
My Advertising Pays/The Advert Platform SCAM

My Advertising Pays has now been replaced with The Advert Platform.
Both these companies are now closed and thousands and thousands of people have lost their money.

REPORT My Advertising Pays to the Securities and Exchange Commission:


If MAP are Officially closed down you stand a good chance of recovering at least some of your money.


My Advertising Pays

MAPS will sell you a *$50 'Ad Pack' that they say will 'mature' at *$60 in a specified time period, making you *$10 on every 'pack' sold.
 So they lose $10 on every pack.

In simple terms:
You supposedly pay *$50 to Advertise your 'business' and then MAP give you *$60 back! So you not only get a full refund of the supposed services you pay for, you also get a *$10 Bonus! How is that a sustainable business model?
It isn't! 

* maps have now changed from dollars to euros.

And look how many other people are questioning whether MAPS is real or not?

 Lets begin with their (old) website page:

Classy eh? Stuffed to the brim with adverts for OTHER Ponzi scams.
Where are the big names? The multi-million dollar corporations that should be eager to advertise with this amazing business?  There aren't any.

Fast forward April 5th 2016 and look what MAPS have done.
They've launched Version2!
A new shiny website without those horrible ads! Actually, there aren't even any 'good' ads. In fact, NO ads at all!

They also have 'Pop Under Advertisments' . Their spelling, not mine!

So what's different about Version 2? For a start it's changed from Dollars to Euros.
It's also increased membership fees and made you buy a new one, even if your old membership was still valid and referral commissions have been cut by half.

So what does this business actually do? How do you earn money with it?

                        YOU SIGN UP - YOU VIEW ADVERTS - YOU GET PAID.

Yep. You read that right. You get paid money, just for viewing adverts?

All you have to do is click on TEN adverts a day for TEN seconds or THIRTY seconds each and that will make you rich!

So what about these adverts? Who are the advertisers? That's the beauty of this scam.
You are. You are the advertisers! 
If you join, you get on board with the TRAFFIC EXCHANGE.

You put your OWN adverts on this exchange. Which in turn gets clicked on by OTHER affiliates, who in turn click on YOUR adverts.

So, to re-cap. You pay 'My Advertising Pays' $50 a pop for each traffic pack (1200 max in total $60,000)

This gives you credits to enable you to click on all the other affiliates adverts - TEN a day for TEN seconds a day, and for this, 'My Advertising Pays' will give you $60 in return (minus the 5% Honey Pot deduction - which goes straight into your screen 'E-wallet'.

So how can just clicking on other affiliates ads make you money?

Answer: It can't!

So how do people make REAL money with MAPS? Lets take a look at this lady's site:

She's made a whopping $90,000! Impressive eh> Until you look a little closer and see that despite her awesome earnings she has in fact only drawn out $10!

So how is she making REAL money?

The clue is in the little box marked 'Lifetime Referral Commissions Paid = $22886.36.

In other words, RECRUITING - 168 people so far, (and she doesn't have to click on those annoying adverts either:)

translation: Do I have to click ads to earn referral commissions?
No. You will still continue to earn referral commissions uninterrupted regardless if you click ads or not.

 So what about payments. How do you get paid all this money you're supposedly earning?
Well, for a start, they don't use PayPal. WHY? I'll let them answer that one:

A multi-million dollar RESPECTED company like PAYPAL, just FREEZING accounts?
For NO reason? I don't think so. I'll translate that for you.

PAYPAL don't deal with scammers. Period. If PayPal think they are dealing with an illegal company, they'll FREEZE it's account. 

updated - 25th July 2015

You can now withdraw your funds through VX GATEWAY, and then choose to have them transferred to your PAYPAL account.

Ask yourself why you have to go through TWO payment processors to access your money?

Read all about VX GATEWAY here:


for translation: Payments are processed several times per day. However, from time to time MAP will go through an audit of members accounts and during these periods there may be short delays. Regardless, you should always receive your payment within 24 hours Monday through Friday.

All Ponzi/Pyramid schemes pay out in the beginning. Payments tend to be made regularly to entice others in. And it IS true that many people are/were 'making money' with My Advertising Pays because new members money, pays for the withdrawals.

However, the trick with My Advertising Pays (and all the other 'programmes' out there) is that they encourage you to keep your money in for as long as possible. The holy grail is the magic 1200 packs (*1000 packs in V2"), which you can either 'buy' or plough back your 'earnings' into achieving. You can then comfortably withdraw your money every week, forever, apparently.

Remember through, that any over-payments paid to affiliates can be clawed back when the PONZI collapses. Which it will, one day.
You will also read many comments about us 'haters' who are only interested in traffic to our website. I can't speak for others, but my personal story is that this site is not my
job, it's my hobby. I have a full-time job already. Sites like mine makes pennies, not pounds. So ask yourselves why they sprout this lie? It's very simple, they make money out of you. The person who sponsored you takes a 10% commission on EVERY ad pack you buy.

So who are these people? These great leaders who reap in thousands and thousands of dollars in commission? People who do this for a living. People who jump from one failed PONZI to another. Ask yourselves this:
Firstly, why do I even NEED a sponsor?

Why can't I just buy from My Advertising Pays directly?
Secondly, if my sponsor is so clever, so smart, so SURE that this MAPS business is so great, why have all the others he or she promoted, failed? Why should you believe these people when they said exactly the same about all their PREVIOUS 'businesses' (failed Ponzi scams.)
They'll tell you that we're all 'haters' and 'scammers', but WE don't take your money.
WE don't profit from the sale of ad packs -THEY DO.
They make $5 from EVERY pack you buy, so it's in their interest to tell you WE lie about 'My Advertising Pays' because if you believe US, you will stop buying ad packs and therefore stop their $5 commission payments.

The next time a leader says we're lying, check it out, don't take their word for it. And the next time you buy an ad pack, remember that $5 ker-ching sound. Straight in their back pocket!

We have our own Facebook page: 'MY ADVERTISING PAYS SCAM', and I'm one of the admin team. All like-minded people welcome!

(4th January 2017 has now changed to The Advert Platform/MyAdvertisingPays Scam)

4th December 2014
The UK Team is run by TONY BOOTH (MAPS Chief Communications Officer), his wife LYNNE BOOTH and their two daughters. These are the people who actually PAY all the withdrawal requests BY HAND, so they are incredibly busy! No fancy automated process at My Advertising Pays!

They've just put this post out onto their page:

WOW Tony, brick and mortar businesses? £500,000 in advertising? You must be doing REALLY well guys! Er, no, not quite. Tony's company profile:

And here we have a list of Tony's previous businesses!

Let's look at Tudor Rose Windows shall we. Lots of unhappy customers here Tony!

Would you really trust these guys with your hard earned money? 

Note the 'successful business team' - four failed businesses isn't success Tony!  

I've tried asking Tony some questions on his facebook page but he's  DELETED them, but don't worry Tony, I saved them for you to answer any time you wish!:

And talking of FACEBOOK , they think MAPS is malicious

                    The MAPS TEAM:

Mike Deese  CEO

Who IS Mike Deese? 

Mike Deese claims to be a disabled ex-US serviceman.

Internet searches reveal very little, but we do have evidence of his involvement with other questionable schemes:
Winners Circle International - Co-founder
Savings Highway - Sales Associate
Team Vinh - Sales Associate
Rocket Cash Cycler - Sales Affiliate

'The Best Part of Life is Ahead'

Published on 4/16/2013

Here's a concept; What if you knew WITHOUT A SHAWDOW OF DOUBT that your financial future is secure? What if you knew that you could join a MLM structured business and would IMMEDIATELY have hundreds, if not THOUSANDS in your down line? What would that be worth to you? Folks, W.C.I. is the answer! We are creating a list of motivated individuals, with time/date stamps, that will move as ONE UNIT, in any business that passes our strict verification process and is proven to be reliable. Want to know the best part? WE BUILD THESE DOWN LINES FOR YOU!!! We are always open however to our talented members that want to contribute to the mission of W.C.I. Guys and gals, its a proven documented fact that over 99% of people with high hopes entering into a MLM, will fail to make the money they need or desire with their respective businesses. W.C.I. sets out to CHANGE THE GAME once and for ALL. With our current business, Rocket Cash Cycler, we will go far. Just watch how W.C.I. works FOR YOU, and when you see the results, all we ask is that you post a written testimonial to our FB page! Rest assured you WILL MAKE money with RCC, and this means EVERYONE. W.C.I. has your time/date stamp on file and you will NEVER lose your position so long as you follow our instructions when the time comes. I have never been more proud in my life to have created this organization with my friend and Co-Founder of W.C.I., Sir Johnson (Orlando). A special thanks to our friend Ryan Young who believed in us and helped us in bringing W.C.I. to life! Stay tuned for future updates. We will always 'keep you in the loop', after all, this is YOUR organization! Your Friend in Prosperity,
 Mike Deese Co-Founder W.C.I.

(The Payment Processor for 'Rocket Cash Cycler' was

Cornelius Booker the Third
Chief Operating Officer

Cornelius has never publicly put himself forward in any leadership capacity, and we've never seen any posts from him in social media. I've messaged him to ask if he still works for MAP/TAP, but so far, he hasn't replied.
He does, however, have plenty of well known MAP friends.

Jets Fifita
Chief of Communications and Support in Australia

Jets Fifita:
We have all asked Jets numerous questions about MAPS and despite the fact that he says he will answer them, he never does. 
He has been banned from the My Advertising Pays Facebook page now. But if you'd like to answer the questions here Jets, I will happily publish them:

All the time he took writing the above could easily have been spent answering questions!
These are some simple questions we'd like an answer to:

The traffic exchange is a closed loop. You all buy traffic packs so that you can click on each others websites, so: 
1/How can MAPS make a profit from it's OWN members clicking on each others sites?
2/ Why do traffic packs expire?
3/ Why pay such large referral commisions if huge profits are generated - as you claim - from just clicking ten ads a day?
4/Mike Deese is selling you GUARANTEED VISITOR PACKS. But the 'closed loop' traffic exchange IS a guaranteed visit so why pay more for them?
5/ Why has the Advertising world never heard of My Advertising Pays? 

This is the answer he gave for not replying to our questions, AGAIN:

When the leaders of 'businesses' refuse to answer the most simplest of questions, there is usually only one reason for that folks! They have something to hide!


Videos from the MAPS 1st Anniversary Event in London
              on Dec 13th 2014 - they got a surprise present!

MAPS have been using Kevin Thompson MLM Attorney to persuade people that MAPS is a genuine business - but it isn't true!

For Translation:' Hi Kevin. Can you please confirm that you are the acting attorney for My Advertising Pays?'

To which he replied:

For Translation: 'I'm not their lawyer. I did a little work for them over a year ago. I do not endorse them.'

This is from a conversation Kevin had with one of our readers: 

For Translation: I worked with them well over a year ago. I do not endorse their model. If you're treating your participation as an investment, hang on to your money. If they're selling something that you need or want, give it a look'

Simon Stepsys has been actively using Kevin in his literature:

This is audio of Simon Stepsys using Kevin's name to promote MAPS :

In Conversation with: Jets Fifita:

I've asked Jets (and Tony Booth) on a number of occasions to answer some simple questions on the MAPS business model and in particular his explanation as to why they are saying Kevin Thompson (MLM Lawyer) is their 'on board' lawyer. But he isn't very forthcoming.

Below is our conversation in full. The initial two messages that Jets left me weren't answered because of Christmas. 
But he sure did want to speak to me, it's just a pity that it was all waffle and no substance.

 I'll leave you to decide why he refuses to answer questions:

By co-incidence, Jets was in conversation with Toby Lerone and my name cropped up. And again, you'll see that he wants to  answer some questions: 

....and STILL no answers!

25th January 2015

25th January 2015
Tony Booth has finally answered our questions regarding MAPS:

To which he replied:

'...The traffic exchange is for members to exchange their products and services to each other and members make money when they sell.'
I see Tony. Great answer. So let's see what these products are that they all exchange shall we? 

So affiliates are buying credit packs at $49.99 in order to click on OTHER affiliates sites who also sell financial products, who also click on any ten of these adverts.
Thanks for clearing that up Tony.

Lets have a look at your answer to question number 2:
We asked:
Answer: '...traffic packs are not evergreen but return 120% profit to our members.'

We know they aren't evergreen Tony, we asked WHY?

So let's have a look at the 120%' profit claim.

MAPS claim to turn your $49.99 into $60. For starters, that isn't 120% profit Tony.

120% profit on $49.99 is about $112.50.

But that's just 'pie in the sky', lets look at some FACTS:

Lets start with the $49.99 pack price. it ISN'T $49.99 its actually $51.59

You also have $3 of that automatically deducted which goes into the ADVERTISING FUND.

$51.59 + $3 = $54.59. So $60 - $54.59 = $5.41

On top of that, you have to pay a minimum of $24.99 in membership fees per year.

So just to break even, you have to have a minimum of FIVE credit packs before you even START to make money.

And how long does this take? You 'earn' 27 cents (approx) per day for your 10 clicks. About 4 days per dollar. Which is about 240 days. (Which is longer than the expiry date!)

So, to re-cap. You have to click 10 times a day, for 240 days, to make the grand sum of $5.41!

And to cap all this off, they don't even guarantee you'll make this miserly amount:

'...individual results depend on commitment and sales skills.'

And by SALES skills they mean of course recruiting. Because lets face it, a $5.41 return for 240 days work isn't going to make you rich is it? And if you have to recruit to make money - it's a PONZI.

31st January 2015

Look at this company entry for My Advertising Pays.It has an 'intent to dissolve' notice.

This information was updated less than a month ago:

And Mikes linked-in profile confirms it as the same company:
The UK company address is listed as:

These are all the other businesses also registered at this address:

No mention of My Advertising Pays being listed, however,
but the address actually belongs to an ACCOUNTANT. 

17th February 2015.
Tony and Lynne Booths Facebook page hasn't been updated in weeks but he is still active in the background.
I was sent this message today from an affiliate who seems to have upset Tony- along with me and my fellow scambusters it seems!

'Good morning ****** I see you are one of our MAP members who has a negative account balance. I wounder why you feel the need to post this on a FB MAP scam site. What on earth do you expect to gain from these people or would you like to stir up trouble for MAP and hope we get closed down.

WE HAVE A SUPPORT DESK for these questions. If you think that MAP is a scam please let me know and I will have your money refunded and close your account down.

Please do not join another internet program again this business is not for you and you have not done your due diligence when you joined MAP to understand that we are not a scam company but you thought that you would make some money while it lasted bring others into it get commission and stuff them when it fails.

