, Panaji and the nazir to be informed about the continuation of the security deposit in the present case.
2. The applicant shall furnish her address, contact numbers, and other details to the court and Investigating Officer and also informed the Investigating Officer about any change in
the details.
3. The applicant shall return to Goa within the period of two months and shall report Investigating Officer on 2nd July 2013 at 10.00 a.m.
4. The Investigating Officer to released the passport to the applicant to enable her to travel abroad. The Investigating Officer to obtain notarized copy of the passport.
5. The applicant on her return to Goa shall deposit her passport with the Investigating Officer.
Monday 14th October
I received a message this morning from an anonymous affiliate who wanted to know why I hide behind a name. This is what this person said:
Tell the world your real name, why are you hiding under an alias? Chris Smith hasn’t, in my experience, a real scammer doesn’t put his face and real name out in the public domain.
I received a message this morning from an anonymous affiliate who wanted to know why I hide behind a name. This is what this person said:
Tell the world your real name, why are you hiding under an alias? Chris Smith hasn’t, in my experience, a real scammer doesn’t put his face and real name out in the public domain.
My obvious answer to this idiot is that I am NOT a scammer so my real name is not important, BUT this statement is actually correct. A real scammer probably WOULDN'T put there REAL name out there if people could see his face. Which begs the question?
We have ZERO information on him, other than he is a black guy with a permanent cough who is always late for his webinars!
This is the 'white man' version that Banners Broker started with originally...Who then under went a serious make-over to become a different colour/weight/shoe size!
He appeared as if by magic in September 2010.
No History. No known previous business background. No address. No D.O.B. A complete non person. The only person who knew Chris previously was RAJ... TWELVE years previously. Why would he keep all this secret?
Perhaps Mr/Mrs Anon you could tell me who the REAL Chris Smith is? Because, after all, you read all about BB before you joined didn't you? And you wouldn't be stupid enough to hand over thousands of pounds to a company whose CEO was actually a 'NOBODY' now would you?
Sunday 13th October.
WHAT BB staff in Canada?
Stellarpoint and Banners Broker have parted company and you are supposed to be in BELIZE now according to your website?
Saturday 12th October.
Finally, nearly ONE MONTH after Banners Broker said they wanted Beta testers, you are now invited to apply. PROVIDED you make a propaganda video for Banners Broker first.
Saturday 5th October.
'SHORTLY' in Banners Broker dictionary can mean 'weeks/months/years...
Wednesday 2nd October.
This is a warning to all those recruiters out there who have willingly enticed innocent people into this PONZI...you WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT!
(thanks to PatrickPretty for this info)
Below is the Alexa ranking for Vector Card Services. Note that it ENDS around MARCH, when Mastercard pulled the plug. Another shell company from BB?
(Thanks to Tom Ferro for finding this)
And just to prove the point that STP has NO payment issues:
Friday 27th September.
Once again, NO payments. This time it is SOLID TRUSTS PAY fault. But their website updated on September 19th, ELEVEN days ago. So I went onto the STP website to check out this 'useless' company for myself. The company that has prevented Chris paying the long suffering affiliates there rightful dues. This is what I found:
....and look at this. He can actually pay LOTS of people, all at once. In one go. Several times a day.
Thursday 26th September:
Interesting exchange from an Irish affiliate to Allied Wallet Chat:
Tuesday 24th September:
There is much speculation on the internet about whether Peter Waterfield was aware that Banners Broker was a scam when he joined.
Please speak up Peter. I believe that Banners Broker have used you and you are an innocent victim.
Monday 23rd September.
This is British Olympic silver medallist Peter Waterfield.
He joined Banners Broker in February of this year through Ian Waterfield.
He is pictured here with his sponser, Mark Stokes, who is no longer interested in promoting Banners Broker.
I believe Peter Waterfield has been used by Banners Broker to help make them seem like a legitimate company.
Peter Waterfield retired from diving in July this year having brought home an Olympic Silver medal and has helped raise the profile of diving in this country. I sincerely hope that his retirement plans do not include an income from Banners Broker.
Sunday 22nd September.
(many thanks to TOM FERRO for the graphics)
Oh dear...more unhappy affiliates. And more threats:
Raj said that people wouldn't like changing. He was right...
Affiliates say it way better than we ever can. Thanks Leny.
Friday 20th September.
Thursday 19th September
Tuesday 17th September
More news..it just keeps on coming doesn't it!
In recent months Banners Broker has repeatedly made headlines – unfortunately not in a positive sense. Just recently OBTAINER reported in detail about current developments concerning the company, which markets advertising using an MLM model. In addition to the recurrent allegations that Banners Broker is a fraudulent pyramid scheme, affiliates of the company have announced on the internet that their commissions have not been paid completely, or not on time, or in some cases not at all.
Now the Irish Examiner has published a report which says that Banners Broker is officially withdrawing from Ireland. The business relationship with the Irish Country Manager, Paul McCarthy, has been ended – with immediate effect queries should be directed to the office in the Central American country Belize. For the time being the repayment of investments made by the Irish affiliates has been bound to strict conditions. Whether all the affiliates will recover their money in full appears, however, to be doubtful in view of the current situation.
By his own account Paul McCarthy, Banners Broker's Country Manager in Ireland, learned about the decision to terminate business in Ireland at extremely short notice: “Business relations and contracts were terminated overnight. All support is now being handled via the office in Belize.”
McCarthy is owner of the company Maconne Online Marketing. As Banners Broker's Country Manager he had held numerous information meeting on the Emerald Isle and allegedly was able to recruit between 10,000 and 15,000 affiliates for the MLM company, which has in the meantime begun to appear quite dubious. In view of the great success McCarthy opened an office in Cork and hired 15 employees.
“In the last month my life has been turned completely upside down and Banners Broker's withdrawal from Ireland has already caused me a world of hassle,” said Paul McCarthy. However, in the past McCarthy has drawn attention to Banners Broker less because it offers such an innovative business model than because of over-exaggerated promises of profits. “If you are in this room tonight and you are an affiliate with Banners Broker, after seven days you’re making money. […] Every day you're with Banners Broker you'll go to bed at night and next day you'll wake up richer,” said McCarthy literally at a meeting in the Irish city of Cork. There was talk of profits of up to 400%.
The meeting was secretly filmed by a journalist so that Banners Broker's company management was unable to downplay the incident, and instead came under pressure to provide an explanation.
Current developments give grounds to believe that Paul McCarthy has been made a scapegoat. However, far more important at the moment is to what extent the Irish affiliates can hope to get their money back.
McCarthy has declared that the affiliates will get their money back, but not all at once. Those who've already received part of their investment will be placed in line after those who haven't received any money yet. In addition Banners Broker has allegedly placed a limit of US$250 on withdrawals from affiliates' accounts.
“My phone is ringing 24/7. I am just telling them what I can but it’s a mess. Chris Smith [the general manager] is still giving a [web seminar] every Friday and there are details on that about what is happening, so I am giving that back to people,” said Paul McCarthy.
According to the company, in November 2012 after a promotion tour there were already 9,000 affiliates registered in Ireland. Many of these affiliates had invested tens of thousands of euros in the company. However, in general Banners Broker has always been very reticent as far as the publication of concrete figures is concerned. Thus at no point in time have there been exact details on the part of the company about the investments made by Irish affiliates. On top of that, the company has maintained a very low profile about which websites have actually booked the company's online advertising.
The allegation that Banners Broker is a fraudulent pyramid system isn't new. In Canada the company is already being officially investigated and also in India investigations are being carried out into illegal business practices. The company itself has always denied that it's operating a pyramid scheme even though CEO Rajiv Dixit has been connected with a now defunct company that operated an illegal business model.
Banners Broker itself has made no further statements about its withdrawal from Ireland; instead the company has issued the following press release: “All support queries will now be handled by Banners Broker International. All existing queries have been forwarded and will be processed by the Belize office directly.”
The actual reasons for the withdrawal from Ireland remain obscure. However, it can't be discounted that through the aggressive and grandiose promises made by Paul McCarthy the company has been thrust into the public eye – which may not have been desired in this way. However, at the moment the most urgent questions is: Will the Irish affiliates get their money back? The response to this question will be the benchmark against which Banners Broker will have to measure itself if it wishes to prove that it's a credible and serious company.
Related News
Another Blow for Banners Broker - 28 March 2013
Banners Broker – Game Over? - 12 August 2013
- See more at: http://www.obtainer-online.com/news/en/banners-broker-withdraws-from-ireland-irish-affiliates-hope-to-recover-their-investments.html#sthash.nUs1j38S.dpuf
From Sundays Editon of Irelands Sunday News...
At last after some persistence, we got confirmation from the horses mouth.
Despite her reputation as a champion of the downtrodden and poor, Lisa Shoman is indeed representing BB.She will not deal with any questions from victims,
She will not deal with requests for refunds.
She will not arbitrate, negotiate, or present your complaints to BB.
What she will do, is:
1/ Pass on any specific complaints to Banners Broker’s customer service department.
2/defend BB against any claims, in Supreme Court of Belize
In her own words "All claims against Banners Broker must be filed in the Supreme Court of Belize"
(Many thanks to Jan Blatt for this information)
Saturday September 14th.
