
Thursday, 1 July 2021

Ryan Conley - Terminated By Healy For Sexual Harrassment

Ryan Conley, who has a long history of promoting MLM, has seemingly pushed his luck too far this time in his recent association with 'Healy' and has been terminated for alleged Sexual Harrassment of Healy staff and a reputed shortfall of $50,000 that Healy say they're owed.

Helpfully, Ryan has shared his outrage about this termination with his long suffering followers:


Healy Statement Regarding the Termination of Ryan Conley

Mr. Conley was recently terminated as a Healy member due to various violations of the rules of conduct and after several opportunities to bring his conduct into compliance. Mr Conley has also been credibly accused of sexual harrassment of Healy staff and fellow Healy Members and clients.

Healy has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harrassment especially of the sort that Mr. Conley is accused of perpetrating. Healy respects the rights of victims of sexual harrassment and as such will not publicly out victims of Mr. Conley in an effort to contradict Mr. Conley's continued misrepresentation of the circumstances surrounding the termination.

Suffice to say, that a google search of 'Ryan Conley MLM' speaks for itself as to the character of Mr. Conley.

Mr. Conley was previously terminated by Healy and reinstated pursuant to a Reinstatement Agreement signed by Mr. Conley in consultation with his counsel. In violation of that agreement Mr. Conley has recently made public statements indicating that he is owed certain sums of money and disparaging Healy through other false statements. These statements are patently false. In fact Mr. Conley currently owes Healy in excess of $50,000 USD.

Healy stands behind it's leaders and sales force and it's credibility and seeks always to protect the reputation of it's members and the Healy brand.

Actions to terminate Mr. Conley were not taken lightly. If you are being harrassed by Mr. Conley on any platform, please report him to that platform.

Let's hope that Healy follow through with it's claims for the $50,000 owed, and that Healy staff report him for the alleged sexual harrassment, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

Updated 03.07.2021

Ryan has shared this conversation between himself and Healy on his facebook page.
The conversation makes clear that Ryan was also cross promoting products with his Healy customers and that the $50,000 allegedly owed to Healy is in fact a fine imposed on Ryan for not upholding his legal contract.

Update:7th July 2021
Ryan has issued a public apology to Dr. Steve at Healy:

'I want to apoligize to Doc Steve for making a comment about his manlihood out of frustration in my wrongful termination from Healy. I let me emotions get the best of me which lowered my frequencies.
I am retracting this comment publicly and apoligizing to him and all of you for this immature comment.
In exchange for this retraction of words, Doc Steve has agreed to go public and to corporate to confirm as a doctor in the USA that my video using Healy on a man with Parkinson's was NOT a health claim and that I have not made any claims that would cause my termination.
I am glad the truth is surfacing so Healy Corp can do the right thing and provide my family the income that I worked hard for.'

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