MAP is here for the long haul and will ensure all our members enjoy a level of success based on their efforts in building a great business with us.

Please let me know if you wish to continue on this journey with MAP.

****** my issue is when our members post negative comments on these scam sites it gives them more attention and will ultimately put people off trusting you or other members when recruiting. The job is hard enough without our members giving them more ammunition. If you knew how honest and dedicated the management team at MAP is you would understand my RANT when i find such posts.'
March 6th 2015
The Jackpot wheel has finally been launched after weeks of beta-testing and surprise, surprise, it has a BUG!
Many people are saying they are NOT being paid.
This Jackpot wheel has 16 segments. Which gives a 1 in 16 chance of a win. According to the hype, THOUSANDS of people have been playing this game and merrily clicking away at the wheel and yet NOBODY has won the jackpot?

Lets look at the odds of winning:
1c = 3 chances in 16
5c = 2 chances in 16
25c = 2 chances in 16
$1 = 1 chance  in 16
$2 = 2 chance in 16
$5 = 1 chance in 16
Banners = 2 chances in 16
No prize = 2 chances in 16

This has NO logic and NO sense. 
You have the same chances of winning ONE dollar as you do the jackpot!!!

7th March 2015
This is MAPS head Office address:

Bet you thought it was a real address, with a real office and everything...?

10th March 2015
MAP is registered in the West Indies.

14th March 2014
Tony Booth is apparently withdrawing $3000 a week by just clicking 10 adverts a day, so why is he living in a house registered to somebody else? 


Why does MAP make you sign this disclaimer?

I acknowledge that purchases of MAP products made through VXGATEWAY will show on my credit card statement as coming from VX, not MAP.

Its very simple. MAPS make you use the payment processor VX Gateway which makes it very hard to claim a Chargeback from your Credit Card company when MAPS closes.

27th March 2015

So why do companies USE payment processors in the first place?
Payment processors were originally intended for individuals to transfer money between each other. Or for smaller companies to do business together where the element of trust hasn't yet been established.
But in this day and age, any credit card, anywhere in the world, can be used in any country that takes VISA or MASTERCARD. Its a universal, trusted, method of payment and it gives you safeguards and consumer rights.
Because, quite simply, if you use a payment processor, the trusted link between yourselves and the credit card company is broken, and your Chargeback isn't guaranteed.
Paypal are dealing with VX GATEWAY. NOT My Advertising Pays.
Because Paypal would close MAPS account in a heartbeat if they suspected fraudulent activity.

And WHEN MAPS crashes, CHARGEBACK will probably not be an option for you.
And remember this:
All those nice figures on your screen look great, right?
You feel rich, right? But MAPS isn't a bank.
The money in your account is dependent on My Advertising Pays paying you.

 It isn't regulated by any worldwide financial authority.
Are you sure you trust them to deliver?

Screen shots:

The craze for posting screen shots is the best information we can get on MAPS.
If you look at most of them, the majority have withdrawn ZERO.
 But the account balance is usually really healthy...
Look at this guy:

He has had a 'cheque' for $115.000 dollars but his withdrawn balance is only $37,000. He also has an additional $12,000 to withdraw if he chooses.

How is this possible? The sums don't add up.
The problem with MAPS is, it's business model is not sustainable without referrals.
If EVERYBODY withdrew all their money out today, it would implode.
The money just isn't there.

MAPS are promising to pay you $60 for your $49.99 credit packs.
So technically MAPS are losing $10.01 on EVERY pack it sells. How can a business operate when it doesn't even make a profit?

30th March 2015

Jets Fifita has sent out this email to all affiliates:
'Why MAPS isn't a PONZI',

'I've had a few people ask lately so I thought I would get this out there in case you're wondering the same things. Questions like, "How is My Advertising Pays different from programs like AutoSurf Daily or Zeek Rewards?" "I lost a lot of money in Zeek (or ASD). Is my money going to be safe with MAPS?" I personally never joined most of these because I thought it was obvious that they were ponzi programs and would not last. That's not to say that I haven't been burned by fly by night programs in the past, because I have. The key here is what I just mentioned. Knowing and understanding what a ponzi really is can always help. The short definition is, "a program that has no real product where new money coming in is used to pay the people who have been in the longest." MAPS has real products. Advertising packages that anyone can purchase and many big companies right now are indeed buying because of the massive traffic and exposure that MAPS can offer them. This is true revenue sharing that's based on actual company-wide sales and, using a custom algorithm, calculates from that how much is available to share, every 20 minutes. So no sales would mean no revenues to share. Ponzi's promise a flat return all the time. Not based on actual sales. The owner and CEO is also a well-known and very reputable person. He's been around the block a few times, so to speak. Mr. Deese knows that revenue sharing programs typically raise a flag with certain agencies, which is why he has retained the best direct sales attorney on the planet. To make sure MAPS is always 100% compliant with all laws and regulations. When you join MAPS you have to go through a series of legal documents, read them and agree to them, before you can participate in the revenue sharing. How many times have you had to do that with those fly by night programs? I'm going to guess... Never. Bottom line... Yes, you are in good, safe hands with MAPS. Anyone sitting back waiting to see if it's going to last is going to be kicking themselves 3 months from now. Because the CEO's vision and plan is to grow this into one of the largest, if not THE largest, Fortune 1000 ad networks ever. And MAPS shares 95% of all sales revenues with their affiliates. So now is not the time waiver and wonder. Now is the time to take action. Because the wealthiest people in the world got there from taking action when it was still early in the game. More than 1,000 people a day are joining MAPS right now. That's a noteworthy trend, don't you think? So get in, get your feet wet, and start building a considerable growing income with MAPS today. Take Action By Clicking Here Start with whatever you can afford but get some credit packs now. Then just make sure you login once every 24 hours and view 10 websites. That's all there is to it. Once you see for yourself how reliable this is I think you'll find it difficult NOT to share a good thing with people. As always, if you have any questions or concerns that's not really meant for tech support, I'm here for you. PS. There are a couple of funding options available. SolidTrust Pay and an ewallet system called VXGateway. I suggest using VXGateway because it is fast and easy and after you use it the first time an account is opened for you. You can then attach a bank account for later use with your withdrawals...'


'Why MAPS, IS, a Ponzi' 

Jets is correct on one point. The definition of a 'PONZI' is new people's money coming in to pay older peoples 'earnings'. How is MAPS different to Zeek and Banners Broker? It isn't. It's just disguised differently.

Jets says that MAPS has a product so it can't be a PONZI.

So what's the product? Advertising packages. 
And what's in the 'package'? An amount of clicks that enable you to click on other MEMBERS websites with (zero) intention of buying the product advertised.
Clicking for clicks sake will not make you rich.
You may be one of the lucky ones and get a genuine sale from the website you advertise. But unless you get these sales day in, day out, they won't make you rich either.

So what about Jets claim that MAPS pays you every twenty minutes?
You pay $49.99 for each credit pack and Mike, with his generous nature, promises to pay you $60 in return. So he's making a loss of $10 on every credit pack he sells.

How can this be a sustainable business model?
On top of this he is paying out thousands and thousands of dollars in referral commissions to affiliates who are bringing in NEW affiliates money. The next time you look at a snap shot of an affiliate who has made thousands of dollars in his 'back office' but has withdrawn either ZERO or a fraction of the money owed, ask yourselves this question:

If everybody were to withdraw their earnings TODAY, where would the money come from? 

And finally, again, he is stating that MAPS have the 'best attorney on the planet'. Who? MAPS used Kevin Thompson MLM Atorney to do a small amount of work for them when they first launched.
He has publicly stated this on a number of occasions.

MAPS is currently paying out withdrawals. It can do this because enough NEW affiliates are buying these 'packages' which means fresh money is coming into the system to pay the OLD affiliates the money requested. But when referrals stop, MAPS will collapse.

That, is the definition of a PONZI.

3rd April 2015

Lets have a look at all those screen shots that people are posting all over Simon Stepsys Facebook Pages to prove that their 'rich'.

This is a random sample of the screenshots posted on Simon Stepsys 'My Advertising Pays' Group Facebook page.
Just for a moment, I'm going to suspend all belief that I think this is a scam, and pretend its a REAL business with REAL money. Lets look at these figures... 

Out of these ten shots, the total amount withdrawn is:

The amount of active credit packs is: 

2918 x $49.99 = $145870.82 

The total amount owed in lifetime Combined Earnings=

So, apart from membership fees. Mike has a profit margin of 98%. There is no business in the WORLD that would give back 98% of its revenue BACK to its customers. 
How on earth is Mike making any money!

Ok, suspension over. 

The $145,870 is just from TEN affiliates.
The amount is made up from REAL cash given to Mike for credit packs and 'earnings' used to buy credit packs from the ads profit share.
The $142631 owed in Lifetime Combined Earnings is made up from ad profit share 'earnings' and referral commissions.

If you then 'X' this by 160,000 odd affiliates you can start counting in millions of dollars OWED, not thousands.

Mike is paying out a TINY fraction of the money owed as withdrawals because people are frantically buying into the dream of owning 1000 packs and therefore not taking out any money. A very clever delaying tactic!

So what happens in the months ahead when all these people finally get the magic 1000 packs and swamp MAPS with withdrawal requests? It doesn't take a genius to answer that question!

April 8th 2015

Look at this picture. What's wrong with it?

This is the CEO of a supposed REAL company sitting in his home office (since MAPS don't have a REAL office) and entertaining Lynne Booth. Spotted what's wrong yet?

Well for starters, where's Mikes computer? His phone?
Office stationary? FOLDERS, or ANYTHING that resembles a real office space?
MAPS now claims to have 120,000 members. This is most definitely NOT fit for purpose if he's telling the truth.

10th April 2015
The latest 'product launch' is Targeted Guaranteed Visitors.
This is for people who don't want people from OTHER countries seeing their ads. WHY? 
90% of the ads that people are clicking on are for OTHER 'get rich quick' scams. Why on earth would you want to exclude the world from joining them? 

11th April 2015
This is Tony Booths first blog post copied exactly as he's written it. Is it full of great information about the workings of MAPS and how to make loads of money? 
Nope. Its all about sites like mine that expose SCAMS. Read it and weep folks!

'Hello everyone and welcome to my MAP Blog site. I am so excited about this Blog site the brain child of one of our great MAP leaders and a my good friend Richard Mead. This is another great method of reaching more people to tell the WORLD of our exciting news as it unfolds straight for the Top. It is quite sad that many people have been hurt by so many SCAM sites this past few years that they find it very difficult to believe that there are such genuine online businesses that will indeed be successful and change their lives.Worse still all the power words have been over used in so many SCAM sites that people are just saying ” yeah yeah its all been said before it’s just another SCAM”. I cannot and will not try to change the minds of these people that just want to believe that MAP is just another one of those SCAM sites but I am appalled that they will not lie down go quiet and walk away from the online world that is obviously not for them. They just seem to go on these crazy missions to save the world from the big bad internet but all they are doing is wasting their lives saving people from what they think is a SCAM when most of them don’t know what a SCAM look’s like.

The worst of all are the people that do know what a SCAM site looks like and indeed are involved in many of them. They will join us in MAP look at the inside workings of our company and then twist all the facts of MAP.They will then go on a mission professing to be the above do gooders out to save the world by using these MAP twisted facts and advertise us as a SCAM with apparent inside knowledge. Once they have you attention (as we have many follower not yet in MAP) they will then attempt to sign you up in their SCAM programs and actually know that it is a SCAM they are actively recruiting for. Please people be careful out there it is a nasty world.DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE talk to people you know and trust and look at the facts from an open minded unbiased view point. Don’t think that it’s a SCAM just by what you read in these sites from people that are not prepared to reveal their identities. Look at everything in the round both the good and bad reported and also the proportion of good and bad information.'

P.s Note the continued use of the 'SCAM'. This is so that the search engines will pick this site up when people google 'My Advertising Pays Scam' - which they ARE doing in vast numbers. 


 This message has just appeared on the My Advertising Pays GB facebook page:

  For translation: ' share, share, share, lets get Tara Talks wiped off Google!!!'

Thanks for giving me the best laugh I've had in ages - seriously! Feeling very humble lol...

17th April 2015
So many people are googling 'My Advertising Pays SCAM', that Tony Booth is writing blog pages FULL of SCAM references so he can get his blog higher in the search engines. You go ahead Tony! Saves me the bother of writing MAPS is a SCAM all the time!

And look what we have here. PRODUCTS! Yep! We have genuine products for sale folks!
T-shirts! DVD's! Promotional material! ALL designed to entice referrals to buy MORE products designed to entice MORE referrals who will buy MORE products, designed to entice MORE get the idea.
And for a bargain price of £39.95 you get a DVD OR for £109.85  you get a 'pick'n'mix' of THREE DVD's! 

Just look at this lot!

Wow! Recommended by Tony Booth AND Simon Stepsys! Way to go Guys! Simon managed to make 'ONE MILLION DOLLARS' (cough, cough,) without one of these magic boxes, but now he has one, how much money can he earn NOW? Billions maybe??   

And whats this? A DIAMOND, EMERALD or RUBY BOX?
Its cheaper to go down to your local jewellers and buy a REAL gem! At least they'll be real, unlike this load of rubbish!

And look at these bargain DVD's! I wouldn't pay £39.95 for a REAL film, let alone a SCAM one!

29th April 2014
Most company owners/representatives would be happy to answer some simple questions
about their company and how it works. Unless of course you happen to be Tony Booth!

From Tony Booths MAPS Facebook page:

Jon Walsh
'...• MAP’s seems to be promoted purely on the basis of how much money its members can make, so is MAP’s an advertising company or a making money for its members company?  If it’s an advertising company why is this not the central theme of all your promotion?  If it’s a company to join to make money from, why do you resist from using the word investment, when surely that’s what it is? • MAP’s offers “incentivised” clicks or guaranteed users only – how is this effective for your advertisers when a user is being “forced” to visit the advertisers site? • There are so many ads on the homepage and none of them for any quality companies – what changes are you intending to make to entice large companies? o In addition, do you expect that large advertisers (the Sky’s or the BT’s of the world) to buy advertising from MAP’s like a member would (i.e. credit packs and making them view/click 10 ads per day) or will you be creating different packages for them? When do you envisage this all happening? • How is the business sustainable when for every $50 that goes in, MAP’s pays out $60 over time? • MAP’s frequently refers to, and likes to compare itself to, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Google – all of those products offer true value as a service, whether it be connecting with your friends, or watching the world’s largest catalogue of video’s. And all of them built a solid product that was being used by ten’s (if not hundreds) of millions of people before they looked to make money – how can there be any real comparison with MAP’s which appears to exist purely for the purpose of ad views and ad clicking? • Why are the management team from MAP’s not “Googleable” – no LinkedIn profiles with historical work histories? • MAP’s blogs often talks about not liking scam companies, yet some of your most vocal supporters were also vocal supporters of these other scam companies (Banner Broker being the one that comes to mind) – and also making claims about them that they weren’t scams. o Why isn’t this a serious issue for management? • If the people and the pages (I’m thinking of Tara Talks) that publicly calls MAP’s a scam, why is your legal team or management team not suing them? Any other company surely would. • Why are people who are just members of MAP’s allowed to promote/put on large scale events with hundreds of people there rather than it being the MAP’s management team? • How does MAP’s itself make money? Not it’s members, but the actual MAP’s organisation? • MAP’s talk about as easily as just buying credit packs and then clicking 10 ads per day, so why is there so much talk about how to grow your business? Surely it’s just clicking 10 ads per day? • Why is there no coverage of MAP’s on any of the industry titles – e.g. Techcrunch, Digiday, The Drum etc. • Can you understand why people think MAP’s is a scam?'