Bloggers such as myself have long been accused of being negative, evil, untruthful etc etc, but this recent comment from a disgruntled affiliate says far more about the truth of Banners Broker than I (or my fellow bloggers) ever could:
Coleman Ohagan
Amazing no payouts for people who never made a withdrawal before yet this is really becoming a joke excuse after excuse from BBI whats the point in having 1000,s in our ewallet if we cant get access to it
every webinar for the pass 4 weeks we were told that payouts were going out in fact the last webinar on fri with CS he stated that payouts would go out over the weekend which hasnt happened
At this point this is really becoming a complete JOKE
ive been in BB for over 12 mts never made a withdrawal untill 5 weeks ago now i cant access it
Is this how BB repay us for our loyality and time & effort we put into building there bank accounts
do they really understand the issuses this has cause people i had left my full time job after buiulding my BB account now ive had to go back to Full time employment its a complete Joke & im fed up with all the lies
plus i have lost good freindships of people who had trusted me and got involved with BBI
Its about time that CS follows though on his words & pays the withdrawals he cant expect people to wait untill Oct to get paid with V.3.0
hold on a min ill tel the bank & electric company oh hold on till Oct then ill pay you we need money to pay the bills , eat , look after our families etc i bet CS isnt struggling to pay the bills with access to our money
i had helped a good freind of mind who is 73 build up his account to 1000 a month ( not a massive account) but as has he just recovered from cancer and isnt getting a large pension i worked and helped him over 6 months to build his account
he made a withdrawal back in April still cant access it This was a long time freind who trusted me he has falling behind on his bills etc and is now struggling to keep his head above water
THis is the reality of what CS is causing plus ive lost the friendship & repect , trust of this close friend
Its about time he stops with the BS and takes real action and pays people the money they are owed
3 September at 16:13
Scheme leaves 15,000 out of pocket
An online ‘get rich quick’ business that promised investors guaranteed returns has pulled out of Ireland, leaving thousands of people battling to recoup their money from an address in Belize in Central America.
By Conor Ryan
Investigative Correspondent
Banners Broker has terminated its contract with its Irish agent and put tight restrictions on who can withdraw money from its accounts and how often they can do it.
Between 10,000 and 15,000 Irish people had lodged cash with the company believing they were renting online space that would be sublet to unidentified advertisers.
The company never circulated figures, either internally or externally, on the volume of money raised from Ireland or elsewhere.
Canadian Rajiv Dixit was the chief operating officer for the ultimate parent company, Banners Broker International. He was previously linked to a pyramid scheme in Canada.
Banners Broker had vigorously denied it was a pyramid scheme, but has told investors its current difficulties arose because of a failure to attract enough new entrants.
The company had an Irish agent, Paul McCarthy, who runs Maconne Online Marketing. He had hosted many information sessions across the country and publicly defended its operation.
He has now had to close his service centre on Dublin Hill in Cork City and pull out of a five-year lease he had on the premises.
Mr McCarthy said his “life has been turned upside down” in the past month and the fallout has caused him the “world of hassle”.
He is fearful of the consequences even though the company is still trading internationally.
He was given a day’s notice that the Banners Broker contract would be ended. At one stage, he employed 15 people.
Mr McCarthy said some money is being paid to people. Those who are yet to get back the value of their original investment are being treated on a preferential basis to those who already made their money back.
Mr McCarthy said it is his understanding that withdrawals have been capped at $250 (€188) a week.
He said he has kept his phone on and is trying to chase the company on behalf of those with whom he had dealt. “The contract was pulled with a day’s notice and all the support work was gone to an office in Belize,” he said.
“People are ringing me 24/7, my number is the only one they have. I am just telling them what I can but it’s a mess. Chris Smith [the general manager] is still giving a [web seminar] every Friday and there are details on that about what is happening, so I am giving that back to people.”
Mr McCarthy said he has lost heavily as a result of his investment in the product, including the lease he took on the Dublin Hill office.
Last November, the company decided to launch a worldwide promotional tour with a headline event at the Citywest Hotel in Dublin.
By that stage it had claimed to have attracted 9,000 Irish affiliates, many of whom had ploughed tens of thousands of euro into its advertising-based product.
The company had refused to detail the precise nature of its product or reveal the websites that had hosted its adverts.
At recruitment events held across the country, including one recorded by the Irish Examiner, people were promised that everybody putting money into Banners Broker would make a profit.
A statement released to investors recently asked people to bypass the Cork office in favour of Central America. “All support queries will now be handled by Banners Broker International. All existing queries have been forwarded and will be processed by the Belize office directly,” it said.
© Irish Examiner Ltd. All rights reserved
September 11th
Thousands left out of pocket by online company
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
LAST year people sniffing around the potential of a burgeoning online company were explicitly told “every single person who joins Banners Broker makes money”.

By Conor Ryan
Investigative Correspondent
Banners Broker promised that everybody who joins would make money. It seemed too good to be true. For 15,000 Irish account holders, it was, says Investigative Correspondent Conor Ryan
Despite some people having tens of thousands of euro on account, withdrawals are restricted to $250 a week
Up to 15,000 people opened an account — despite scant specifics on what it actually did.
Approximately 12,000 took the next step of investing money.
The early signs were good. Those who lodged cash, in the belief that they were purchasing and subletting website advertising space, could log on to their online accounts, and watch their balances grow.
On screen, it looked great.
The more people they convinced to join, the faster the earning potential of their own “panels” swelled.
Each investor’s increasing electronic balance muted early warning signs.
First it was reported that Banners Broker’s chief operating officer in Canada, Rajiv Dixit, had previously been linked to a pyramid scheme.
There was a heavy emphasis on each “affiliate” recruiting new members in order to pump up their own potential earning power.
The company refused to offer examples of specific websites it was dealing with or point to real examples of where its product was evident.
It simply said each person effectively owned a little space on a third-party website and this was let out at a profit to an unnamed advertiser.
There was no clear explanation for why recruitment was necessary.
People who attended information and training sessions in hotels across the country did not appear to have great experience with either the internet or the advertising product.
If investors wanted to make money they were tasked with trying to drive internet traffic and going out to recruit new affiliates in order to see their own balance rise.
The company contracted an Irish agent, who leased an office on Dublin Hill on the northside of Cork City.
Banners Broker also pointed to the fact members were given a pre-paid Mastercard service to access their accounts as proof this was the real deal.
Earlier this year, Mastercard stopped allowing the company to use its cards and, around the same time, people reported difficulties accessing their funds.
The boss of the international operation, Chris Smith in Canada, told his investors to keep the faith and the company would grow out of its current difficulties. “Banners Broker is here for long-term. Banners Broker is here to stay,” he said in March.
Banners Broker is no longer here. It pulled out of Ireland in August and directed queries to a post box number in Belize.
This internet company, which spread across the world by creating online accounts for web-based advertising, had told people it wanted to take on the might of Google.
However, if people want a refund from this online company, they have to write their demands in pen and paper and send them, via snail mail, to Belize City on the Gulf of Mexico.
The decision to pull out of Ireland had an immediate effect.
The Irish agent, Paul McCarthy at Maconne Online Marketing, was given a day’s notice that his contract was ending.
He had taken out a five-year lease on an office in Dublin Hill, had been keeping the business going on his own resources when Banners Brokers first experienced difficulty.
At one stage, it employed 15 people to service Irish clients.
He has admitted he is now getting the “world of hassle” from people desperate to get their money back.
In Ireland, Mr McCarthy had delivered the sales pitch throughout 2012 and in the first half of 2013. At an event in the Vienna Woods hotel, secretly recorded by the Irish Examiner, he promised guaranteed returns.
The company had apparently cracked the internet and, for those willing to recruit new investors, it was willing to let people across the world in on the action.
“Let’s say your budget is $415. What is going to happen is you are going to purchase $415 worth of advertising [and] you will get 40,000 impressions,” Mr McCarthy told the 2012 information session. “That will mean your business, your Banners Broker business, will be viewed 40,000 times... minimum earnings is $1,600...
“Lets say you went for an ultimate package, $3,665 — the minimum earnings are $14,560.”
At that stage, 9,000 people were said to have joined the scheme in Ireland. Mr McCarthy said when it pulled out, Banners Broker had up to 12,000 paid-up affiliates and 15,000 accounts.
He has lost out. He said he is now getting a lot of hassle from those who were expecting their money back.
Mr McCarthy said he is trying to help where he can. He is tuning in to the web video addresses delivered by Chris Smith every Friday to get up-to-date information for people.
He has kept his phone on and he said he is trying to keep on top of the calls, but the volume means this is not already possible.
“It is in all sorts of a mess. I am trying my best to do what I can,” he said.
THE contract termination happened on Aug 14 and the lease and the legacy of Banners Broker fell on Mr McCarthy.
He said the hassle and intimidation has been intense, with people looking for answers “left, right, and centre”.
All service contacts have to go through a new centre at 35 Barrack Rd, Suite 203, Belize City, Belize.
“I am still giving people what [information] I am getting back,” said Mr McCarthy. “Everyone is trying to find out what will happen.
“Banners Broker International is still open but we had a contract and that is terminated so it is all going through Belize.”
Mr McCarthy said money is still being paid out but the treatment of accounts is not equal.
Those who have already got their money back since they began investing are at the back of the line. People who have yet to get the value of their investment back are being paid first.
However, despite some people having tens of thousands of euro on account with Banners Broker, withdrawals have been restricted to $250 a week.
And this is understood to be inconsistent, although some money was wired out on Monday.
Either way, the apparently easy four-fold profits have vanished and now each investor faces a scramble to get back what they put in.
© Irish Examiner Ltd. All rights reserved
September 10th
Notice on BB FB page a couple of hours ago:
Still sitting on the fence?
It doesn't make sense does it? Fairness would say that the person waiting the longest amount of time should be paid first, surely?
...because the INDIAN AUTHORITIES have already shut them down. The court case is still pending.
Do you not think its totally ridiculous that the supposed CEO of a 'multi million dollar company' actually sits down and MANUALLY works out which one of the 400,000 affiliates will be paid?
I have had a message this morning from an affilliate that was paid yesterday. He states that he was threatening BB with LEGAL action and has received a very small proportion of what he was owed. BB have again done 'selective' payments. But not with A, B or C persons. They have paid with these criteria:
Firstly, the people who want to take them to court, imminently.
Secondly, the people who will shout the loudest that they have been paid, and thirdly, some NEW affiliates who haven't had experience of the BB machine and will either:
a/pay them more money as a result of these payments or
b/ recruit others because of it.
September 9th.
News of sporadic payments is filtering through. Just two things to say on that.
Firstly, its money from NEW people they have conned into joining,
Secondly, do you not think its odd how the 'ordinary affiliates' are suddenly making themselves known to say 'I've been paid'.
Lets see how many of the 200,000 (plus) payment requests backlog they clear shall we?
September 7th
This post is from the TalkingBB , but was re-posted by various leaders and cheerleaders in the skype rooms. Iain Sheriff was the original author.
'If you are unlucky you will do a google search for Banners Broker '
WHY? If Banners Broker was so good, paid on time and was a REAL business, the Google search would have lots of POSITIVE comments wouldn't it?
'Banners Broker has been so successful in its short three years of life that it has been an easy target for scam sites'
Banners Broker had two 'successful' years making millions of pounds from people they have conned who believed the business was genuine. It isn't. If it was a genuine Ad broker it would still be paying its affiliates because the AD business is VERY profitable and continuous. Advertising certainly didn't cease NINE months ago when Banners Broker stopped paying people.
'You will find loads of feasible looking sites offering you the opinion that Banners Broker is the devil incarnate'
So where are all the independent sites saying that BB is a genuine company?
Why do so many sites such as mine say Banners Broker is a scam?
My site does NOT carry adverts. It does NOT make money. I do not need traffic to my site.
And even if other sites DO have adverts etc, it does not change the fact that Banners Broker is a SCAM.
'...you will also see some 'genuinely' upset people who have been removed from Banners Broker'
This statement is truly disgusting. Banners Broker will CLOSE your account and STEAL your money if you say ANYTHING negative about them. Name me ONE genuine company that treats its members/affiliates/partners/customers in this shocking manner.
'Banners Broker International is a real business that generates real profits from Broking Internet Advertising Space'
If this were true then the advertising world would know all about them? They are unheard of.
If this were true then the payments to affiliates would not have stopped nine months ago.
September 6th
So, remember that 'payments in 24 hours' announcement on September 4th?
bannersbroker 2013-09-05 10:23:58
Hello,Thank you for contacting support Please be advised that we currently do not have a set withdrawal processing time frame. We are experiencing delays in processing payouts. We are unable to provide specific details about withdrawals and do not have any new additional information. The best way to get information on payouts and the current processing schedule, is to listen to the webinars. They are usually held every Friday at 11am. eastern Please note : We do not process withdrawals in the support office. We apologize for any delays that you have encountered. Regards,BB Team
September 5th.
Its time to de-bunk the ALEXA RATINGS MYTH.
People ( myself included) are checking on the website daily TO CHECK ITS STILL THERE.
NOT because its POPULAR!
September 4th.

There are a lot of very excitable affiliates out there now...and a few more negative posts than last night to.
And note this post from BB FB:
... please try to keep this page as a positive resource for affiliates to use and not to post things that could jeopardise your BB account.
BB translation means:
September 3rd
Knew it was to good to be true...look what BB just posted:
The facebook pages are sizzling hot. Never seen so much activity.
Peter Waterfield the British swimmer, is a member of Banners Broker? I would very much like to know what he thinks of them but he has not replied to my questions? I have tweeted him this morning so maybe he will answer me then?
September 2nd
And leading on from my earlier posting this morning, is this post from THEGUARDIANUNO over at MMG.
Wake up questions for the supporters.
STP has a limit on the amount BB can send through them - So why are BB not doing any payments in the past few months, even if they reach this "cap" but they don't even make that effort ..
BB are limited by law how much they can move around the world - why after 90 days have ZERO bank wires to companies directly, not being paid. That is $25,000 to a company that is owed publisher revenue. Why do they not move as much as they can to STP each month. Why don't they do bank to bank payments, every other online business that is above board offers this to their affiliates/members.
Sales are down since March 2013 - lets go with this then, why are there hundreds of thousands owed to the big accounts (advertisers) going back to the end of 2012, why were the card payments overdue by 9 weeks at the time of the cards being dropped. Why have the panels being moving (from sales) and revenue generated ? why all the transferring money excuses, spreadsheet excuses from Chris each and every week, not to forget the many boasts of "record sales this week/month guys", if it was simply sales are down ?
The most important points that could ever be made which no BB supporter or "staff" member can answer
Chris and Co have stated since version 2 until this very day, vocally, in training documents and material. That we buy traffic hits and rent advertising space and then have to set them up to our choosing, these are products, which means BB cannot be passive. They then said panels only move from REAL TIME SALES, once sales are completed over time a fraction of the amount made by BB is shared with the affiliate. This is displayed in the "available to withdraw" tab, to quote Chris and Banners Broker International regarding the amount in this specific tab
"Qualifying a panel is essentially saying, "here is the traffic - start !". Banners Broker's traffic supplier sends the traffic to the ad. The client then pays every time his ad is presented on the website to a targeted visitor. This is how they know your panel, when qualified, will produce the revenue shown on this section of your panel."
"In order to qualify a panel, you click the qualify panel button and traffic is then fed to the panel. The panel then begins to generate revenue."
"Money that you can withdraw through applicable methods. This amount is the sum of all revenue generated through completed panels and commissions from direct referrals."
"The Banners Broker "engine" runs in real time. The engine is the part of the BB computer program that tracks the earnings of each of your Ad Inventory panels."
That money is sat with BB, you either request it or you buy more product.
Currently there are tens of millions in pending withdrawals and so much more than that, sat in accounts waiting to be withdrawn. Sales have happened or panels would either not move or just move extremely slow. The money is there or the panels wouldn't move nor would there be an increasing amount in the "available to withdraw" tab. Despite the new cap of $1,000 per month which Chris and Co do not even have the RESPECT to honor, they have removed the company bank wires.
It's time for these pathetic excuses to end, it's time to wake up and start asking the easy commonsense questions ...UNQUOTE
From the skype chat rooms:
One thing that we will all have to accept is change... no matter what was told to us at the time of joining, things will have to change. What we (as individuals) have to decide is if we want to embrace those changes and move on or simply kick against them. I for one dont know what the future will hold and have not taken a cent out of BB, but I'm planning now for every eventuality regarding the team we have... I'm working on how I can help those members that are really passive, as for certain no business can survive on 'passive' - we have to do something, otherwise as has been mentioned we fall into the realms of investment and that attracts so much more legislation.
My wife and I are working on how we work our business from V3... do we know what V3 will look like... nope, but we assume that it will be much more, business oriented... so we (my wife and I) have duty of care to our team. We are planning forward... we firmly believe in BB and Chris Smith... WHY?, well becuase he is still here when so many other people have run... Chris/BB thank you for the opportunity, now it's up to me to help my team move forward.
...but if Banners Broker really were a genuine advertising broker, then WHY does it need to change at all?
Has the advertising market changed? NO
Have people suddenly stopped placing adverts on the web? NO.
Have people stopped BUYING products from the web? NO.
The only reason for change is that Banners Broker is NOT an advertising broker but a pyamid scheme. And new people have stopped joining. The CHANGE is so that Banners Broker can be closed silently with the least fuss.
Are you going to let them get away with it?