Jon Walsh: I've decided to add Juliet and Damian to this conversation as both are seniors in the industry. Juliet is a senior digital strategist with 10+ years in the industry and has led both Cadbury's and Boots accounts in the UK. Damian is (an) author .'

My Advertising Pays MAP UK Team
here we go again Jon I am not in the habit of trying to justify our company in any public debate where people wish to give MAP a public flogging. I am leaving for a meeting right now and have not got the time this evening to answer all your questions. They are not just the simple few questions you asked for in the earlier post and many of these questions are answered in my company blog.'

Tony, why would you get a public flogging if you are only answering questions on your 'legitimate business'?'

30th April 2015

Tony Booth has messaged Jon Walsh. Jon Walsh is in the Advertising Business, knows  how the business works and has Advertising connections.

So you'd have thought that Tony would be biting his hand off for some business help? 

Nope, 'fraid not! 

Tony: Oh dear Jon running out of ideas to criticize us for on the scam site
Jon:   Eh?
Tony:  lol
Jon:    Let me know if you would like access to any budgets or campaigns from blue chip
          advertisers or you would like to get MAP's featured in any press -
          I can introduce you if you like lol 
Tony:  You never cease to amuse Jon but keep watching my friend!
          You have kept me up laughing tonight!
          over in the states planning the next few years I should add.
          Oh dear lost for words.

Jon:   Have you been seeing the media agencies out there and extolling 

          the value of MAP's as an advertising platform?
Tony: yep had them on lol
Jon:   Great! Well done!
Tony: you made a big mistake with me Jon. Everyone looks for that break.
Jon:   Really? How have I made a mistake with you?
Tony: Just watch this space
Jon:   The advertising space?
          Tony,  go to sleep now. You're tired.
Tony:  LOL you are one of the sad losers and you should watch this for what you missed
Jon:    Tony, I've done pretty well (link)
Tony:   sorry but I cannot keep up with this more important posts to keep up
with,   but hey nice of you to try
Jon:    Go to sleep tony. You're barely making sense now'

Ask ANY questions  about legit advertising and the answer is ALWAYS the same. They aren't interested!

11th May 2015
People that support My Advertising Pays keep telling us the same thing over and over again as 'proof' that MAPS is a genuine business. Namely, 'it's paying, so it must be real'.
It's true that affiliates requesting withdrawals are currently getting them paid, but the vast majority are 're-investing' the money 'earned' to buy more packs. And they will keep doing this (and adding fresh money occasionally) until they reach the magic 1200 figure.
This can take weeks/months to achieve because when packs expire they have to be replaced. So if - for example - you have given MAPS a thousand pounds in the beginning and with the 'earnings' you keep buying more, you still are down £1000 in real money. Your screen may very well say that you have 'x' amount of money but it isn't real.
Look at it this way: if a shoemaker sold you a pair of shoes for £20 and he told you that not only would he REFUND your £20 but that he would give you an additional £10 on top of this AND let you wear the shoes for a certain period of time, what would happen?   
He'd be bankrupt in no time and you'd call him stupid wouldn't you? Yet this is exactly what you're doing when you buy an advertising pack. You pay Mike $50, he refunds it, gives you an ADDITIONAL $10 AND lets you keep the pack until it expires.   
This is not a sustainable business. The reality is that fresh money in is paying the existing affiliates who request withdrawals. THAT is why maps pays. When new referrals stop, so will MAPS.  

27th May 2015
Things aren't looking good this morning.
Simons Maps facebook page is closed and The Advertising Standards Authority has forced them to withdraw all snips of 'earnings'. 

12th June 2015

Tax and Account Information.

My Advertising Pays has overdue tax accounts. 

Mr. Michael Everette  Deese is the only shareholder.

16th June 2015
Deja vu!
This is the latest blog post from MAPS. Its practically identical to a post from the PONZI Banners Broker - and look how well that turned out!

We have been extremely busy behind the scenes. We are working with our German Leaders now to update our Upcoming Events area and also developing our MAP Academy which will be a mandatory course for our affiliates.

We are tightening up our compliance guidelines and will be ensuring everyone is well educated on the MAP opportunity and what our products and services provide. A newly formed Compliance Department will be ensuring our affiliates are following our 'do's' and 'don'ts' when it comes to promoting our business opportunity. We will be calling upon our loyal MAP members to help us seek out those that are presenting our company incorrectly. Look for these changes soon...'

25th June

Remember this? Plastered all over Simon Stepsys Facebook page?

A few of us notified the Cumberland that they were holding Events for a PONZI SCAM and they pulled the plug! Well Done Cumberland!
So where is it being held now? Holiday Inn Hotel - Regents Park

Nope! Changed again! From Simons page link:

This is the excuse for the Cumberland fiasco: NOT ENOUGH ROOM! Which beggars the question, if they knew about the excess numbers at the PREVIOUS event, then WHY book it again at the CUMBERLAND??
They can't even tell good lies! This hotel has a capacity of three hundred (to be confirmed) certainly not for the 600 plus that MAPS are hoping for!

The TRUTH folks is that lots of us are working in the background to notify the authorities, venues, hotels etc that MAPS is a PONZI scam. We have been in contact with the Cumberland over the last few days and they have responded by CANCELLING the event. 

26th June 2015


The Holiday Inn Hotel have ALSO now cancelled the event!
p.s the 'gentleman' he is referring to is SIMON STEPSYS!


We've had a message tonight from a professional Web Designer in response to this recent post from MAPS: 

Maps Notice:

6/19/2015 4:02:00 PM
Text Ads / Credits Upate
Hello members,
We are very sorry for any inconveniences that this recent issue has caused. After extensive research, here is what our developers have determined.

"Here is what at know after digging into the code last night.
This hack appears to have been accomplished by using a SQL Injection attack.  The text ad creation page is returning the sql statement used when there is an error, this exposes the structure of the sql needed to insert/update text ads.  This exposed sql statement can then be used to manipulate the input strings to terminate the current sql call and inject a new sql call into the database call.  The current coding on the page is not coded in a manner to sufficiently prevent this attack from occurring.   I am updating the code to .this will eliminate the ability to SQL Inject the database call."

We left some of the statement blank so as to not reveal exactly what we are doing to prevent this from happening again.

Its really unfortunate that hackers are always trying to do these bad things. 
And while we backup our system regularly, our last good backup is from almost two weeks ago due to complications in our servers. This issue has been resolved now.
So here is what we are going to do to make things right. We have ran a report on our last good backup and are going to migrate the text ad section only back to everyone's account. This means that you will actually get back credits that had already been used in the two weeks after the backup. However this is what we have to do to make sure our members receive the product they purchased! This update will happen sometime this evening I am told by one of our programming team staff.

We appreciate your patience in this regard and please know that MAP takes these type of events very seriously and we will do everything in our power to ensure this doesnt happen again...'

The Professional Website Designer responds:

'...Leaving aside their unprofessional website, last week, ALL campaigns were gone for everyone. They admitted there has been an SQL-Injection which made this loss of data possible, LOL?
 There is 2nd password page where you have to enter a second password. That's so unnecessary and funny at the same time. Does Google need something like that? Or my online banking? 
This is the most interesting part: If you are NOT logged in, and do NOT log in to the page and visit directly the "second-password-page":
And then enter anything, you'll get an error message with information about their database. This is a NO GO, I am a professional web developer and this is a mistake (beside the already happened sql injection) only beginners make!! And now think again if you want to spend thousands of Dollars to this? So much for a trustworthy business! Even Facebook warn against the link!

28th June 2015

I received this info a while ago, very interesting. Thanks Chris for sharing:

'Found this while looking into Mr Deese's military record... "Company sert5 up 13 september - about 3 months after web site - curious? He set up a website and then some months later set up the company which owns it??? But the address for myadvertisingpays Which is registered to Michael deese Map5.jpgMap6.jpgMap7.jpg Sourse PDF here : Which has a DIFFERENT signature to the Michael Deese on the website, https://myadvertisingpays.wordpress....-to-know-mike/map8.PNG and is not an office or industrial building but an empty residential house up for sale 7213 Bayou Landing Dr., Ocean Springs, MS 39564 - YouTube being sold by what seems to be a legit realtor Biloxi, Ocean Springs and Gulfport Mississippi real estate listings, home buying, selling and military and corporate relocation information. Very curious how a brand new business ready for expansion and registered in Mississippi suddenly disappears from their registered address? For about $1000 anyone could rent an empty $100,000 house for a month and set up a fake business."


Don't post those cheques folks! Must be compliant! Don't want the authorities to close us down now do we!!

for translation: Hello MAPS members it is time now to put away your large cheques, it was the last presentation at the 18 month Anniversary event in London which is now 2 weeks past. This is not compliant and we need to move on please. Therefore any posting of these cheques will now be deleted, many thanks for your understanding and co-operation.

30th JUNE 2015


Simon can't find a venue so he's selling tickets anyway and stating 'venue to be confirmed'. The reason? THEY OUTGREW THE HOTEL!  Hope he gives refunds!

1st July
New Venue announced!

 ...and yes. We've already notified them!
Also in the news today - the PONZI scam 'Achieve Community'. It has been closed down by the authorities and it's owners are facing long jail stretches. This is a snip from the news piece about it:

'...prosecutors say the group raised $6.8 million between January 2014 and February 2015, when federal regulators shut it down. They say the group had more than 10,000 investors -- including some in Charlotte -- and did pay out $2.1 million to investors who were in the scheme early, but most did not get any money. They say that Johnson diverted $200,000 to herself.

Johnson could face up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. She was released on $25,000 bond Tuesday and will have to surrender her passport.

The U.S. Secret Service, which investigated the case, could not comment on the specifics of the investigation but said online Ponzi schemes are pulling in a lot of unknowing investors.
“These schemes are successful because they are complex and sophisticated,” said Martin Mulholland, acting director of Charlotte’s Secret Service office.
Mulholland said the schemes are often promising unrealistic returns that should send up warning flags.
“When you're being pitched that there's little to no risk and the return is very high, then yes, you need to be guarded and you need to be suspicious,” he said.'

MAPS promises you $60 if you spend  $50.It is unsustainable and will eventually implode! 
Remember also:
MAPS itself states that 99% of it's affiliates will NOT make money with it's programme! It's in the T&C's, check it out!

Meanwhile this muppet thinks she's rich:

One day she'll discover that the $50,000 is just monopoly money. A computer generated programme that tells you lies. This money isn't in a bank. It's just figures on a screen. Imagine 150,000 members ALL showing this much (and more) on their pretend back office screens.
If this money was REAL, Mike could eradicate Greece's debt with one payment!
The money you get 'paid' and the money you 'withdraw' are completely separate. 
Ask Lynne Booth and her daughters. They all sit on the sofa at home and pay you using their lap-tops! 

4th July
Simon hates giving out refunds so he's squeezed all (20) of them into somebodies basement! 

Not a basement! A BAR!! Check out the carpet!
And they're claiming it wasn't cancelled when THEY announced it was! Priceless!

9th July 2015

I know I'm winning this argument when I get whole posts devoted to me!

Where to start?
1/ 160,000 members are ALL making money.
160,000 members have NOT withdrawn all the money in their 'accounts'. 
If all members withdrew their money tonight, MAPS would close immediately. 
Where do you think all these thousands of pounds are that sit so obligingly in your accounts?  Try and imagine your account. Then 'x' that amount by 160,000.
We're talking tens of millions of pounds. Why do you believe this money's real?
It isn't in a secure banking system, isn't regulated and can be confiscated on a whim by the MAPS management. 
Any withdrawals you're getting paid are from NEW members fresh cash, NOT ad revenue.

2/Claims that Simon is a criminal. 

In 1999 the Office of Fair Trading took out an injunction against him for scamming people in a fake 'work from home' scheme.
Since then Simon has enticed others into numerous ponzi schemes. Most of them are now long gone, MAPS is just the latest.

3/Tony and Lynne going bankrupt.

We aren't talking about one company going under in the Credit Crunch. We're talking about FOUR companies that he shut down each owing thousands of pounds.
Somebody who has these repeated bouts of misfortune are at best incompetent and at worse, criminal. 

4/ 'MAP in a BOX' is a marketing tool to use for recruiting unsuspecting people into an illegal PONZI scam. 

5/ You can't slander somebody if you're telling the truth!

6/The worst lie of all. I have NEVER phoned one hotel up! And I certainly haven't threatened them. The truth is much harder for Danny to print! Do you really think that

Multi-million dollar hotel chains would cancel bookings on the say-so of one or more emails? Do you not think that these intelligent businessman and women can't judge for themselves what a  PONZI is?  All we did is tell them that they were holding events for an Illegal PONZI scam. 
Luckily for us they have a lot more common sense than MAPPERS do! 


10th July.

There's so much going on tonight I hardly know where to start!
Lets start with Danny's little blog posts shall we:

Love this picture:

For translation: '634 likes! most of the likes are from us mappers as we like to read the rediculas posts they place daily'.
Great comment Danny! Our page reach is a bit higher than that though lol, down from it's usual 4000 odd a day but hey, we can't be that popular every day! And I'm absolutely sure that it's mostly you MAPPERS viewing it but were still very glad they visit!   

And what about that amazing figure of 29,000 members??
Come on Danny, seriously lol! That's the OLD FB page.
The one that Simon had to close (sorry, make SECRET) because you're all banned from posting fake earnings shots!

I've attached a snip of the NEW Facebook page with...hang on a minute
4923 MEMBERS? 
What happened to the other 25,000 members ?  