August 31st
BREAKING NEWS: BB SKYPE ROOM REPORTS: Communications from Mark Ghobril, where much of the planted pro Bb rumors are coming from:
[31/08/2013 04:29:22] Mark Ghobril: Team, I have a statement to make......Understand that I am trying my best to pass on information as I know it. I am NOT BB and this program has been destroyed by BB, the affiliates and online bloggers. I have been saying this for a while. I will be posting the document shortly. In the meantime.....the program will be undergoing changes. I still believe it will be one of the best programs, but they will have many other things to take the place of traffic packs. I encourage all of us to patiently wait and see what BB will have in store. Realize that as with ANY online programs we all assume risks for the programs we enter into. I suggest we all wait till Chris decides exactly how BB will proceed and then we can make decisions. Priority remains to get people back the initial money and Chris is absolutely committed to that. In the meantime, certain individuals in BB have now targeted affiliates like myself and are implicating me in the "scam". I have decided to diversify because this is now how I make my living and have for the past 2 years. That does not mean I am in ANY way abandoning you or banners Broker. I personally feel that one needs to master 1 business first, however at the moment that can be tough with BB and I understand that this is not a good time to bring people into BB. I promised you all I would be upfront and tell you if I thought there were any information I knew. At this point the notes below are as much as I know. I must tell you I am very interested in how they are going to make the transition to the new program. I must say that a lot of us including myself, if we are honest, have become lazy in terms of "do nothing, make money". Yes, I realize in the beginning I stated that......I truly realize that this was indeed a great program. We will patiently wait to see what version 3 will bring and I suggest we not jump to any conclusions before Chris has a chance to announce the plan. I know the decisions that Chris has to make are NOT easy ones and I know that we are NOT going to like what they are. But we must face facts, due to various reasons, if BB is to survive long terms they need to be made. Version 3 is what will generate a lot of additional revenue and allow us all to get paid. Remember this 400,000 affiliates together will make BB strong. Lets hold thoughts until the news is out.
[31/08/2013 04:29:44] Mark Ghobril: BB has not made any decisions on traffic packs at this point just to be clear.
Chris has decided to pay his affiliates using this system:
It is about being person A, person B or person C.
It has NO meaning in any dictionary that I've looked at?
August 28th
Friday September 13th
IRISH RADIO 96fm on Banners Broker downfall..hour 1 is the introduction, Hour 3 has the main discussion:
Thursday September 12th
IRELAND is going crazy and things are gathering momentum. The news of BB's downfall is in the papers, on forums, on blogs...
Wednesday September 11th
media interest from the IRISH EXAMINER!
Scheme leaves 15,000 out of pocket
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
An online ‘get rich quick’ business that promised investors guaranteed returns has pulled out of Ireland, leaving thousands of people battling to recoup their money from an address in Belize in Central America.Investigative Correspondent
Banners Broker has terminated its contract with its Irish agent and put tight restrictions on who can withdraw money from its accounts and how often they can do it.
The company never circulated figures, either internally or externally, on the volume of money raised from Ireland or elsewhere.
Canadian Rajiv Dixit was the chief operating officer for the ultimate parent company, Banners Broker International. He was previously linked to a pyramid scheme in Canada.
Banners Broker had vigorously denied it was a pyramid scheme, but has told investors its current difficulties arose because of a failure to attract enough new entrants.
The company had an Irish agent, Paul McCarthy, who runs Maconne Online Marketing. He had hosted many information sessions across the country and publicly defended its operation.
He has now had to close his service centre on Dublin Hill in Cork City and pull out of a five-year lease he had on the premises.
Mr McCarthy said his “life has been turned upside down” in the past month and the fallout has caused him the “world of hassle”.
He is fearful of the consequences even though the company is still trading internationally.
He was given a day’s notice that the Banners Broker contract would be ended. At one stage, he employed 15 people.
Mr McCarthy said some money is being paid to people. Those who are yet to get back the value of their original investment are being treated on a preferential basis to those who already made their money back.
Mr McCarthy said it is his understanding that withdrawals have been capped at $250 (€188) a week.
He said he has kept his phone on and is trying to chase the company on behalf of those with whom he had dealt. “The contract was pulled with a day’s notice and all the support work was gone to an office in Belize,” he said.
“People are ringing me 24/7, my number is the only one they have. I am just telling them what I can but it’s a mess. Chris Smith [the general manager] is still giving a [web seminar] every Friday and there are details on that about what is happening, so I am giving that back to people.”
Mr McCarthy said he has lost heavily as a result of his investment in the product, including the lease he took on the Dublin Hill office.
Last November, the company decided to launch a worldwide promotional tour with a headline event at the Citywest Hotel in Dublin.
By that stage it had claimed to have attracted 9,000 Irish affiliates, many of whom had ploughed tens of thousands of euro into its advertising-based product.
The company had refused to detail the precise nature of its product or reveal the websites that had hosted its adverts.
At recruitment events held across the country, including one recorded by the Irish Examiner, people were promised that everybody putting money into Banners Broker would make a profit.
A statement released to investors recently asked people to bypass the Cork office in favour of Central America. “All support queries will now be handled by Banners Broker International. All existing queries have been forwarded and will be processed by the Belize office directly,” it said.
© Irish Examiner Ltd. All rights reserved
September 11th
Thousands left out of pocket by online company
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
LAST year people sniffing around the potential of a burgeoning online company were explicitly told “every single person who joins Banners Broker makes money”.
Investigative Correspondent
Banners Broker promised that everybody who joins would make money. It seemed too good to be true. For 15,000 Irish account holders, it was, says Investigative Correspondent Conor Ryan
Despite some people having tens of thousands of euro on account, withdrawals are restricted to $250 a week
Up to 15,000 people opened an account — despite scant specifics on what it actually did.
Approximately 12,000 took the next step of investing money.
The early signs were good. Those who lodged cash, in the belief that they were purchasing and subletting website advertising space, could log on to their online accounts, and watch their balances grow.
On screen, it looked great.
The more people they convinced to join, the faster the earning potential of their own “panels” swelled.
Each investor’s increasing electronic balance muted early warning signs.
First it was reported that Banners Broker’s chief operating officer in Canada, Rajiv Dixit, had previously been linked to a pyramid scheme.
There was a heavy emphasis on each “affiliate” recruiting new members in order to pump up their own potential earning power.
The company refused to offer examples of specific websites it was dealing with or point to real examples of where its product was evident.
It simply said each person effectively owned a little space on a third-party website and this was let out at a profit to an unnamed advertiser.
There was no clear explanation for why recruitment was necessary.
People who attended information and training sessions in hotels across the country did not appear to have great experience with either the internet or the advertising product.
If investors wanted to make money they were tasked with trying to drive internet traffic and going out to recruit new affiliates in order to see their own balance rise.
The company contracted an Irish agent, who leased an office on Dublin Hill on the northside of Cork City.
Banners Broker also pointed to the fact members were given a pre-paid Mastercard service to access their accounts as proof this was the real deal.
Earlier this year, Mastercard stopped allowing the company to use its cards and, around the same time, people reported difficulties accessing their funds.
The boss of the international operation, Chris Smith in Canada, told his investors to keep the faith and the company would grow out of its current difficulties. “Banners Broker is here for long-term. Banners Broker is here to stay,” he said in March.
Banners Broker is no longer here. It pulled out of Ireland in August and directed queries to a post box number in Belize.
This internet company, which spread across the world by creating online accounts for web-based advertising, had told people it wanted to take on the might of Google.
However, if people want a refund from this online company, they have to write their demands in pen and paper and send them, via snail mail, to Belize City on the Gulf of Mexico.
The decision to pull out of Ireland had an immediate effect.
The Irish agent, Paul McCarthy at Maconne Online Marketing, was given a day’s notice that his contract was ending.
He had taken out a five-year lease on an office in Dublin Hill, had been keeping the business going on his own resources when Banners Brokers first experienced difficulty.
At one stage, it employed 15 people to service Irish clients.
He has admitted he is now getting the “world of hassle” from people desperate to get their money back.
In Ireland, Mr McCarthy had delivered the sales pitch throughout 2012 and in the first half of 2013. At an event in the Vienna Woods hotel, secretly recorded by the Irish Examiner, he promised guaranteed returns.
The company had apparently cracked the internet and, for those willing to recruit new investors, it was willing to let people across the world in on the action.
“Let’s say your budget is $415. What is going to happen is you are going to purchase $415 worth of advertising [and] you will get 40,000 impressions,” Mr McCarthy told the 2012 information session. “That will mean your business, your Banners Broker business, will be viewed 40,000 times... minimum earnings is $1,600...
“Lets say you went for an ultimate package, $3,665 — the minimum earnings are $14,560.”
At that stage, 9,000 people were said to have joined the scheme in Ireland. Mr McCarthy said when it pulled out, Banners Broker had up to 12,000 paid-up affiliates and 15,000 accounts.
He has lost out. He said he is now getting a lot of hassle from those who were expecting their money back.
Mr McCarthy said he is trying to help where he can. He is tuning in to the web video addresses delivered by Chris Smith every Friday to get up-to-date information for people.
He has kept his phone on and he said he is trying to keep on top of the calls, but the volume means this is not already possible.
“It is in all sorts of a mess. I am trying my best to do what I can,” he said.
THE contract termination happened on Aug 14 and the lease and the legacy of Banners Broker fell on Mr McCarthy.
He said the hassle and intimidation has been intense, with people looking for answers “left, right, and centre”.
All service contacts have to go through a new centre at 35 Barrack Rd, Suite 203, Belize City, Belize.
“I am still giving people what [information] I am getting back,” said Mr McCarthy. “Everyone is trying to find out what will happen.
“Banners Broker International is still open but we had a contract and that is terminated so it is all going through Belize.”
Mr McCarthy said money is still being paid out but the treatment of accounts is not equal.
Those who have already got their money back since they began investing are at the back of the line. People who have yet to get the value of their investment back are being paid first.
However, despite some people having tens of thousands of euro on account with Banners Broker, withdrawals have been restricted to $250 a week.
And this is understood to be inconsistent, although some money was wired out on Monday.
Either way, the apparently easy four-fold profits have vanished and now each investor faces a scramble to get back what they put in.
© Irish Examiner Ltd. All rights reserved
September 10th
Notice on BB FB page a couple of hours ago:
Still sitting on the fence?
It doesn't make sense does it? Fairness would say that the person waiting the longest amount of time should be paid first, surely?
...because the INDIAN AUTHORITIES have already shut them down. The court case is still pending.
Do you not think its totally ridiculous that the supposed CEO of a 'multi million dollar company' actually sits down and MANUALLY works out which one of the 400,000 affiliates will be paid?
I have had a message this morning from an affilliate that was paid yesterday. He states that he was threatening BB with LEGAL action and has received a very small proportion of what he was owed. BB have again done 'selective' payments. But not with A, B or C persons. They have paid with these criteria:
Firstly, the people who want to take them to court, imminently.
Secondly, the people who will shout the loudest that they have been paid, and thirdly, some NEW affiliates who haven't had experience of the BB machine and will either:
a/pay them more money as a result of these payments or
b/ recruit others because of it.
September 9th.
News of sporadic payments is filtering through. Just two things to say on that.
Firstly, its money from NEW people they have conned into joining,
Secondly, do you not think its odd how the 'ordinary affiliates' are suddenly making themselves known to say 'I've been paid'.
Lets see how many of the 200,000 (plus) payment requests backlog they clear shall we?
September 7th
This post is from the TalkingBB , but was re-posted by various leaders and cheerleaders in the skype rooms. Iain Sheriff was the original author.
'If you are unlucky you will do a google search for Banners Broker '
WHY? If Banners Broker was so good, paid on time and was a REAL business, the Google search would have lots of POSITIVE comments wouldn't it?
'Banners Broker has been so successful in its short three years of life that it has been an easy target for scam sites'
Banners Broker had two 'successful' years making millions of pounds from people they have conned who believed the business was genuine. It isn't. If it was a genuine Ad broker it would still be paying its affiliates because the AD business is VERY profitable and continuous. Advertising certainly didn't cease NINE months ago when Banners Broker stopped paying people.
'You will find loads of feasible looking sites offering you the opinion that Banners Broker is the devil incarnate'
So where are all the independent sites saying that BB is a genuine company?
Why do so many sites such as mine say Banners Broker is a scam?
My site does NOT carry adverts. It does NOT make money. I do not need traffic to my site.
And even if other sites DO have adverts etc, it does not change the fact that Banners Broker is a SCAM.
'...you will also see some 'genuinely' upset people who have been removed from Banners Broker'
This statement is truly disgusting. Banners Broker will CLOSE your account and STEAL your money if you say ANYTHING negative about them. Name me ONE genuine company that treats its members/affiliates/partners/customers in this shocking manner.
'Banners Broker International is a real business that generates real profits from Broking Internet Advertising Space'
If this were true then the advertising world would know all about them? They are unheard of.
If this were true then the payments to affiliates would not have stopped nine months ago.
September 6th
So, remember that 'payments in 24 hours' announcement on September 4th?
bannersbroker 2013-09-05 10:23:58
Hello,Thank you for contacting support Please be advised that we currently do not have a set withdrawal processing time frame. We are experiencing delays in processing payouts. We are unable to provide specific details about withdrawals and do not have any new additional information. The best way to get information on payouts and the current processing schedule, is to listen to the webinars. They are usually held every Friday at 11am. eastern Please note : We do not process withdrawals in the support office. We apologize for any delays that you have encountered. Regards,BB Team
September 5th.
Its time to de-bunk the ALEXA RATINGS MYTH.
People ( myself included) are checking on the website daily TO CHECK ITS STILL THERE.
NOT because its POPULAR!
September 4th.
There are a lot of very excitable affiliates out there now...and a few more negative posts than last night to.
And note this post from BB FB:
... please try to keep this page as a positive resource for affiliates to use and not to post things that could jeopardise your BB account.
BB translation means:
September 3rd
Knew it was to good to be true...look what BB just posted:
The facebook pages are sizzling hot. Never seen so much activity.
Did you know?Peter Waterfield the British swimmer, is a member of Banners Broker? I would very much like to know what he thinks of them but he has not replied to my questions? I have tweeted him this morning so maybe he will answer me then?
September 2nd
And leading on from my earlier posting this morning, is this post from THEGUARDIANUNO over at MMG.
Wake up questions for the supporters.
STP has a limit on the amount BB can send through them - So why are BB not doing any payments in the past few months, even if they reach this "cap" but they don't even make that effort ..
BB are limited by law how much they can move around the world - why after 90 days have ZERO bank wires to companies directly, not being paid. That is $25,000 to a company that is owed publisher revenue. Why do they not move as much as they can to STP each month. Why don't they do bank to bank payments, every other online business that is above board offers this to their affiliates/members.
Sales are down since March 2013 - lets go with this then, why are there hundreds of thousands owed to the big accounts (advertisers) going back to the end of 2012, why were the card payments overdue by 9 weeks at the time of the cards being dropped. Why have the panels being moving (from sales) and revenue generated ? why all the transferring money excuses, spreadsheet excuses from Chris each and every week, not to forget the many boasts of "record sales this week/month guys", if it was simply sales are down ?
The most important points that could ever be made which no BB supporter or "staff" member can answer
Chris and Co have stated since version 2 until this very day, vocally, in training documents and material. That we buy traffic hits and rent advertising space and then have to set them up to our choosing, these are products, which means BB cannot be passive. They then said panels only move from REAL TIME SALES, once sales are completed over time a fraction of the amount made by BB is shared with the affiliate. This is displayed in the "available to withdraw" tab, to quote Chris and Banners Broker International regarding the amount in this specific tab
"Qualifying a panel is essentially saying, "here is the traffic - start !". Banners Broker's traffic supplier sends the traffic to the ad. The client then pays every time his ad is presented on the website to a targeted visitor. This is how they know your panel, when qualified, will produce the revenue shown on this section of your panel."
"In order to qualify a panel, you click the qualify panel button and traffic is then fed to the panel. The panel then begins to generate revenue."
"Money that you can withdraw through applicable methods. This amount is the sum of all revenue generated through completed panels and commissions from direct referrals."
"The Banners Broker "engine" runs in real time. The engine is the part of the BB computer program that tracks the earnings of each of your Ad Inventory panels."
That money is sat with BB, you either request it or you buy more product.
Currently there are tens of millions in pending withdrawals and so much more than that, sat in accounts waiting to be withdrawn. Sales have happened or panels would either not move or just move extremely slow. The money is there or the panels wouldn't move nor would there be an increasing amount in the "available to withdraw" tab. Despite the new cap of $1,000 per month which Chris and Co do not even have the RESPECT to honor, they have removed the company bank wires.
It's time for these pathetic excuses to end, it's time to wake up and start asking the easy commonsense questions ...UNQUOTE
From the skype chat rooms:
One thing that we will all have to accept is change... no matter what was told to us at the time of joining, things will have to change. What we (as individuals) have to decide is if we want to embrace those changes and move on or simply kick against them. I for one dont know what the future will hold and have not taken a cent out of BB, but I'm planning now for every eventuality regarding the team we have... I'm working on how I can help those members that are really passive, as for certain no business can survive on 'passive' - we have to do something, otherwise as has been mentioned we fall into the realms of investment and that attracts so much more legislation.
My wife and I are working on how we work our business from V3... do we know what V3 will look like... nope, but we assume that it will be much more, business oriented... so we (my wife and I) have duty of care to our team. We are planning forward... we firmly believe in BB and Chris Smith... WHY?, well becuase he is still here when so many other people have run... Chris/BB thank you for the opportunity, now it's up to me to help my team move forward.
...but if Banners Broker really were a genuine advertising broker, then WHY does it need to change at all?
Has the advertising market changed? NO
Have people suddenly stopped placing adverts on the web? NO.
Have people stopped BUYING products from the web? NO.
The only reason for change is that Banners Broker is NOT an advertising broker but a pyamid scheme. And new people have stopped joining. The CHANGE is so that Banners Broker can be closed silently with the least fuss.
Are you going to let them get away with it?