And finally, this little gem:

For translation: Here we go again!!! Jon Walsh AGAIN wishing MAP to strike a deal with him and make him his allie! NOT A CHANCE IN THE WORLD. Also contacts me via phone and wants to talk to me, join the que!, we have tried talking to you and your team in TaraTalks in a decent manor but now its too late...we will NOT entertain any of your calls or emails, neither will we answer any of your cannot slander us and then expect us to talk to you!

Jon Walsh has apparently offered to be MAPS bestest friend!

He seems to have turned to the dark side according to Super Sleuth Danny Turner!  
The irony of your post is hilarious Danny! 
Jon is offering to introduce the leaders of MAPS to the REAL world of Advertising , not the FAKE MAPS kind, but the real, everyday Advertising 'big wigs' who in the real world deal with Billions of pounds of REAL Advertising sales and  not the ridiculous 'click ten ads a day and get rich' (ponzi) schemes like MAPS. 
I think I can safely say on behalf of Jon and all the other MAPS haters that we'd be delighted if you spoke to a REAL person in the Advertising business who would go over the MAPS business model and confirm to the world that MAPS is real, but - strangely enough

11th July 2015

Just had to share this: The reason why MAPS is SO great! Take it away CeJaa!

CeJaa **** Why My Advertising Pays Is The Perfect Online Business?

[] Maps makes people buy traffic on a regular basis. - This is critical to marketing any service or product. One of the biggest mistakes new internet marketers make is they do not set up a weekly budget for online advertising. Consistent lead flow is essential in order to make sales commissions. Buying online traffic is not even an option.

Hate to break it to you CeJaa, but it's MEMBERS ONLY that buy this traffic. You just shuffle your clicks around each others websites (mostly OTHER ponzis!) Where's the Marketing in that? The vast majority of you click each others sites with ZERO intention of buying from them. This is the very OPPOSITE of how the advertising industry actually works. 

[] Maps makes people build a contact list. My first 14 months online I did not collect a single lead and I failed. Building a customer base, contact list, email list or whatever you want to call it, is mandatory. There is not a business in the world that does not need customers. Your email list is your customer base. It is no different than gathering customers for a traditional business. The fact of the matter is your email list is your business.


[] Maps teaches ad copy skills. - When we purchase credit packs we are buying an advertising package. We get to create & test out our text ads in the rotator. With the valuable analytical data provided we can fine tune these adverts. Adjusting just one word can be the difference between a winning and losing campaign. At Maps we can hone this skill and monitor the results.

Great words that basically mean you put a lot of effort into something that nobody cares a toss about

[] Maps provides a testing ground for banner ads. – We all get monthly product codes with our membership. This is extra virtual ad space on the platform in which we can create and test banner ads. Valuable data is gathered and provided in which members can monitor the performance of their banner ads.

A testing ground for it's closed shop members?  To join OTHER ponzi schemes? Seriously!

[] Maps provides a testing ground for sales funnels. – For those who build and design sales funnels this is a prime audience and testing ground. In the past we had to buy solo ads or ppc to record optin rates. Running multiple campaigns from various traffic sources had to be done to get an average. Here at Maps we can actually get paid to test and tune a sales funnel.

....again, for OTHER Ponzi's! Have you checked out the front of your website lately ?

Every single one is for financial products -PONZI'S by any other name!
[] Maps pays us even if we have an unsuccessful campaign. – This is truly a first. If we promote a product or service in front of this data base and it does not convert, we still get paid from Maps.

''MAPS pays even if you don't make any money!'
 So if all 166,000 members all have UNSUCCESSFUL campaigns then Mike still pays you? Do you not think he would go ever so slightly BANKRUPT if this were true?

[] Maps teams up advanced marketers with new marketers. – This is the magic and the wonderful thing about Maps. We truly are all on the same team, even if we are not connected directly through sponsorship. My Advertising Pays has a profit share component that we all collectively build by selling ad space on the platform. Even if someone did not make a sale during a pay cycle that person still gets paid as long as they have purchased credit packs and qualified by viewing 10 ads. The net sales revenue is paid out instantly and in cash up to 72 times per day. Every single Maps member is working together to make this happen.

THE MAGIC ' GET PAID 72 TIMES A DAY' line. Computer programmes can do that but in the REAL world, you get paid for actually DOING something. Clicking ten times a day with a mouse DOESN'T qualify as a hard days work!

In closing Maps teaches all the fundamental of internet marketing and pays us to learn and perfect our skills. My Advertising Pays is the perfect online business.

In closing, MAPS are making a complete fool of people such as yourselves who fall for this ridiculous BS and actually believe  that merely clicking a mouse ten times a day is the path to great riches - IT ISN'T!  

July 10th 2015

This ASA ruling is being posted all over the Internet as PROOF of the judgement against Simon Stepsys. 

The only problem is, it's from 2014! Some idiot can't read obviously.
The SECOND ASA ruling will be made on Wednesday 15th July and I'll post it with it's implications on the day. It won't be enough to bring criminal charges against him - yet. 

July 12th 2015
Companies House have issued My Advertising Pays with a motion to strike action for the late filing of Company accounts.

Interesting snip found today about MAPS website problems:

Which beggars the question: If you don't need to click ten ads a day to earn, how are you making any money? Here's a clue, the first letter is P----! 

 July 15th 2015

The Advertising Standards agency has upheld a complaint some people made against Simon Stepsys and his claims that affiliates of My Advertising Pays can get rich with no selling involved. This is an extract from the ruling:

'We noted Simon Stepsys' assertion that no personal selling was required to make money. However, we noted that the My Advertising Pays website stated that it offered an "opportunity that rewards you for selling cost-effective online advertisements" and that results would vary depending on the "sales skills of each participant".

We considered that consumers would understand from ad (b) that no selling would be involved. Because we understood that selling was involved, and because we had not seen any evidence to demonstrate that that was not the case, we concluded that the ad was misleading and had breached the Code.'

The full judgement is here:

The most interesting part of the ruling is this:

'...we needed to see evidence that showed that respondents could routinely expect to earn that amount of money. However, we had not seen any evidence to demonstrate that consumers would earn any money...' 

Simon has refused to provide evidence which he could easily obtain from either Mike Deese CEO or Tony and Lynne Booth (who handle all the withdrawals and therefore must have financial knowledge of the company). But he has refused.
Also at the time of writing this, Danny Turner has also refused to comment on todays ruling:

This is Danny Turners Facebook page. He has numerous posts attacking us, but offers no proof that MAPS is a legitimate company and seems to take a perverse pleasure in singling me out particularly. Personally, I couldn't be happier that he's splashing my name around but it's very unfair on all the OTHER numerous blogs/facebook pages who ALSO know that My Advertising Pays is just another 'click ten ads a day and get rich' PONZI!
He also continues to insult good,honest people by calling them my 'lapdogs'!  Again, very flattered Danny, but what other people write is ZERO to do with me and this picture he printed in his blog today - insinuating that it came from our group - is highly offensive:

Anybody who knows anything about me knows that I would never use this foul language or ask anybody else to!

July 17th 2015

Simon has shut down his 'Simon Stepsys Success' website and started a new company: Master Key Associates Ltd.

July 20th 


Who are they? Let's take a look shall we...

They are registered in Panama at Suite 11616 APDO 0832-1236, World Trade Centre, Panama City, Panama.

'APDO' in Spanish means PO BOX.

They have between 1 and 10 employees.

The company is listed as 'sociedad anonima'  which means  'Anonymous society'.

The founder is:

Timothy Alan MacKay, who lives in Texas and has no photo on his Linked-in profile.

The treasurer and secretary is Celia Eileen Jean Dunlop, who has no photo on her profile:

The directors are listed as: Timothy Alan MacKay, Celia Eileen Jean Dunlop

Aura Arias.

There is also a Linked-In profile for a 'Yon Zeimet' who claims to be the 'SEO' of VX GATEWAY.

The photo is just a stock photo and is used in other web pages.

But he also has a Facebook page that was started on 30th May 2012. 

Why doesn't VX GATEWAY have proper 'Linked-In' profiles and genuine pictures? There is no need for a legitimate company to hide behind fake profiles and cartoon photos.

These are the ALEXA rankings for VX GATEWAY.

35% of ALL it's traffic comes from My Advertising Pays.

 No other merchants are listed.

What other customers do they have?

These are their contact details:

  An address they share with 26 other businesses!

and if you google the number they give: 786-288-3366

You get FLORIDA!

This is their Facebook page:

It was launched in May 2013 and has since been deserted.

Don't bother commenting or asking for help, NOBODY'S THERE!

And look at this:

To conclude:

VX GATEWAY is REGISTERED in Panama and operates out of a PO BOX.

It's company is listed as an ANONYMOUS SOCIETY.

It has NO photographs of it's directors or owners.

It lists its employees as between 1 and 10 and I've already listed FOUR of them here.

This is a company with owners and directors you can't see,

a mailing address in HOUSTON it shares with 26 others,

a phone number in FLORIDA, no listed email address and no social media contact. 

Do you REALLY trust this company to handle hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of MAPS transactions? 

(Many thanks to my good friend Jack McGarth who helped me put this information together)

For your information:

VX GATEWAY was registered on 21st August 2007.

MAPS was registered on February 23rd 2005.

July 23rd 2015

Simon Stepsys has been exposed in a UK National Newspaper, the Daily Mirror.

My Advertising Pays gets a mention too, and not in a good way!  

And Tony's answer to this is:

My Advertising Pays GB From Tony Booth:

Hi guys, we have had our profile raised in the national press today as many are now aware. This over all has little effect on our business but one issue is a limited company called MAP is claimed to be being struck off at companies house. This company although of the same name has nothing to do with MY Advertising Pays. When we changed payment processors last year one we looked at was Allied wallet. They advised us that we needed a UK registered company and decided to open one for us without our consent and ultimately we chose not to go with them. In the UK Companies House will close any companies registered that have not put in an Annual return. THIS DOES NOT EFFECT OUR BUSINESS so please Pass this on down the line'.

So Allied Wallet opened up a UK company in MAPS name? Oh no they haven't!

July 24th 2015

Where are MAPS contact details gone? Why has the address disappeared to?

August 10th

The definition of a PONZI scheme:

The Advertising Industry doesn't rely on credit packs for its billion dollar turnover. Credit packs are sold to enable people at the bottom of the pyramid to be paid.

And what are these EXTERNAL ADVERTISERS? Please name us some? 

August 22nd

Tony has finally surfaced.What's the problem with MAPS?

Its TUBES are blocked! SERIOUSLY?



August 26th
A message from Mike Deese was posted today along with a message from Tony and a video from Jetts that he keeps hiding and then bringing back!
Tony says:
'The pipes in MAPS are too small. MAPS needs the 'WORLDS LARGEST PIPES'!  I kid you not. He seriously said this!
Jetts says on his video that  'the people behind MAPS...'
Er...PEOPLE? I thought MIKE was the owner - obviously not!
And finally a VERY irate Mike published this post threatening all sorts of horrible things to his current servers 'PRESIDENT' if they don't pull their finger out!

September 13th 2015

'Hello everyone,
I know everyone is frustrated with our current situation. Let me assure everyone that we are not sitting on our hands. We had a board meeting this morning with all MAP executives and several of our high ranking staff members, 8 in total, to get everyone on the same page. We have also spoken with the President of our current server company, and the owner of another one. We have six IT professionals working on this situation as we speak. I have given the directive that our current server guys must have solution and action plan by 1PM Eastern US time, or I am letting them go and moving to another company. The President of the current company has agreed to these terms. Earlier today, we contacted a different server company and spoke with the owner, explained our situation and all the steps we have already taken and they are putting together a package now for us so if by 1PM our current guys don’t have a solution, we are immediately severing the relationship and moving to this new company.

The weight of the entire company and all of its members are on our shoulders. The frustration each of you may feel on an individual level, we feel all of the same frustrations combined. Ultimately, me as your CEO has the responsibility to ensure our company and website operates in the fashion it was intended and I WILL NOT REST until it does.

Currently, we have 313 withdrawals in queue from late Monday evening that we have been unable to process due to the server timing out. The website has the same issues with our staff as you are experiencing. We have tried many multiples to get the site to process them with no success. Since we can’t process them, withdrawals will remain off until the site is running correctly. PLEASE do not send in a support ticket as we are full aware of these situations and needless support tickets do nothing but slow us down.

Our site is being hit millions of times in very short spans of time. We are definitely becoming a powerhouse in terms of visibility and it is this very SUCCESS that has brought forth this seemingly lack of it. In the end of this, your accounts, money, advertising and the like will be unaffected. Credit packs still expire at $60, withdrawals will be processed, support tickets will be caught up, etc. Again, I assure you that this problem, just like all the rest in our past, will be solved and we will be a stronger more capable company because of it in the end. I will personally keep everyone posted on developments as they arise.

Mike Deese

August 28th 2015
So, the server has been re-booted and is working smoothly and VERY fast! Like a ROCKET - er... not according to the Alexa rankings information:

I snipped this on 23rd August 2015:

And I snipped THIS five minutes ago! Check it out yourselves:

August 31st 2015
My Advertising Pays have been  exposed in The Sunday Times as a suspected PONZI scam.
This newspaper has a circulation of approx 850,000 people. Are Tony BOOTH or Mike Deese going to sue them for this accusation? 

September 3rd

The latest Public Account Information from UK Companies House records:

MAPS current server information:

Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 146
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Status: clientRenewProhibited
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Updated Date: 19-aug-2015
Creation Date: 29-jun-2013
Expiration Date: 29-jun-2016
>>> Last update of whois database: Thu, 03 Sep 2015 13:53:32 GMT <<<

September 5th 2015
An interesting post has appeared on one of the German Forums.
It says that two members user accounts were blocked by a German Bank from purchasing ad-packs via VX GATEWAY because VX GATEWAY tried to debit the money from AZERBAIJAN!
If mighty German banks think VX GATEWAY isn't legit then you surely must believe THEM even if you doubt US!

September 10th
Tony Booth has been keeping a low profile these last few weeks but has just re-surfaced to write this little gem:
'...Something must be right about this "MAP SCAM" 193196 members and growing by 5000 per week. Been going now for 20 months and the banks are falling over them selves to help us.
Every single member earning money from profit share and getting paid within the day.
Many reporting fantastic success with their MAP ad campaigns and some showing sales of £50,000 and more.
Network marketing experts teaching our members for FREE how to get the most from your business online.
But most of all some great friendships forming all over the world...'

Firstly, 193196 isn't even HALF of the 400,000 affiliates that got scammed from BANNERS BROKER.
Secondly, 'banks falling over themselves to help you?' Help you HOW exactly? You certainly don't need a loan with all those supposed millions in the bank! 
Thirdly, sales of $50,000 from the crummy ads on the MAPS site - don't make us laugh!