August 31st
BREAKING NEWS: BB SKYPE ROOM REPORTS: Communications from Mark Ghobril, where much of the planted pro Bb rumors are coming from:
[31/08/2013 04:29:22] Mark Ghobril: Team, I have a statement to make......Understand that I am trying my best to pass on information as I know it. I am NOT BB and this program has been destroyed by BB, the affiliates and online bloggers. I have been saying this for a while. I will be posting the document shortly. In the meantime.....the program will be undergoing changes. I still believe it will be one of the best programs, but they will have many other things to take the place of traffic packs. I encourage all of us to patiently wait and see what BB will have in store. Realize that as with ANY online programs we all assume risks for the programs we enter into. I suggest we all wait till Chris decides exactly how BB will proceed and then we can make decisions. Priority remains to get people back the initial money and Chris is absolutely committed to that. In the meantime, certain individuals in BB have now targeted affiliates like myself and are implicating me in the "scam". I have decided to diversify because this is now how I make my living and have for the past 2 years. That does not mean I am in ANY way abandoning you or banners Broker. I personally feel that one needs to master 1 business first, however at the moment that can be tough with BB and I understand that this is not a good time to bring people into BB. I promised you all I would be upfront and tell you if I thought there were any information I knew. At this point the notes below are as much as I know. I must tell you I am very interested in how they are going to make the transition to the new program. I must say that a lot of us including myself, if we are honest, have become lazy in terms of "do nothing, make money". Yes, I realize in the beginning I stated that......I truly realize that this was indeed a great program. We will patiently wait to see what version 3 will bring and I suggest we not jump to any conclusions before Chris has a chance to announce the plan. I know the decisions that Chris has to make are NOT easy ones and I know that we are NOT going to like what they are. But we must face facts, due to various reasons, if BB is to survive long terms they need to be made. Version 3 is what will generate a lot of additional revenue and allow us all to get paid. Remember this 400,000 affiliates together will make BB strong. Lets hold thoughts until the news is out.
[31/08/2013 04:29:44] Mark Ghobril: BB has not made any decisions on traffic packs at this point just to be clear.
August 30th
Chris has decided to pay his affiliates using this system:
It is about being person A, person B or person C.
It has NO meaning in any dictionary that I've looked at?
August 28th
There are unconfirmed reports this morning that the FBI are investigating Banners Broker.
Watch this space...
August 27th
BB's latest way to earn money..
...sounds like a 'click incentive programme' to me?
Violations of the Click Incentive Program will lead to the Affiliate Account being banned for life from all current and future Incentive Programs, as well as the loss of all incentives gained. In addition, your account may be subjected to suspension of account or termination.
"Click fraud is a type of fraud that occurs on the Internet in pay per click online advertising when a person, automated script or computer program imitates[1] a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad, for the purpose of generating a charge per click without having actual interest in the target of the ad's link. Click fraud is the subject of some controversy and increasing litigation due to the advertising networks being a key beneficiary of the fraud."
August 26th
The Skype chat rooms are predicting that Mark Ghobil will be a director at Banners Broker.
August 23rd
This is a screen shot from your dashboard. It is NOT necessary to do this.You are giving BB your signature, and security code. Don't take my word for it- phone YOUR bank or credit card company. They will be horrified that you are giving out this information.
August 22nd
Banners Broker have introduced a LETTER, that you must fill in BEFORE YOU PAY THEM!
All bank and credit card transactions should go through electronically not MANUALLY.
Taken from Banners Brokers Ponzi Scam - posted by SALLY SO:
This is the letter they have in BB now, before you use your Credit card, you have to authorize it through them!! ................................................................................................Date ______________
Subject: Credit Card Transaction Authorization
I, M/S _______________________________________, hereby authorize this
The last four digits of my credit card are __________.
This authorization is valid until my credit card expires on (mm/yy) ___________.
With best regards,
Yours faithfully,
Signed: ____________________________
August 21st
Have just come across this desciption of CODDAN CPM LTD.
August 20th
Just through....Stellarpoint have changed there company account details:
Reports are coming through that the support in POLAND that was recently withdrawn is now taking effect. Affiliates can not log in to there accounts either.
If you are reading this in another country and are also having issues with accessing your account, please let me know...
And I've just picked this up from the BB Official Facebook page..
This is what you get if you ask for money. Money that Chris has refused to pay you for NINE MONTHS.
Thank you for contacting support.
Please be advised that we currently do not have a set withdrawal processing time frame. We are experiencing delays in processing payouts. We are unable to provide specific details about withdrawals and do not have any new additional information. The best way to get information on payouts and the current processing schedule, is to listen to the webinars. They are usually held every Friday at 11am. Please note : We do not process withdrawals in the support office. We are unable to assist you in this matter.
We apologize for any delays that you have encountered.
BB Team
August 19th
Do you remember when we all used to ask WHERE ARE THE ADVERTS? And the pro BB's would all say......
So, by definition, if the Blind Network is GONE. So has BB!
August 18th
Some news on why Mastercard was REALLY dropped:
There was another reason for MC dropping cards, Vector Card Services (Nevada corp.) was a dissolved company at time when they issued cards and was never authorized by MC to print cards.
The underwriter for those cards was Choice Bank of Belize (almost every questionable online site uses that Bank for debit cards) if Choice bank did employ some company (Vector) to produce the cards they had to make sure that company is on the approved MC vendor list and Vector was not, never had any license and in fact was officially dissolved company.
MC is refusing to give an official statement. If they do will make them look bad that they let it happen.
There was no fault of BB or bloggers for the end of those cards, BB noise just made MC to discover Vector.
August 17th
Talking BB have CLOSED there forum - to much negativity.
Chris left the webinar before finishing- to many negative questions.
Forum has been closed down and its all the affiliates fault!
Watch this space...
August 27th
BB's latest way to earn money..
...sounds like a 'click incentive programme' to me?
Violations of the Click Incentive Program will lead to the Affiliate Account being banned for life from all current and future Incentive Programs, as well as the loss of all incentives gained. In addition, your account may be subjected to suspension of account or termination.
"Click fraud is a type of fraud that occurs on the Internet in pay per click online advertising when a person, automated script or computer program imitates[1] a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad, for the purpose of generating a charge per click without having actual interest in the target of the ad's link. Click fraud is the subject of some controversy and increasing litigation due to the advertising networks being a key beneficiary of the fraud."
August 26th
The Skype chat rooms are predicting that Mark Ghobil will be a director at Banners Broker.
August 23rd
This is a screen shot from your dashboard. It is NOT necessary to do this.You are giving BB your signature, and security code. Don't take my word for it- phone YOUR bank or credit card company. They will be horrified that you are giving out this information.
August 22nd
Banners Broker have introduced a LETTER, that you must fill in BEFORE YOU PAY THEM!
All bank and credit card transactions should go through electronically not MANUALLY.
Taken from Banners Brokers Ponzi Scam - posted by SALLY SO:
This is the letter they have in BB now, before you use your Credit card, you have to authorize it through them!! ................................................................................................Date ______________
Subject: Credit Card Transaction Authorization
I, M/S _______________________________________, hereby authorize this
The last four digits of my credit card are __________.
This authorization is valid until my credit card expires on (mm/yy) ___________.
With best regards,
Yours faithfully,
Signed: ____________________________
August 21st
Have just come across this desciption of CODDAN CPM LTD.
August 20th
Just through....Stellarpoint have changed there company account details:
Reports are coming through that the support in POLAND that was recently withdrawn is now taking effect. Affiliates can not log in to there accounts either.
If you are reading this in another country and are also having issues with accessing your account, please let me know...
And I've just picked this up from the BB Official Facebook page..
This is what you get if you ask for money. Money that Chris has refused to pay you for NINE MONTHS.
Thank you for contacting support.
Please be advised that we currently do not have a set withdrawal processing time frame. We are experiencing delays in processing payouts. We are unable to provide specific details about withdrawals and do not have any new additional information. The best way to get information on payouts and the current processing schedule, is to listen to the webinars. They are usually held every Friday at 11am. Please note : We do not process withdrawals in the support office. We are unable to assist you in this matter.
We apologize for any delays that you have encountered.
BB Team
August 19th
Do you remember when we all used to ask WHERE ARE THE ADVERTS? And the pro BB's would all say......
So, by definition, if the Blind Network is GONE. So has BB!
August 18th
Some news on why Mastercard was REALLY dropped:
There was another reason for MC dropping cards, Vector Card Services (Nevada corp.) was a dissolved company at time when they issued cards and was never authorized by MC to print cards.
The underwriter for those cards was Choice Bank of Belize (almost every questionable online site uses that Bank for debit cards) if Choice bank did employ some company (Vector) to produce the cards they had to make sure that company is on the approved MC vendor list and Vector was not, never had any license and in fact was officially dissolved company.
MC is refusing to give an official statement. If they do will make them look bad that they let it happen.
There was no fault of BB or bloggers for the end of those cards, BB noise just made MC to discover Vector.
August 17th
Talking BB have CLOSED there forum - to much negativity.
Chris left the webinar before finishing- to many negative questions.
Forum has been closed down and its all the affiliates fault!
This topic is running away from the forum purpose and rules.
Many of you have made it clear in the topic that you have no respect for the way we run it or for the integrity of the forum staff.
Many of you are taking yet another occasion to slam what we do here and why we do it.
As there is no information to impart at this time anyway and while I am considering how to respond directly to the points raised the forum is going to take a short break.
To be honest I am too angry and frustrated to trust what I will write at the moment..........................but doing nothing will allow the forum to break my No1 rule
" I will not allow the forum to become a source of harm to BB or to my business"
August 16th 2013
Do you remember this famous saying:
News is coming through on Skype chat rooms that there are emails circulating saying that Raj and Chris are going there separate ways and BB and Stellarpoint are splitting up.
This message has just come through...
We have been advised that as of today, our contract as the Irish Independent Contractor for Stellar Point is terminated.