September 13th 2015

This fee increase notice has just appeared:

Posted at 9/13/2015 11:52:00 AM
New Withdraw Fee

Hello everyone!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend! With increasing administration costs for our company and the time it takes to process withdrawals, we have decided to incorporate a new withdrawal fee, but only for those that can afford it. This will take effect tomorrow. Here's how it works;
If you have only purchased one credit pack in your entire history with us, you will not be subject to pay this fee, however the minimum withdrawal limit will be $50. In other words, you must have at least $50 in your account balance before withdrawal will be allowed. So basically, you will wait until your one pack expires to withdraw the entire lot in one go. However if you’ve purchased two or more, your minimum withdrawal limit will remain at $10 but your withdrawals will be subject to a $1.75 withdrawal fee. For those that have never purchased any credit packs and have only made referral commissions and/or Wheel Earnings, the minimum withdrawal limit will be $10 with a $1.75 withdrawal fee. Membership levels have no effect on this fee.

- Why do we process MAP withdrawals manually instead of automatically?
Fraud is rampant in our industry unfortunately. We have saved literally TONS of YOUR money by fraud checking and manually processing withdrawals. While this gobbles up a lot of staff resources, it’s absolutely necessary. We established our Referral Policy for many reasons. Here are a few;

1. 1. For our advertisers. We want to ensure that each household is unique and have new sets of eyes on each of our member ads. If 2 or more people join from the same household and only one of those people logs in and surfs daily for all accounts, then it’s unfair for the advertiser to pay for 2 or more sets of eyes when only one is doing the viewing/clicking.

2. 2. For our Sponsors. It’s unfair to a Sponsor to do the work to bring you in to MAP only to have a husband or wife join under the new participant and earn all the referral commissions. This is a big NO NO in MAP and will get your account terminated.

3. 3. For money laundering laws. Some people will try to funnel large amounts of money through our site to collect on referral commissions with their own money. Then they try to get this money out of MAP through a payment processor different than the one that they originally purchased with. Not only is this against the law, it’s against our rules. Again, this will get you immediately terminated and banned from our site permanently. No tolerance policy!

A company such as ours has to keep overhead costs as low as possible because we pay out 95% of our revenue! This simple $1.75 fee will help curb increased administrative costs and give our staff more time to focus on support issues.

We will be releasing a Comprehensive Update some time this week to fill everyone in on the future of MAP. Get excited because HUGE improvements are coming!

October 1st 2015
Great news today! The latest MAPS event in London has been cancelled due to 'lack of interest!'. Add to that Danny Turner changing the name of his Facebook page from 'My Advertising Pays is NOT a scam' to a silly 'anti-cyber bullying page', AND a message from Jett forbidding the use of the MAPS logo on affiliates site (on pain of account closure!)this week is looking really bad for MAPS! 

October 10th.

A two page advert has been placed in James Caans (Dragons Den) Business Magazine

for My Advertising Pays:

This was a PROMOTIONAL advert, NOT an endorsement and we have notified James that he has unwittingly carried adverts for a SCAM business! 

October 15th


In Summary:

They are  pulling out of the USA! 

Maps are introducing a version 2.0.

Lower bank fees as everything will now be in Euros.

MAPS debit cards.

New OFFICE's leased with an IN house IT programming team.

'...And last, but certainly not least, our very own in-house programming team devoted to MAP only. Currently, we are under contract from a firm that has other customers. Over the last couple of weeks, our amazing brand new, latest and greatest computers and hardware have arrived and been set up, our office space leased with motivational messages plastered on the walls throughout, an IT Manager hired, a new programming specialist being interviewed and vetted (with more hires to come), and the framework of MAP 2.0 being constructed as we speak! Coming soon, we will have a whole team of dedicated programmers, designers and specialists that will be answerable to MAP and only MAP! With this new team, once MAP 2.0 and all of her new products are launched and off the ground, we will be offering website building services to our members to further increase our external revenue streams, which strengthens MAP’s bottom line! Yep, one day in the near future, you can have MAP build your websites, capture pages, lead generation systems and much much more!...'

I have some questions:

Why does MAP need a 'new team' to run this awesome new website? He has never mentioned using an outside firm before to run the MAPS website (and Lynne Booth and her daughters do all the 'payments'!) Where is this great new office? 

Who is underwriting MAPS new Debit card?

How can America - one of the richest countries in the world - NOT be a major earner for MAPS?

October 16th 2015

Pulling out of the USA market has opened up a hornets nest! The SEC must be breathing down MAPS neck for Mike to do this. America is one of the richest countries in the world! It's beyond belief that Mike thinks people will believe this nonsense.

And check out this video:

He asks a question that proves MAPS is a PONZI:

'How can the USA affiliates earn profit share if they aren't allowed to buy packs?'

Exactly Frank! And I NEVER thought I'd agree with you on anything! Of course they can't.

But as we all know, MAPS has ZERO to do with advertising anyway. The earnings are all fake..just like TRAFFIC MONSOON, which unfortunately Frank is directing his downline towards!

October 17th

So America is unprofitable? LIES Mike! America is Number 2 in the world and only a fraction behind GERMANY:

October 18th

On the 11th November 2005, a scam called 'Studio Traffic' suddenly came to an end. There was no warning, it just closed up. The owner vanished and hasn't been heard of since.
Guess who was on the admin of Studio Traffic? None other than Mike Deese:

October 21st
These payments are being split. You will receive half on November 1st and half on December 1st. WHY?
Mike and Tony have both stated that they have many millions in reserves to cover payouts so why not pay out everything in one go? And why do contracts have to be NOTARISED?
If you close your bank account, the bank settles in full.
They don't tell you to prove who you are first and they certainly don't tell you that you can have half your money one month and the rest the next!
The SEC has 100% had a hand in closing down the USA MAPS business. Do you think that Government agencies don't talk to each other? Of course they do! This is just the start. You think your safe?
Think again. Start withdrawing your funds now, before its to late...
October 20th

The affiliates in the USA are being offered theIr ORIGINAL payments to MAPS only as a refund or a settlement account based on a calculation that bares ZERO relation to the money in theIr MAPS accounts.
We've all been saying for months that the 'earnings' in your accounts are fake and this proves it. If the earnings were REAL, Mike would have NO problem settling those CLOSED USA accounts.


October 22nd 2015


Message to Maps owner, the board and attorneys (Jonathan D. Herpy Sr (Hart & David LLP)
This message is written on behalf of some the 10,000+ USA map subscribers.

We are writing to you to let you know that we have some great concerns in regards to the recent decision to abandon the USA. We appreciate all that you have done so far for us in regards to providing a medium to be able to supplement our income. As usual results are not typical.

1) We totally understand the basis for withdrawing from the USA. It's business. We get it. No problem.

2) We also appreciate all the newly enlisted people getting their refund if packs were bought 30 days or less. Again, full refund is expected and we appreciate that.

3) What we disagree with are the 10000 + of people who helped build this company and are getting screwed. Again, moving out of the USA was a choice versus mandatory. Either way. That's fine. But Ethically, you have to fulfill your moral obligations to them because you entered into a contract with them when you accepted their payment of $49.99 per pack, promising them a return of $60.00 minus $3.00 within roughly a 100 days to mature. And I quote "until you have received $60.00 in return" which they signed and agreed to by Maps when they purchased each pack.

4) The current lump sum settlement is roughly 1/3 to 1/4 of the value promised. Which does not make any sense. So basically you are paying them $.25 to $.33 of a $1.00. Not Fair. They have worked tirelessly for months and months bringing in referrals and building the company.

5) For example: someone with 300 packs as of October 15th 2015 should have received 300 X $60 minus $3.00 = $17,100.00 for lump sum amount or give them 100 days for the packs to expire from the "entire pot" and for them to withdraw the total amount of $17,100.

Instead, you moved them into a "slow earning pot" like $.20 a day which will take over 2 years. Lol.. That's not ethical. You changed the terms of the agreement on October 15th by moving them into another pot which you have mentioned publicly. They met their obligations by purchasing packs, clicking on 10 ads daily and sticking with the plan prior to October 15th.

6) I call on you Mr Deese(The Owner), the board, the attorneys (Mr Herpy Sr) for maps to carefully review these statements and concerns so that an ethical compromise can be reached on behalf of the 10,000+ subscribers in the USA.

7) We will like to move on with our lives and pursue other ventures but make no mistake, we want to get this resolved amicably and as quickly as possible so that everyone can return to the business at hand. But, if not, we will pursue this to the fullest extent possible across continents. We are currently in consultation with Morgan and Morgan Law Firm and await to see your decision before we move forward. Again, thank you for all that you have done over the years and we look forward to an ethical policy change to meet item number 3.

On behalf of some of the US Subscribers.

November 8th
A rumour is circulating today that the new Maps Version2 will have far reaching consequences for MAPS affiliates:

'...about MAPS2, and it’s pretty chilling for the affiliates: they are going to “start everyone from a clean slate – all active memberships will vanish & new ones have to be purchased”. Also they are going to change the referral commission from the flat 10% rate to be variable depending how many you recruit...'

November 11th
The truth about the American Account closures is now filtering through. This comes from an affiliate who lost all his money:

'They told me to process agreement and have it notarized and send by email. Then they said that the commissions is deducted from balance instead of lifetime profit. Thus it took away my cp earnings.
 After agreement I saw the real numbers and asked for refund and they declined.'


November 12th
So much for Tony Booths LIE that the UK MAPS company was a FAKE. The accounts have just been signed off by Mike Deese and the address has been changed too!

November 19th
The website is STILL down!
And it ISN'T honouring the lump sum payments to its American affiliates either.

November 25th 
STP have been removed from the withdrawal choices:
But it isn't at STP's end - just MAPS!

thanks to REALSCAM.COM for the picture!

December 5th
STP is reportedly working. That's the good news.
The bad news is: It REALLY doesn't matter, you aren't going to get paid either way!

December 9th

MAPS new super duper UK Office! No idea where through? Can't wait to find out!
You'll notice that its DRESS DOWN DAY. No stuffy professional clothes for these folks!
The announcement in full (INCLUDING MISTAKES!)
'We have been hard-at-it building our next edition of the rapidly expanding MAP network, MAP 2.0! Monday November 30th we've hired our third employee on the MAP 2.0 IT team (not pictured below)! We now have an IT Manager, Project Leader and the new IT professional working under the upper management. Our small IT office of four stations is almost full! Here are just a few pictures of the lads and office. You will notice my favorite quote of all time on the back wall of the first picture :);

'We are very careful how we spend our funds and will only expand as needed. Currently outfitted for four full time programmers complete with four top-of-the-line computers with three screens a piece, webcams for constant monitoring, security system, meeting space with speakers in the ceiling and a TV on the wall for Skype meetings, we have everything we need right now to get MAP 2.0 off the ground. This is a two story building with office/meeting space both above and below with room for 10 or more employees so this office will suffice for at least a few years while we continue to expand our operations. Folks you truly are on the GROUND FLOOR of this exciting opportunity!

This new office and the IT professionals working there means the END of dealing with other companies that have their own customer bases running the IT side of our company. This team will be responsible for MAP and MAP only and will allow us to use the most up-to-date and technologically advanced software's and techniques used today so that our site is the most advanced and robust in marketplace! Although the expected launch date is currently in May 2015, I am going to do whatever I can to get this new platform launched by end of March 2015. That is my target, but targets often change so stay tuned to get the latest news and developments!'

We are making great progress. Many modules of the new site have been built already and with each completion, the expected launch date decreases because we have a STELLAR team! Our project manager even built a bot that creates lots of different items of the site on almost auto-pilot! He specializes in Artificial Intelligence and those talents are extremely useful when building a site as dynamic as MAP!

Right now, its pure basics that we are working on. Its a rather large job to build a 'MAP'! Once the new layout and graphic designs are worked on, we will definitely be sharing that with you. This will be done in pieces so expect a little bite at a time so-to-speak.

Please make sure you start using your Available Advertising Funds and let any new member of your personal team know that you MUST use these funds by the launch of MAP 2.0 or you will lose them. No adfunds will be transferred to the new site. This must be CLEARLY communicated with your teams so there are no surprises and our support desk is not bombarded with queries regarding this.

VX Processing Update
Some very exciting news has just been passed along to us. VX have been in negotiations with another credit card processor that will not use 3DS. What is 3DS?
"3D Secure is led by the credit card schemes and is designed to make online shopping transactions safer by authenticating a cardholder's identity at the time of purchase, through the likes of Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode."
What this means in short; we are getting loads of FAILED transactions even though the member has money in the bank. In our business, we have ways of monitoring fraudulent transactions through other means, so YOUR affiliate sales are being severely degraded by this unnecessary security measure. Often, affiliates with plenty of credit will still receive a FAIL at checkout. Well, these days are about to be a thing of the past! We suspect sales overall will increase by 25% initially and by early next year, sales could DOUBLE! This means more commissions for those of you out there working hard to build your businesses!

PLEASE NOTE - This negotiation/approval is NOT final. It is in the final stages of approval and we have a few steps to take yet before implementing this, but we are hopeful it will be before the end of December (if all goes well with negotiations) :).

Sophie Booth - Promoted to Support Team Leader!
Zoe Booth - Promoted to Assistant Support Team Leader!
Margariet - Given a raise and now has access to MAP's admin back office!

We have brought on more support staff in the last couple of weeks to help prepare us for the move to MAP 2.0 and ensure we are taking care of our customers as quickly as possible.
I want to give a special Thank You to Sophie, Zoe, and Margariet for their tireless efforts and amazing work ethics. The hours these folks spend on our support desk are truly unreal. We never ask this of them, they are simply dedicated to MAP's success so please give them a THANK YOU and congratulations when you pass them by!'

Have you ever seen an office with so much FOILAGE and so LITTLE STATIONARY!

December 10th 2015


So if you haven't been paid - YOU KNOW WHERE TO GO!
Note the same furniture! All they've added is a few pot plants. No Expense Spared!

December 22nd

Mike, Lynne and Tony formed a new company in October 2015 called 'RECODEIT'.
Break that up and you get 'RE-CODE-IT'.

The new company is registered a stones throw away from their great new MAPS office/terraced/converted garage!

December 23rd
It's that time of year again! The time when for TWO whole weeks the banks are shut! No cash for you folks! No getting into your accounts to get out all that hard earned money!
Sorry, only kidding! In the REAL world, you can access your bank accounts 24/7 -
in PONZI land however, you're stuffed like the Xmas Turkey!