Banners Broker International and Stellar Point have mutually agreed to end their contract. As a result Stellar Point have concluded all contracts for independent contractors worldwide to handle support and training for Banners Broker.
We are now obliged to cancel all bookings for training at the Cork office effective immediately.
If you have any additional training requirements, please log onto your Banners Broker account and refer to your Dashboard. Here, you will find recorded webinars relating to various aspects of the system, plus the Q&A updates by Chris Smith.
All support queries will now be handled by Banners Broker International. All existing queries have been forwarded and will be processed by the Belize office directly.
If you have any further account related queries please submit a support ticket via your back office. Banners Broker will advise shortly of a worldwide contact number if you wish to speak to customer support.
Although, it is with great regret that we received this news, we would like to thank Banners Broker affiliates for their support over the past two years.
Maconne Team (( Got A Copy ))
Many of you have made it clear in the topic that you have no respect for the way we run it or for the integrity of the forum staff.
Many of you are taking yet another occasion to slam what we do here and why we do it.
As there is no information to impart at this time anyway and while I am considering how to respond directly to the points raised the forum is going to take a short break.
To be honest I am too angry and frustrated to trust what I will write at the moment..........................but doing nothing will allow the forum to break my No1 rule
" I will not allow the forum to become a source of harm to BB or to my business"
August 16th 2013
Do you remember this famous saying:
News is coming through on Skype chat rooms that there are emails circulating saying that Raj and Chris are going there separate ways and BB and Stellarpoint are splitting up.
This message has just come through...
We have been advised that as of today, our contract as the Irish Independent Contractor for Stellar Point is terminated.
Banners Broker International and Stellar Point have mutually agreed to end their contract. As a result Stellar Point have concluded all contracts for independent contractors worldwide to handle support and training for Banners Broker.
We are now obliged to cancel all bookings for training at the Cork office effective immediately.
If you have any additional training requirements, please log onto your Banners Broker account and refer to your Dashboard. Here, you will find recorded webinars relating to various aspects of the system, plus the Q&A updates by Chris Smith.
All support queries will now be handled by Banners Broker International. All existing queries have been forwarded and will be processed by the Belize office directly.
If you have any further account related queries please submit a support ticket via your back office. Banners Broker will advise shortly of a worldwide contact number if you wish to speak to customer support.
Although, it is with great regret that we received this news, we would like to thank Banners Broker affiliates for their support over the past two years.
Maconne Team (( Got A Copy ))
This is VERY big news. All independant contractors have been terminated.
August 12th 2013
There are rumours circulating tonight about the CANADIAN investigation concluding tomorrow.
I don't hold out hope that there will be a positive outcome...but would really love to be proved wrong.
HYIP RECOVERY keeps getting plastered all over the Official BB FB page as spam and they are promising your money back.
RAJ DIXIT is now on twitter....
A few REAL advertising brokers for your information:
If anybody can find a trace of BANNERS BROKER ADS in all these listed, please let us all know?
And this is a list of EUROPEAN ADVERTISING BROKERS..spot BB?
And if Banners Broker were REAL..this is what you should be looking out for:
August 8th 2013
Banners Broker have a lawyer called Lisa M Shoman with whom you can direct any complaints and presumably send legal documents should you wish to take Banners Broker to court.
Her Belize address is:
Banners Broker International
C/O Lisa M Shoman, Attorney-at-law
Suite 203,
35, Barrack Road, Belize City, Belize, Central America.
Mailing Address:
P.O Box 1865, Belize City, Belize, Central America.
C/O Lisa M Shoman, Attorney-at-Law.
And her facebook page is:
Her Linked In page:
And this for your information:
AUGUST 6th 2013
Check out this facebook page, if you haven't been paid by Banners Broker, join them and let everybody know:
AUGUST 5th 2013
Just had some great news on 'FIGHTBACK AT BANNERS BROKER' facebook page.
A lady is reporting a refund of £1100 from Allied Wallet.
I've had a previous success with this also, it does work!
Thanks for your 'helpful link' anon. But, as I said, one that WORKS:
It goes to a facebook page as well?...but got bored with trying to dicipher it.
But, I HAVE found a picture of the real Chris Smith, FYI:
AUGUST 4th 2013
It appears that I've been hoodwinked. Banners Broker are so desparate to detract us from exposing them that they are feeding through untruths in the hope that these will get picked up and make us look daft.
Fair cop...I fell for it: The Chris Smith in Ryerson is a WHITE man. I have a picture, but won't publish it.
And as the other 'revelations' came from the same source, I can only assume they are questionable also?
You may have won a battle BB, but you won't win the war. I will keep shooting arrows at you, 'Chris' and Raj. Some will hit, some will miss.
This quote comes from Tony Scott posting on BBPS:
For "EVERYONE" this is an official F.B.I. complaint form for Reporting Internet Crime. All of our local police forces are helping us by taking our complaints but there hands are tied because all they do is bounce information from country to country and have not got the immediate power to shut down anything. Banners Broker knows this and that is why the have been getting away with this Crime for such a long time. Our only hope lies with a higher Law Enforcement who with the click of a finger if the right noise is made can have bank accounts etc frozen all over the world if they feel the need to start an investigation. I will stand corrected but i honestly feel that this is now the best avenue to take and i will be making my complaint to the F.B.I. directly after posting this. I wish you all the best with yours and do hope a few good people which you all are will follow and stand with me on this. Stand Together... : ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
So...refunds are now handled in BELIZE. Bank account is in BELIZE.
Websites URLS were created in BELIZE. Stellarpoint has been re-directed to BELIZE.
BBI addresses and lawyer is in...yes, you've guessed it BELIZE!
I wonder where there moving to???
AUGUST 3rd 2013.
I have some information to share with you that I have been made aware of. It may be false, it may be a rumour, or, it may be TRUE.
Chris Smith used to be a teacher at RYERSON UNIVERSITY in TORONTO around 2008.
He formed Banners Broker with two students, one of whom was the son of a friend of his who invented the software that uses the panels in the Banners Brokers programme. But when Raj and Kul got involved the students pulled out, wanting no part of it.
Banners Broker headquarters is:
167, Church Street,Toronto, Ontario,
Condos1901 1902 1905 1906
Parrot Marketing, DYZ media and Stellarpoint are just three of MANY shell companies that Banners Broker own.
'Payvalley' WERE going to be Banners Broker pay processor developed through Don River and backed by Choice Bank in Belize, but the plug was pulled when this became known.
Banners Broker are now developing sites that affiliates can join for money laundering purposes.
I believe this information to be true, but will be happy to correct it if proven otherwise.
This is some info on 'dsnrmg media group' that BB say they are working with:
31st July 2013
I posted this on Real Scam a couple of days ago:
..but didn't realise the significance until I found this:
The address details and phone number have been REMOVED and all refunds/cancellations have been re-directed to Belize.WHY?
These are the addresses currently given out for Belize:
August 12th 2013
There are rumours circulating tonight about the CANADIAN investigation concluding tomorrow.
I don't hold out hope that there will be a positive outcome...but would really love to be proved wrong.
HYIP RECOVERY keeps getting plastered all over the Official BB FB page as spam and they are promising your money back.
RAJ DIXIT is now on twitter....
A few REAL advertising brokers for your information:
If anybody can find a trace of BANNERS BROKER ADS in all these listed, please let us all know?
And this is a list of EUROPEAN ADVERTISING BROKERS..spot BB?
And if Banners Broker were REAL..this is what you should be looking out for:
August 8th 2013
Banners Broker have a lawyer called Lisa M Shoman with whom you can direct any complaints and presumably send legal documents should you wish to take Banners Broker to court.
Her Belize address is:
Banners Broker International
C/O Lisa M Shoman, Attorney-at-law
Suite 203,
35, Barrack Road, Belize City, Belize, Central America.
Mailing Address:
P.O Box 1865, Belize City, Belize, Central America.
C/O Lisa M Shoman, Attorney-at-Law.
And her facebook page is:
Her Linked In page:
And this for your information:
AUGUST 6th 2013
Check out this facebook page, if you haven't been paid by Banners Broker, join them and let everybody know:
AUGUST 5th 2013
Just had some great news on 'FIGHTBACK AT BANNERS BROKER' facebook page.
A lady is reporting a refund of £1100 from Allied Wallet.
I've had a previous success with this also, it does work!
Thanks for your 'helpful link' anon. But, as I said, one that WORKS:
But, I HAVE found a picture of the real Chris Smith, FYI:
AUGUST 4th 2013
It appears that I've been hoodwinked. Banners Broker are so desparate to detract us from exposing them that they are feeding through untruths in the hope that these will get picked up and make us look daft.
Fair cop...I fell for it: The Chris Smith in Ryerson is a WHITE man. I have a picture, but won't publish it.
And as the other 'revelations' came from the same source, I can only assume they are questionable also?
You may have won a battle BB, but you won't win the war. I will keep shooting arrows at you, 'Chris' and Raj. Some will hit, some will miss.
This quote comes from Tony Scott posting on BBPS:
For "EVERYONE" this is an official F.B.I. complaint form for Reporting Internet Crime. All of our local police forces are helping us by taking our complaints but there hands are tied because all they do is bounce information from country to country and have not got the immediate power to shut down anything. Banners Broker knows this and that is why the have been getting away with this Crime for such a long time. Our only hope lies with a higher Law Enforcement who with the click of a finger if the right noise is made can have bank accounts etc frozen all over the world if they feel the need to start an investigation. I will stand corrected but i honestly feel that this is now the best avenue to take and i will be making my complaint to the F.B.I. directly after posting this. I wish you all the best with yours and do hope a few good people which you all are will follow and stand with me on this. Stand Together... : ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
So...refunds are now handled in BELIZE. Bank account is in BELIZE.
Websites URLS were created in BELIZE. Stellarpoint has been re-directed to BELIZE.
BBI addresses and lawyer is in...yes, you've guessed it BELIZE!
I wonder where there moving to???
AUGUST 3rd 2013.
I have some information to share with you that I have been made aware of. It may be false, it may be a rumour, or, it may be TRUE.
Chris Smith used to be a teacher at RYERSON UNIVERSITY in TORONTO around 2008.
He formed Banners Broker with two students, one of whom was the son of a friend of his who invented the software that uses the panels in the Banners Brokers programme. But when Raj and Kul got involved the students pulled out, wanting no part of it.
Banners Broker headquarters is:
167, Church Street,Toronto, Ontario,
Condos1901 1902 1905 1906
Parrot Marketing, DYZ media and Stellarpoint are just three of MANY shell companies that Banners Broker own.
'Payvalley' WERE going to be Banners Broker pay processor developed through Don River and backed by Choice Bank in Belize, but the plug was pulled when this became known.
Banners Broker are now developing sites that affiliates can join for money laundering purposes.
I believe this information to be true, but will be happy to correct it if proven otherwise.
This is some info on 'dsnrmg media group' that BB say they are working with:
31st July 2013
I posted this on Real Scam a couple of days ago:
..but didn't realise the significance until I found this:
These are the addresses currently given out for Belize:
The Chris Smith in your Ryerson University image is a white guy: http://www.ryerson.ca/alumni/archive/alumniexpo%20-%20files%20copied%20over/alumadvice.html
ReplyDeleteIan Driscoll quit as an IC around New Year 2012 so his BB UK company has no connections to BBI anymore.
Whoever posted the above information, can you please supply a link that works? And, yes, as mentioned in my previous post, the information I gave out for BB accounts was incorrect...
ReplyDeleteMy purpose in putting out the information was to discover whether it was true or false? I could not find a picture of Chris Smith or I would have posted it...I would be very pleased to see your proof?
Information put out by myself and others about BB can be proven or disproven. We are sometimes 'set up to fail', but it doesn't alter the facts that BB WAS and IS a SCAM...
just copy and paste the link in your browser, it's not difficult
ReplyDeleteOuch! That hurt...sarcasm is the lowest form of wit so I've been told lol.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is the silliest thing I've ever seen. #1, BB has always been based in Belize, and the bank has ALWAYS been in Belize. LOL :) You're reporting that like you've found some "secret" information. How funny. #2, we've always known what Chris Smith looks like, he's at every BB event around the world for goodness sakes. So that's not news either!
ReplyDeleteLOL.. this blog is too funny! If you know that your picture at the top of the page is completely fake, why is it still there? BB is here to stay, so you're really wasting your time here!
And yet...your reading it. I can live with silly, dozens of people a day are reading my 'silly' blog which is more than are signing up to your pyamid! And you can't see the irony in your 'BB has ALWAYS been in Belize!' Yep...always been a scam! And my posts are still there for reference, it really would look silly if comments were made on something that didn't exist now wouldn't it!
ReplyDeleteMore on Vector Card. About Choice bank of Belize it also used widely by Payoneer and other shady online outfits which provide prepaid debit cards. Funny how they moved to Belize... Also, Seems they have not posted any NEW satisfied customers since 2012 ! http://www.vectorcardservices.com/Testimonial.html ..... So I ran an Alexa report on them. Look at the traffic Soike Before and after the BB Card. One would think that BB was their only REAL customer: www.alexa.com/siteinfo/vectorcardservices.com#trafficstats - Tom Ferro
ReplyDeleteBB Ship Sinks... Chris Smith runs to Belize: https://sphotos-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/q71/s720x720/1174744_154307961434529_2052056095_n.jpg - Tom Ferro
ReplyDeleteRe-Post from Dan Dare! Hilarious BB Video! I found this originally posts on FB. Thanks Dan for the original post! All BBers need to watch this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ULso5Jwmx8
ReplyDeleteYes, its brilliant! Its on my video page to...
ReplyDeleteJust for the record the White Chris Smith above is an Alumnus from Ryerson - he never worked at the University and has never even been to Belize...
ReplyDeletenice work
ReplyDeleteinteresting article in yesterdays Sunday World on Paul Mc Carthy, saying his life has been turned upside down!
ReplyDeleteJo Spencer tried to con me into joining banners broker, when I told her I thought it was a scam I started get aggressive mails from her and her husband and was warned "Not to ruin this source of income for them" and to "Keep my large nose out" !! - I hope this blows up in their faces and the Police come knocking.
ReplyDeleteWe have records of all these recruiters. The police will visit them all one day, there days are numbered I promise...
ReplyDeleteBeen following the bb farce for over a year, ever since I was invited in. Never joined as it was obviously dodgy. Where were the big players, money for nothing etc etc. Was tempted though, which sparked my interest into the psychology of why people invest. Read loads of blogs, pro and anti bb and the anti bb ones seem to be by far, more rational and well informed whilst pro bb seem illogical and desperate. If it wasn't for the fact that these criminals genuinely ruin people's lives, the whole thing would be highly entertaining
ReplyDeleteMy sentiments entirely. I too was approached but did not join because I couldn't see how it could ever work. I don't understand why it has not collapsed completely yet, but I agree with Tara, the perpetrators are probably trying to run the whole thing down so they can walk away.
DeleteBy the way, large respect to Tara. Solid work girl !
ReplyDeleteThank-you..much appreciated.
DeleteI agree - Tara has been tireless in her pursuit of this! Great work.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks...
ReplyDeleteHey, Tara, the "investwealth" Facebook group page (listed by you above on 26th Nov) is suddenly unavailable. Wonder why that is?? Keep on fighting the good fight!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the "Conclusive Proof" that BB is a scam.
ReplyDeleteIt seems a pity that the "Conclusive Proof" cannot be verified though........ whch is "Conclusive Proof" that your "Conclusive Proof" is just a rumour.
...or not.
DeleteAll very odd. There is going to be a blackout in January so BB can start the new V3 (Think thats the name). Anyhow that is when they will close down. Well thats what i believe. Anyone who thinks NOW they are going to get money because BB are teaming up with World Ewallet are wrong......World Ewallet ..ARE BB........
ReplyDelete...yes, anon. I'm inclined to agree. BB can't keep stalling forever.
DeleteIt's all a huge illusion,a very large fraud - one of the most hidden and nasty ponzi game I ever met.The evil that will hit many soon and hit already many out there who lost all the money ,some of them even a fortune..is so malicious and dangerous that who ever created BB and put it in function,deserves to be immediately detained and punished as well all those who still support or supported the crime
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. When this worldwide ponzi is finally exposed the repercussions will be devastating.
DeleteI couldn't agree more Tara! These criminals should be put away for a long long time. Lets hope they drop their soap in the shower and get a taste of their own medicine!
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank Tara for her blog, I joined bb about 1half year ago, I was recruited by a feller called Richard I met at work, I know now that he new be was a scam from the get go, I put in thousands of pounds thinking I was going to earn loads of money, I was told I would not have to recruit people just invest my money, and work the business,after about a year I could see something dodgy was going on, I tried to withddraw my money 13 times,, I emailed them demanding my money back, from be, I did not receive a penny in 1half year then I found Tara blog I put in a charge back claim for 12 different deposit I put in to bb, it has took 6 months and I have received all the money back that I have put in, I am so relieved to be out of this scam, and I'm warning anyone to not get involved with this pyrimed scam...... Thank you tara
ReplyDeleteI'm VERY pleased to hear that Anon! Thank-you!
ReplyDeleteBREAKING NEWS: Canadian police arrested Banners Broker ringleaders: http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/12/09/police-announce-arrests-in-93-million-banners-broker-pyramid-scheme.html
ReplyDeleteTara, please check below Phd
According to web news is a fake!!! Very easy for your to check...
Dr.Forati is a boaster and he is involved in Scoville business.
Make a report to paypal to check his account!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have found it difficult to obtain information for applying to have my funds returned. Can anyone advise me how I go about getting reimbursed?
Difficult? Just google 'Banners Broker Scam' and it all comes up.
DeleteContact the receivers directly and tell them your name, contact details and any other relevant information.
Address: msi Spergel inc., 505 Consumers Road, Suite 200, Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4V8, Canada, Attention: Frieda Kanaris
Email: bannersbrokerinternational@spergel.ca
Telephone: 416-498-4309
ReplyDeleteSince I received an email from Msi Spergel.ca on 18th July 2017. I have not heard anything what what shall I do next please? what Advice can you give me. Thanks
Hello Anon, sincere apologies for the delay in answering. Why don't you phone them directly, instead of emailing? Please let me know how you get on. Thanks, Tara.