December 31st  2015

We're nearly there. Only five days to go before the 4th of January when MAPS will be back open for business. Can't wait for the weeks ahead to document the non-payment excuses!
Jules has kicked off first - she's been hacked apparently. Of all the thousands and thousands of members that MAPS has, it's JULES who gets hacked. How unlucky is that!
Hope you got a crime reference number Jules when you reported this hacking to the Police??

January 6th 2016

says Julie!
No worries Julie, will do! Julie has changed her MAPS FB page to another page promoting 'My Paying Ads'. Opps, whose going to tell her the bad news!

January 8th 2016

That new office of their's is now up for sale! And it DOES'NT have sitting tenants!

'The property would suit a variety of businesses including owner occupiers or investment buyers. Located in the centre of Great Harwood the property has good road links to the surrounding network.'

January 20th 
Maps Alexa rankings are taking a nose dive...

But Tony has come out of hibernation and explained it by saying that you have to BUY an Alexa ranking. Pretty sure Alexas lawyers won't like that comment Tony!

Best you go back to sleep before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

January 27th 2015

My Advertising Pays has once again been mentioned in Court filings against Telex Free. It has been branded a PONZI scheme and Simon as a 'Ponzi mogul'.
MAPS Alexa rankings have crashed and now they're being mentioned in USA Court proceedings. MAPS is dying fast.
Thanks to PatrickPretty for this info:

January 29th

Oh No!! The Hackers are back! Hacking into random PayPal accounts and CHANGING your email accounts! How on earth did these 'hackers' get your information?
Maybe Lynne left her laptop open? And a hacker peered through her window? And used his binoculars to get your details? ..blah, blah, blah. It's all nonsense.

February 2nd 2016

Remember this post from Mike in November regarding:

Barnmeadow House, Barnmeadow Lane, Great Harwood, Blackburn, BB6 7AB.

'We are very careful how we spend our funds and will only expand as needed. Currently outfitted for four full time programmers complete with four top-of-the-line computers with three screens a piece, webcams for constant monitoring, security system, meeting space with speakers in the ceiling and a TV on the wall for Skype meetings, we have everything we need right now to get MAP 2.0 off the ground. This is a two story building with office/meeting space both above and below with room for 10 or more employees so this office will suffice for at least a few years while we continue to expand our operations. Folks you truly are on the GROUND FLOOR of this exciting opportunity!
This new office and the IT professionals working there...'

Remember all those pictures that had Lynne and all her staff cozy at their desks? Mike said it was the MAPS Office, that would see them out 'for years to come'?
The problem with lying, is you get found out.
The Office is NOT registered to MAPS and is NOT on a long lease.
The lease currently runs out in AUGUST 2016.
This is part of an email conversation I had with the Estate Agents: 

Me:'Is this office vacant or does it have tenants?

Estate Agent :It has tenants in a lease until August.

Me: Has their business folded or are they just moving to different premises?

Estate Agents: No I think they would stay, he is the brother of the landlord. I have spoken to the landlord and he said that it is his brother, that manages the company for a couple, that have an IT Company. I Would strongly recommend you view the premises and take it from there...'

SO...either Lynne and some 'friends' have staged an elaborate photo-shoot and are lying.

OR..the lease was a six month one and not a LONG 'lease' as Mike has stated.

OR..the landlords brother is managing an unregistered company for an 'I.T' couple?

Whatever the truth is, it certainly ISN'T that this is MAPS Official Registered premises!

February 5th
How many active members does My Advertising Pays currently have?

200,000? 300,000 Half a million?
Nope -75,000!
Tick tock...tick tock...tick tock!

February 7th 2016

The International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network - ICPEN:…/watchlist-internet-a-tool-against-f…

...has just issued a warning about 'My Advertising Pays' through it's Watchlist Internet site.…/warnung-vor-myadvertis…/ 

February 8th

Interesting information through today on VX Gateway.
From March 1st if you have a VX GATEWAY ACCOUNT, you have to pay them a fee if you don't withdraw from them:
Date: 03-Feb-2016
Status: READ
Message: A monthly dormant account fee now applies to VX Gateway accounts (please refer to fees table). VX Gateway is not a bank and requires accounts to be actively used, including WITHDRAW-MONEY. Commencing 1st March 2016, the dormant account fee will be levied for any account that has an account balance and no WITHDRAW-MONEY transaction for the previous calendar month. This means that all inactive accounts from the 1st February 2016 with an account balance and no WITHDRAW-MONEY transaction will be billed the fee commencing the 1st March and each calendar month ongoing until there is no balance...'

Just to remind you all about VX GATEWAY: 
The latest Alexa ranking has gone UP.

 This means that MORE people than ever are starting to withdraw from MAPS.
My Advertising Pays must be in dire need of funds. They're counting on the majority of affiliates not to withdraw so they can get to the magic 1200 figure.
This must be the first payment processor who charges you for doing nothing!

February 26th 2016

Welcome to all the hundreds of new readers I gained yesterday! I never thought I'd be saying Thank-you to Mike!
So, apparently, I have been sued/I'm being sued/am in jail or any of the above!
Read what this article says folks.

It says they're launching an action in the Northern District of Illinois . So a company who had to pull OUT of one of the biggest markets in the world- leaving thousands out of pocket - is sueing me from the country it was forced to leave? Hilarious.
And to say my blog is slanderous, Mike will have to PROVE, in a court of law, that 'My Advertising Pays' is a real, honest 'business' - which he can't, because it ISN'T!
Mike has picked me to launch a fake attack on to get his affiliates mind off what is REALLY happening in My Advertising Pays.
The Alexa Rankings have plunged down a cliff edge:

- which means views on the 'My Advertising Pays' website have CRASHED.
Which means recruitment is drying up. Which means folks, that this Ponzi is about to die!
MOST of MAPS affiliates AREN'T withdrawing cash. Instead, you're all ploughing on getting to your magic 1200 ad packs when you haven't spotted the elephant in the room.
If ALL of you withdrew your cash tomorrow, Mike would need BILLIONS of dollars to pay you all!
And on March 1st - VXGATEWAY- MAPS 'payment processor', are CHARGING you a MONTHLY FEE for NOT using its services!
Can you imagine if PAYPAL said to all its clients that if they didn't use its services they would CHARGE them! Hilarious!

5th March

"MAPS’s corporate counsel is in the process of initiating a federal law suit in the Northern District of Illinois alleging libel, interference with business relationship, and false light claims against TaraTalks." 

6th March

A re-cap on all the articles about 'My Advertising Pays':

'This week the Advertising Standards Authority ruled the promises (about My Advertisng Pays) misleading and unproven. 'We had not seen any evidence to demonstrate that consumers would earn any money...'
'AN ONLINE advertising scheme that has attracted 180,000 members with a promise to “make money while you sleep” may be too good to be true, experts have warned.
My Advertising Pays (Map) claims users will earn at least $60 (£39) within three months for every $50 they put in.
All users have to do to earn the $10 commission is click on 10 online advertisements posted by other Map members every day — and they can earn a lot more by persuading others to join...'

(6th Feb update 7:23 p.m. ET U.S.A.) Class-action lawyers pursuing claims against TelexFree promoters have called the My Advertising Pays (MAPS) “program” a Ponzi scheme and described MAPS promoter Simon Stepsys as a “Ponzi mogul.”

And the GERMAN PRESS have also picked this up:

'The Fast Money increasingly südtiroler about the opaque firm 'My advertising pays'

But rich consumer Schutzer warn. It would involve a snowball system that eventually collapses...'

9th March 

THE MAPS ACADEMY is open for business!
Roll up, Roll up! Buy the Books, the Baseball caps, the DVD's!
MAPS will train you on what 'NOT' to say to the world!

And if you thought this doesn't apply to you - WRONG!
This course is MANDATORY for all MAPS affiliates!

16th June 20i5
'...also developing our MAP Academy which will be a mandatory course for our affiliates.'

p.s. a note on the far left of this picture says 50 EUROS? For a book?? Hope they throw in a free baseball cap with that!

19th March
So version 2 will be released at the end of this month because the 'project manager' is doing more testing.Well, he isn't 'testing' it here:
Barnmeadow House, Barnmeadow Lane, Great Harwood, Blackburn, BB6 7AB

Mike STILL hasn't registered Barnmeadow House as Maps company address, it's still registered at:
'Suite 27, Barnfield House, Accrington Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 3NY'

So what does V2 mean for you?
1/ You must use up your ad credits, because they won't be transferred.
2/You must pay a new membership fee (unless you have less than 14 packs)
3/ You must take your earnings in Euros instead of dollars.
4/You must pay VX Gateway a fee for not using it.

That is, of course, if MAPS ever get the website up and running!

 24th March 2016

VX GATEWAY still seem to have only MAPS as their client - odd that! And look how fast their site is - super slow...just like MAPS!

2nd April

What a co-incidence! Both Maps AND VXGateway are down for 'maintenance' TOGETHER! 

Here's a little reminder of who VX GATEWAY are:

3rd April 2016
Just in case you thought MAPS would open on April 5th, think again. This is what Mike has to say: 
'please take note:

1/ This is a brand new site that is going to have thousands of affiliates logging in at the same time. PLEASE know that there are going to be errors as it always happens with new software no matter how much testing you do...' 

5th April 2016

Nothing yet folks...but I'm sure it'll open eventually. The first wheeze of the day is a DDOS attack! What a load of rubbish!  Servers have built-in protection against DDOS attacks. Mike is using a Mickey Mouse server or is lying...which one?

What's the next excuse? The dog ate my AdPack?

April 6th

Problems, problems problems!
The New website launch that only 200,000 odd customers belong to, has been hit by a DDOS attack. Why anybody would take the time, money and energy to launch such an attack on a two-bit company is beyond us. But it SOUNDS official!
Maybe all these attackers are having problems negotiating 'the fattest pipes in the world'!

Mikes excuse in all its glory!

April 5th, 2016

Technical Update – The process of launching a new website comes with many difficulties including, choosing the correct server hardware, server o/s, bandwidth, load balancing, website coding language, database setup, security etc.

With MAP 2.0 the process was made much more difficult as we were dealing with a unique system that dealt with a lot of mathematics in the database queries along with constantly changing dynamic content.

As you may have noticed today’s launch didn’t go according to plan causing the website to hang for many members and many of you not being able to log on at all, the main cause for this was an overwhelming request from a multiple number of sources onto our servers making it almost impossible to access, this is known as a DDoS attack.

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources. They target a wide variety of important resources, from banks to news websites, and present a major challenge to making sure people can publish and access important information.

Further information on the type of attack we have encountered can be found here –

We have been/are working hard behind the scenes looking at resolving the issue asap and we will be keep you updated via this page and our facebook page found here –

Thank you for being a valued member

IT Technical Support Team*******************

Mike has a new accountant.
The MAPS registered 'Office' address has changed to:
Queen Court, 24 Queen Street, Manchester, England, M2 5HX

Maybe this one can help with his OVERDUE TAX ACCOUNT!


Smooth Sailing: 14 credit packs MAX: FREE.
New Beginnings:75 Credit pack MAX: 10.99/month
Living the Good Life:250 Credit Pack MAX 26.99/month
New Lifestyle 500 Credit Packs MAX 55.99 Month
New Lifestyle:1000 Credit Packs MAX 99.99 Month

Bet your glad you worked so hard for DIAMOND status now eh!

13th  April 2016
There sure are a lot of happy mappers about!

'I had not seen your blog, i wish i had before i signed up to this.Its unbelievable! I had bought a 6 months membership in January at $99.99 which was supposed to expire in June and its only halfway through they just dissolved it with no notice whatsoever and expect me to now pay a monthly membership of 26.99 euros. On top of that whereas before i bought credit packs at $50 each expecting to earn $60, with the change to euros i have just asked how much it will cost me to use my US dollar earnings to buy the new credit packs in euros. You won't believe they told me $62.71 apparently because VXgateway's exchange rate is 0.88 instead of the usual 0.81. So instead of earning $60 i'm now actually loosing money because i am being charged an extra $2.71 on top of what i expected to earn. Can i request a cashback if i used a debit card instead of a credit card. Please Tara help there will be a lot of people in this situation. How can i go about getting my money back? Something serious needs to be done about scammers like these rather than casually letting people like these go scott free all the time. You would do well also to expose their poxy threat to sue you that that's also just a scam to try and convince unsuspecting people that they are genuine.'


I looked at this and through assurances from someone who seemed genuine and a believer thought Id have a go. I had some saving not earning any interest in the bank and thought Id try jumping in with some commitment to compound my earnings quickly and generate an income of note. Of course ultimately it appeared like a kind of ponzi but in a far clever & subtle way. But Isnt everything in life to to with finances and consumerism just a ponzi scheme. This looked like it could be sustainable for some time and I reasoned I could make an income for a while. However after just one month in they switch to 2.0 details were kept secret, my account has disappeared along with my $6,000 dollars. No answer to my emails I spent countless hours trying to find out whats going on. All then terms and conditions point to the fact that everything is completely discretionary on their part and could terminate or stop payments at any time . I dont know if thats what happened to my account or not as I've never heard anything back from anyone. If I had known how the terms and conditions were to change so drastically against my earning plan I would never had got involved, now I don't know where to start to get action or rebate against the company ANY ONE Know how to start in action against the company. I'm happy to join any group action.'


' Please I have maps long ago when I was not convinced it was a legitimate business.Both Maps and Vx gateway are frauds anyway.A friend of mine still had like 225dollars which he successfully transferred to vx gateways after so many hiccups such as charges that were not there when he joined which was later introduced.Now to move his money from vs gateway to his current account has become problems.To be honest only gulllible will still be with maps as vs gateway said they are not banks so where is the protection even if they cannot pay you back your fund even when you are able to move from maps to vxgateway.That my friend's problems with vs gateway are as listed below:Vx gateway stopped transferring to his current account which he was doing before as they said they cannot be transferring to accounts again.Instructed everybody to open PayPal account,when he finished opening his PayPal account,a message was continuously showing that he should give them 72hours and if no response he should send the documents again and ensured he did not raise any ticket.Up till now he had submitted documents for regularisation of PayPal yet they did not allow him to move his money to PayPal.At one time the message in his account read:no euro funds now return later.Again as of today,the message again is PayPal profile verification required again.The guy has been on the same problems for over six weeks.Even when they are the one blocking you to retrieve they have introduced unexplained charges such as 15dollars for every transfer you make and now saying they will be charging you for dormancy status even when they are the one not allowing the guy not to withdraw.Both maps and Vxgateway are frauds and they work together.The guy is so frustrated,please help us expose them.'

15th April
Lots of information is now surfacing about blocked accounts.It'll be interesting to see what happens to payments when the thirty day excuse is used up.

23rd April 
No withdrawals? Credit packs too expensive? Exchange rates too high? Monthly Fees too high? Accounts blocked? Tough luck!
Its party time for the MAP leaders in the good ole USA!
Mike, Tony, Lynne, Simon, Dickie Mead, the Gerbil, Jets... (AND the German Leader Daniel has left the country for SIX whole weeks!) 

 They're all whooping it up in the sunshine on your money! 

24th April
Happy Mappers realizing they've been scammed!:

...not getting paid?  Bet these guys are:

27th April 2016

We warned of problems with the Euro conversion and were ridiculed by Mappers. This guy is typical of the conversion problems. He's asking Simon on his FB page for help. He'll be lucky! Simon is currently spending this guys money on champagne and caviar, whilst gazing out to sea in the warmth of the USA sunshine - laughing his socks off at the MAPS muppets who paid for it!

'Hai Simon,I have 98 packs and 4 referrals. But in MAP2 packs r not increasing bks of conversion of Euro. I think it will remain same till 3 month unless v convert the all USD. What will happen later.pls send any video or presentation which shows. how the system will work later.Most of the people worried about no. of credit packs'

7th May 2016

Just look at these almost identical website graphs.
One is MAPS, the other is VXGATEWAY. Still don't think they're linked?

Going DOWN anyone!

8th May 2016

Latest payment update and Payment delay excuse No.1

As mentioned in the last update, 100% of our Euro funds are held for a period of time before being released to us. Sales didn’t really start happening in MAP 2.0 until the second week after launch due to technical errors. I said from the beginning that these funds are held initially for varying periods of time. Once we start seeing these Euro funds being released, there should be no interruption in payouts thereafter. We met with VX on Tuesday of this week and they said that we should see the first release of our Euro funds on or about the 16th of May. So hopefully in around 6 business days we can turn on Euro withdrawals. Again, this waiting period is a one-off deal. Once funds start flowing there should be no interruptions.

So what about all the money Mike made in Version 1?  Where did it go?

Were all the funds held in VX GATEWAY just withdrawn on April 5th /6th when the new Version 2 was launched?  And if so, why?  Ask these questions to ALL  those Maps Leaders who enjoyed a very good holiday in the sun at your expense!

14th May 2016

20th May 2016

Version 2 is now 'apparently' paying. EXCEPT they've moved the goalposts so your earnings are now VASTLY REDUCED.
We've seen many FB posts saying that accounts are blocked and affiliates can no longer log in.
The closure of V1 and the withdrawal from the USA facilitated a massive claw back of funds to Mike. Affiliates have lost funds in a slight of hand that they barely noticed. Very clever.
All Mike has to do now is gradually reduce his liabilities, close accounts and run MAPS into the ground.

June 4th 2016

MAPS new website has these 'contact us' details from all over the world:

Looks impressive doesn't it? Except its all a sham (no surprise there!)
Lets take the first one:

Representative office in Mauritius:
AD REM MERCHANT SERVICES LTD. Suite 501, St James Court, St Denis Street, Port Louis, Mauritius

Check the address and this is what you get:

A Tech Support Centre!

Lets try the next one:
Representative office in Georgia:
COPERNICUS MERCHANT SERVICES LTD 9 Dzma Kherkheulidze Str., # 14, Apt. 3, City Rustavi, Georgia

A Tech Support Centre!

Lets try the next one:
Representative office in Azerbaijan:

CBC POLSKA 3 Inshaatchilar avenue, Baku city,Yasamal district, AZ1073, Azerbaijan

Can't find any info on this one except that Google lead me to this page:
'' registered in the USA.

And the icing on the Ponzi cake? 
Guess who shares these addresses as well?
None other than...drum roll!   VXGATEWAY!


(many thanks to a fellow scambuster Matthias Bachman 
 for the VX snip)

21st June 2016
My Advertising Pays is cock-a-hoop at the latest news from Tesco's that they plan to give a £3 refund off their bill for viewing ads.
Lets compare them shall we?
Tescos provide a phone service with a phone bill at the end of it and are giving a nominal refund to view major, branded advertisers.
My Advertising Pays sell credit packs for 50 odd euros. Make you watch ads for OTHER ponzi scams and then say you'll get a FULL refund of the credit pack PLUS a little bonus. AND you get referral commissons.

23rd June
People are always asking us to PROVE that MAPS is a scam, so perhaps this little bit of information will provide some evidence.
We received this message today from Lisa Starchild who runs this website:

'Hi there, thanks for this page - MAP is screwing up my google analytics, there are thousands of people who click on my site once and then click away (probably hoping it will make them rich?). This makes google think that my site is irrelevant and puts it back in search results etc.
Do you know how to block map from linking to my site by any chance?

Lisa is NOT a member of MAPS and has NOT put her link on their site,
yet affiliates are merrily clicking away on it, don't stay and browse her site to make purchases, AND mess up her stats in the process. So what benefit does Lisa get? What money does she earn? ZERO. A big, fat ZERO! But more importantly, My Advertising Pays also gets ZERO cash from it.
This means they can't possibly share any of the revenue supposedly generated!
Which proves conclusively that MAPS have NO advertising revenue coming in ...only NEW members cash. Which means?


6th July 2016
Our Facebook page 'My Advertising Pays Scam' 
has had a really popular post regarding the blocking and suspending of accounts. We have also had many messages confirming this:

We suspect that MAPS are steadily and quietly closing dozens of accounts by stealth to 
eliminate payouts and wind down. If YOUR account has been closed or suspended,
immediately. They are waiting for your call! 

7th July 2016
Another happy Mapper telling it how it is on Simons Facebook page:

'But current reality of MAPS is no hidden. A totally Torturous Experience since last 2 months ever the site is so called Upgraded to MAPS 2.0. A month wait for withdrawal after accumulation and that too in limited amounts like $20, $30, $10. What's this hell? It's longer a site I reccommend to anybody in future.. It seems that MAPS administrators have designed the system to their advantage only. It's no longer a people's business. So, I warn masses to make due consideration before investment of hard earned money befor it's blocked and keep waiting in frustration. It's no longer a "SMART" investment and only looks Smart in attracting people through Advertisement. So, BEWARE of any Adds calling you to join MAPS and promising payment as easy as 1 2 3'.

11th July 2016
More happy mappers!
This interesting Facebook message was posted on the RealScam forum today. Its about the increasing problems of payouts in V2. Take it away Gordon:

'Thank you very much for approving my post and thank you colin for likeiing what i said i liked it also, But there is only one thing SINCE APRIL 2016 becoming Diamond i have only been allowed to withdraw 28 Euros in 3 months and today its only allowing me to withdraw just over 16 Euros I HAVE OVER 2900 EUROS right now in my balance and over 120 in my dollar balance and none of it i can withdraw. is this what happens  when you fight to get to diamond i am really annoyed i have put good money into my maps business and believed in it from the start when i joined either i'm really  missing something here or my back office aint working but its not that everything is working ok so my question is and i like to be transparent and truthfull and out in the open i don't like to hide behind nothing so i am going to ask one question and i only need one answer from anybody out there of over 300000 mappers is everybody being able to withdraw there euros thats all because i am not i don't know what happened before MAP 2.0 I Could withdraw everytime no problem but after 2.0 when i hit diamond 28 euros in 3 months is only what i have i'm gutted and furious so lets see if someone can fix my problem and let me get my money out that i earned honestlyas profit share. what is it get paid every 20 mins i,m getting paid ut i'm not getting to withdraw this is my business thats what we were told so if i can't withdraw its holding my business up. help help help help mappers sort this out for me . love you all.'
' i have 339 US credit packs and 661 euro credit packs and i have euros 2968 profit share in my balance earned and can't withdraw it - catastrophy.. what happens if iwalk into a bank and ask them to change 10 million dollars into euros what they going to tell me its going to take months to give me euros..'

12th July 2016

There are many reports now coming in that mappers are having problems withdrawing.
My Advertising Pays is an illegal PONZI scheme. The UK Police are ready to act but they need YOUR complaints. Don't wait around until MAPS closes and you lose your money.

13th July
Great news in from Tony! Maps have BIG companies who are ready to advertise with them but these companies need some statistical information from affiliates first. Fair enough. 
I fill out surveys for marketing companies that contain detailed numerous questions and take me around 15-20 mins to fill in.
So how many questions does this survey have?
And what do they want to know?
1/ Are you male or female?
2/ What's your marital status?

Seriously Tony? Once again, MAPS is making our job real easy!

23rd July 

Paul Burks of Zeek Rewards has been found GUILTY of running an illegal PONZI scam.
'Burks was convicted on four counts of fraud and conspiracy. He faces up to 65 years in prison and a $1 million fine. U.S. District Judge Max Cogburn will sentence him at a later date'.
'Zeek Rewards promised “everybody wins,” 
...Only 12 percent of the investors did.'

Does this remind you of anybody? Just because all these PONZI scams promise that 'EVERYBODY GETS PAID', in reality, they don't. The system is designed to keep your money locked away for as long as possible. You may be trying desparately hard to get to 'X' amount of packs but it means nothing if you can't access your account or voluntarily refuse to withdraw.
The only people making money are Mike, Tony, Lynne etc and the likes of Simon who are raking in enormous sums in referral commissions and spending all YOUR money on Rolls Royces, Ferraris and Bentleys.

We can't wait to publish the same fate for Mike and all his parasites!

31st July

It looks like the Australia Event at the Star Casino has been cancelled.
 Our sources tell us that the Hotel BANNED the event!
They are now booked at the Dockside Pavillion in Sydney.
Sydney Convention Centre, Convention Wharf, Darling Dr, Darling Harbour NSW 2000, Australia.

4th August
The event in Australia only attracted a paltry 300 people and most of those were mappers from England! Great news that Aussies had sense to stay away! 

We've had an interesting post today on our Facebook page from a Tax Advisor in Italy that I'd like to share:
A very interesting post by Claudio who is a Tax Advisor in Italy:

Dear MAP Scam, sorry in advance for my english but I really want to share with you another proof about this huge scam. I'm an italian tax advisor with almost 8 years of experience in Milan and, thanks to my job, I'm very familiar with an online public service called VIES (VAT Information Exchange System) used in Europe to verify and check intra UE trades among companies. If you are a UE company, small or big doesn't matter, or a private professional with a VAT number and you want to buy or sell goods or services to another UE country, you MUST register your VAT code on this database. It's mandatory in all Europe. Now, if you go to MAP website you can easily find their VAT number, at the end of the home page. If you check their VAT code (231289909) on the official database ( you can also find the address of the legal seat. If you check on Google Maps where this place is, you will be 100% sure about the scam!! The registered office of such a multi-million dollar business is grim in a remote countryside location on the outskirts of Blackburn, UK. I can understand that they have no offices in luxury skyscraper in the center of London, but it is not remotely believable that an online business, driven by young people who promote themselves as marketing experts, decides to set up its HQ in a place so remote and ugly!! Not to mention that if that is the headquarters, where are employees or offices? Servers? Be credible is not difficult, it will be enough to post some evidence, photos, videos, budgets, accounts, tax returns and declaration ... with my work I know too well how to hide a company or revenues, but the evidence can be easily there: if MAP is 100% true, why they don't show us a balance sheet or a financial report duly signed by the BoD and by a body of auditing accounts? Why the shareholders who have become millionaires don't show their tax declarations with relatives receipts of sending? It would take very little to silence critics like us, if what they say is true and if they were not only a mass of scoundrels scammers.

We have to rebel against those people, they take advantage of fathers and mothers in economical difficulties, with no job and with children, they send their liar message to young people and create the bad illusion that you can became rich in less than a year simply making 10 clicks a day on your PC... fool!! We must stop them, personally I want to denunce some italian MAP members to the fiscal authority, I know some employees of this office who can easily access to income declarations of those scammer and take ppropiate actions... if they don't find any document like these, even better, because it can only means that they are tax evaders!!

August 19th
The garden is looking so rosy down at Version 2.
Is this happening to you?

21st August

MAPS have another event planned in Manchester on August 31st.
If you scroll to the bottom of any Eventbrite page , there's a
'report this event' button.
Please let EventBrite know they're unwittingly promoting a ponzi.…

23rd August

How can MAPS pay the extra ($5) that it loses on every pack? You pay MAPS
( $50) and get back ($55). How? MAPS claim to have 300,000 members. All buying thousands and thousands of packs, where does the money come from to pay them all? And don't say BIG advertisers pay Mike, because they don't. Advertisers like BMW, Tesco etc don't pay individual websites 'X' amount of $. They do it centrally through an ad exchange such as Google Adsense and pay a fraction of a percent per click.
In the real world, it would take you many, many months to get your money back.Check it out for yourself, there are lots of consultants out there who can verify what we say. We contacted a consultant (Jonathon) who tells us this:
'...they're generating ads through an ad exchange such as Google AdSense...Keep in mind anybody can copy an ad from one site to another without permission. Somebody running a scam isn't going to be deterred by copyright...'
The facts speak for themselves, MAPS can't possibly pay withdrawals from ad clicks alone, it has to come from NEW people joining - and if NEW people joining, pays OLD people withdrawals, that makes MAPS a PONZI!

Version 2 is causing problems again, but don't worry. Simon has some helpful advice as always!
'Hi Simon, I'm not sure if you have had any issues with other mappers, but for the past few weeks I've had big unexpected packs dropping off all at the same time. I'm really confused because I didn't purchase those packs in the last cycle.
This unexpected drop offs has caused me to drop from 1000 all the way down to 875!!
According to my cp stats I checked last week, there was a 19 day gap of time where none of my packs would have expired. This gap should have started yesterday, but I reviewed my cp stats amgain and it seems that the system has skipped this gap. I really thought this gap would allow me to re-build my packs back to 1000. Also what I also don't understand is that these unexpected drop offs that expired at once are not even showing in my fulfilled cp stats'

'Don't worry, trust me. BUY MORE!'

28th August 2016

We have many reports coming in that MAPS are still making affiliates wait 30 days for withdrawals. Why?
We also have reports of affiliates not only waiting 30 days for withdrawals, but in addition, having to request again, and having to wait ANOTHER thirty days.
You don't have to believe us. But ask around, in your groups, ask the questions. Are YOU waiting thirty days for a withdrawal?
The facts are that VX Gateway has seen a huge surge in traffic.
They've had almost THIRTY thousand site visits since Traffic Monsoon went under last month, but people requesting withdrawals aren't being paid for thirty days. There is absolutely NO need for this.
It looks like the inevitable delays in payments are beginning.

7th September 2016

The office in Barnmeadow House that was supposed to be MAPS Head Office for 'years' is now up for Sale. And before the leaders tell you that Mike has a tenacy on it, ask yourselves this:


The Profit share is also suspended.
Support is being reported as 'closed'.
Lynne Booth has removed her name as a sponser.
Payments take thirty days instead of the 3-5 days as promised  - and VX have suspended those as well.

Not looking to good at the moment is it?

14th September.
Another lie busted! Maps never HAD a lease!

16th September:
German event cancelled! Full details here:
*edit. The Event wasn't cancelled, the message was translated in error from Germany. The cancellation  concerned Tony Booth and Simon Stepsys not attaending.

MAPS announces that Credit Card provider has frozen funds!

Tony, Lynne AND Mike have cleaned up all their facebook pages:

18th September
It looks like we've had a confirmation today about the processsor that has supposedly frozen My Advertising Pays funds - VX GATEWAY.
This a is FB post from a German affiliate called Corrina who says she has spoken to MIke about the Visa issues, and he has confirmed it.

We also have further evidence from an affiliate who contacted STP yesterday requesting a refund, only to be told this information:
'...please note that all entry into an income opportunity programs is done so at your own risk. Note that there is no guarantee of a refund from an income opportunity website or a website which states explicitly in their terms that there is no guarantee of earnings. Please note that we are not responsible for the merchants who utilize our services. I have provided the URL to the user agreement here:'
We can't confirm either claim, but we don't believe Solid Trust Pay froze any funds.
 This news, however, leaves affiliates with a massive problem in trying to recover their funds.
Because we firmly believe that VX GATEWAY and My Advertising Pays are the SAME company.
Why do we believe this?

A reminder of the post we put out about VX GATEWAY last year:
'VX GATEWAY is REGISTERED in Panama and operates out of a PO BOX.
It's company is listed as an ANONYMOUS SOCIETY.
It has NO photographs of it's directors or owners.
This is a company with owners and directors you can't see,
a mailing address in HOUSTON it shares with 26 others,
a phone number in FLORIDA, no listed email address and no social media contact. '

These aren't the business credentials of a financial company that handles millions of dollars of revenue. They are the hallmarks of a SCAM company.
Which means your money has gone.
So what can you do?
Your options are limited. You can certainly try and claim a Chargeback from your Credit card
company or Bank under the 540 day rule, but without legal closure, you are the mercy of the the banks good practice.

Your best hope therefore is to report My Advertising Pays NOW to ActionFraudUK

0300 1232040
AND the Securities and Exchange Commission:

Both of these organisations  are fully aware of My Advertising Pays  and are only waiting for YOU to complain about them before taking any action.


A reminder of the Identical representative Addresses of both My Advertising Pays AND VXGateway: 

Representative office in Mauritus:
 Suite 501, St. James Court, St. Denis Street, Port Louis, Mauritus.

Representative office in Georgia:

9, Dzma Kherkheulidze Str #14 Apt 3, City Rustavi, Georgia.

Representative office in Azerbaijan:


3 inshaatchiliar avenue, Baku city, Yasamai district, AZ1073 

28th September 2016

Simon Stepsys has jumped ship. Bye Bye MAPS!

1st October 2016

Mike Deese Facebook page has been surgically cleaned:

5th October 2016

When is a Payment processor, NOT a payment processor?
When it's VXGATEWAY!
Apparently MAPS have taken legal action against VXGATEWAY to uncover a mystery Payment processor who REALLY processes VX GATEWAY's payments .
Which poses more questions than it answers.
Namely, court action would be documented.Where is the proof?
Which court did these proceedings take place in?
VXGATEWAY has claimed it's in Liquidation, so who are the receivers that MAPS attorneys have been working with?
Why can't MAPS continue to process withdrawals through STP?
Why isn't the profit-share working yet?......and on and on and on.

The latest explanation and excuses as to why MAPS can't pay

'Hello everyone,
This update will be split into two (2); the first of which will occur below, and the next will be released tomorrow following a joint meeting between our legal counsel in Panama and legal counsel in Malta.
First, let me explain the difference between a Gateway and an actual Processor, for those of you that may not know;
A Gateway such as VX is basically a facilitator. They facilitate banking relationships, credit card processing relationships, etc. They also take care of Know Your Customer requirements by validating ID documents.
A Processor is a company that actually does the accepting/denying/processing of a credit card transaction.
So behind every credit card transaction, there is an unseen processor working through VX Gateway. Our attorneys have only recently identified the credit card processor, through legal action, that was working at the back end of VX Gateway as VX purposely withheld this information from us despite repeated attempts to uncover this through regular communication.
Simply put, meetings between our recently discovered credit card processor and our executive team have gone beautifully; with a plan of action being materialized as we speak and regular activity being the goal. Both sides agree that the major issue that persisted for quite some time was, without question, VX Gateway.
MAP’s relationship with VX Gateway grew out of a mutual interest in growing the MAP brand. Not only did we trust VX Gateway, but we integrated our support system and theirs through regular communication, actively showcasing their addresses on our website in order to foster a sense of mutual support for one another’s companies and provide our members with confidence.
Now it has become quite clear to all of us at MAP that VX Gateway’s true intentions were simply to build MAP up and systematically tear it down as best it could. We have now uncovered that, time and again, VX Gateway withheld information relevant to MAP members, seemingly unilaterally made determinations regarding account payouts and holdbacks, and routinely misrepresented their company, its affiliations – both banking and processing -, and processes of business.
Thankfully, the credit card processor that we are currently working with has been transparent, informative with regarding to account statuses, and provided a level of member based aid that has previously gone unmatched.
As I said above, we have a meeting tomorrow with our legal counsel in Panama and Malta in order to ascertain VX Gateway’s next move, its banking holdbacks, and procedures, so that we may bring a clarity and transparency to the minds of our members.
As always, we appreciate your patience and continued loyalty. Please stay tuned for the upcoming update.
Thank you!

6th October 2016

The Daily Mirror has run a story on MAPS:

7th October
"Hello everyone,
We apologize for the day- delay for this update. As is sometimes expected in any business meeting, decisions and understanding may take more than a day to materialize.
That being said, here is what we are currently waiting on:
a) As we’ve seen, VX Gateway has placed on its website a liquidation notice. VX Gateway has indeed hired a corporate liquidator to take over this process, and in so doing has reached out to MAP international counsel to schedule a liquidation meeting. We are awaiting their reply regarding time.
Naturally, our concerns are: (a) when are VX Gateway imposed holdbacks going to be lifted?, (b) how does this liquidation effect members of MAP and their credit pack allocations?, and (c) what is the timeline on all of these actions?
b) We have locked down an October 23, 2016 face-to-face meeting with myself (Mike), our Lead US Attorney and the main credit card processor behind VX, where a movement forward, without VX Gateway, will be discussed. Naturally this impromptu “liquidation” by VX Gateway has gripped any processor so affiliated with VX.
It should be mentioned (as it has been during discussions over the past few days), that the “liquidation” of VX Gateway has stopped us all in our tracks. Not only was this move never discussed with MAP, the credit card processor, or VX’s bank, but this move was never even considered by us as a viable solution to any internal issues we had with VX. Needless to say, we are very skeptical of VX’s intentions, its existing model, and its moves forward in this “liquidation” process.
In closing, we plan on having an update prepared on Monday after further discovery meetings tomorrow during the day, and believe that steps forward will be accomplished throughout the weekend as we retrieve answers to a multitude of burning questions.
Please enjoy your weekend and be safe out there.

The facts are that VX Gateway has NOT been liquidated. There are no notifications to Companies HouseUK and no details of who the Liquidators are, just a silly email address with a '.net' ending.
So the conclusion must be that if VX has not been liquidated then the entire notification that My Advertising Pays has just released is a complete lie.

10th  October 2016
The Invisible Liquidator has released this statement on the VXGATEWAY site:

Clarification on VXGateway:

VXGateway Inc. was dissolved on September 26th 2016.
VXGateway Ltd. the company registered at UK Companies House by Celia Dunlop, the registered owner, is still ACTIVE.

The notice on the page states that VXGATEWAY.INC has been Liquidated, not VXGateway.Ltd.
VX Corporation Ltd was dissolved on 20th April 2015.

A new proof of debt notice has been posted on VX Gateways website :

VXGateway Inc. VXGateway Ltd and VX Corp all have Celia Dunlop listed as a

We're still waiting for a Corporate announcement from MAPS that should have been released yesterday - Thursday 20th October.

5th November 2016
This claim notice has appeared on the VX site.
Be warned...your details could be used for identity fraud.

7th November 2016
Hold the front page! We have another new version being released very soon.
That's the good news. The bad news. is all your money in 2.0 has gone!

14th November 2016

The latest update from MIke is way too long.
Let me compound it for you:
Tickets are available for the Three year Anniversary - but a 'wake' would be more lively.  
VX Gateway's invisible Liquidators still have your money - safely tucked away forever.
My Advertising Pays are soon to be launching the new version - by scamming the ASIAN continent.
Our Customer Service lines are still open - so we can repeatedly tell you to 'be patient'.

'Hello everyone!
We here at MAP hope this update finds you all well and preparing for the relaunch of MAP in the coming weeks!
This is a very important update so please read it all the way through!
First and foremost, we are proud to announce that tickets will be available for purchase through our very own ticket website starting tomorrow morning at 10am, https://tickets . myadvertisingpays .com, for the 3rd anniversary event of MAP! This event has been orchestrated and planned by corporate. We have a very exciting and informative day planned for everyone in attendance. Here’s a breakdown of the day;
An insight into the world of MAP and its future, what has been happening behind the scenes and a flavour of what’s to come. Keynote speech from our founder and CEO Mike Deese along with well renowned persons from the MAP world. Buffet and refreshments are included.
10am till 12:30 presentation reception
•Company history overview
•Company present situation
•** Huge Special Announcement **
•Company new corporate partnership
•Company new product range
2pm till 4:30 new product training
•New site layout
•New style traffic exchange
•New external advertising
•New member compensation plan
•New member opportunities
•New company training overview
4:30 pm
Clear room to be prepped for evening entertainment and 3 course dinner
7:30 Dinner & Party time
Please come and enjoy a fantastic evening shared with our CEO and members. Evening includes:
•3 Course Gourmet Evening Meal
•Wine & Water on tables
•Live 80s band and DJ until late
The closest airport to the event is Manchester (MAN). The venue will be announced just prior to the event. Transportation will be necessary to get you from the airport to the event. You do not want to miss this event!
After the last company update, our customer support staff began receiving numerous tickets surrounding two issues:
1.The current status of MAP members existing credit packs; and
1.The method by which MAP-member accounts will function moving forward
In order to best address the above issues, I am going to take them one by one and do my best to clarify each;
1.The current status of MAP members existing credit packs;
After VX Gateway represented that their company was going into liquidation, MAP was required to account for each and every MAP-member eWallet to ensure that our claim during their proceedings was perfectly tailored to existing member balances. Therefore, while our legal counsel proceeds with the recovery process, MAP has been required to stop profit sharing payouts on existing credit packs until such time that we can adequately ensure that all funds are accounted for. As previously mentioned, our customer service lines are available to answer any further questions you may have on the VX Gateway proceedings. In the event your question requires a legal opinion, we will request a response from our legal counsel and forward any reply forthwith.
1.The method by which MAP-member accounts will function moving forward;
A number of inquiries have been received by GPN DATA regarding “opening” or “changing” member accounts. We realize that in the past, VX Gateway supplied MAP members with eWallet access and customer support related to account changes, balances, transaction data, etc.
This being said, in the relaunch of MAP later this month, we are cutting out the middleman! There will be no need to open anything except a MAP account to make transactions in-and-out. Just as your bank provides online banking access, MAP will be rolling out our own financial module – similar to that experienced on VX Gateway – except with an innovative and user-friendly interface, that provides you, the member, the ability to control your account and funds the way you like.
GPN DATA will provide a secure, PCI-DSS compliant payment page for you to deposit and withdraw your funds, without any real interaction with them. This means more control, more transparency and more efficiency.
In the case of Direct Bank Debit/Wire Transfer deposits, relevant bank information will be supplied by the MAP customer and directly wired into your MAP account module. All funds will be deposited in a MAP controlled account – not a third party – and secured until you choose to use them. In the event you request a withdraw of your accumulated account balance, GPN DATA will facilitate the processing via funds shown in your MAP module.
Finally, as VX is ordered to release funds, your earnings will begin to appear in your MAP account as deposits and will be fully available for purchases and withdrawals.
We very much hope that the above further clarifies our ongoing efforts to make the member experience memorable and user friendly!
Very exciting times lay ahead for every one of you loyal members that have stuck with us through thick and thin. Sometimes things happen that are outside of our control and all we can do is utilize every resource available to us to ensure the best situation possible is achieved. Thank you to those that still believe in a bright future with our company!
Don’t forget to secure your ticket to the grand 3rd anniversary event starting at 10am UK time tomorrow, the 15th of November, here; https://tickets . myadvertisingpays .com.
Thanks everyone! I look forward to meeting many of you!

FINALLY, note this comment:
' VX is ordered to release funds, your earnings will begin to appear in your MAP account as deposits..'

Er...release funds? If VX Gateway have gone into Voluntary Liquidation, this means they 
have NO funds to pay creditors and are in debt. So HOW can they RELEASE FUNDS
they supposedly haven't got? 

20th November 2016
Belguim and Maltese Authorities both issue warnings about MAPS : 

3rd December 2016

he New Scam Version 2.5 has been launched! 
Jets says, 'hey people, you've lost your money, so what? Suck it in! You gonna cry about it or give us more money to line our pockets with. I'm making loads of fake money already! Go out and buy some more! And while your at it, we still can't shift these Three Year Anniversary Event tickets so hand over some more cash and we'll spend the evening telling you lies! BOOM!

This is what he really said, but there isn't any difference!

Jets Fifita
1 hr ·
In the past 14 hours the re-launch of MAP 2.5 was ELECTRIFYING!!
Purchased my first batch of credit packs last night, I have to say BOOM SHAKA-LAKA!! This morning I'm about to purchase my very first pack generated from my earnings WOW! Seriously guys you have two choices 1: Sit on the fence and watch others get ahead or 2: Suck it in and take a leap forward.
Props to our corporate and NINJA tech for a phenomenal effort as always you guys have pulled through with flying colors!
ATTENTION: Final days for the ticket sales of our 3rd year MAP anniversary, so if want to find out firsthand what our visionary have in-store for the future, YOU must attend this event! Tickets are selling fast!

8th December 2016
My Advertising Pays have launched a lawsuit against itself - VX Gateway - in an attempt to cover up the theft of millions of dollars. I'm still reading through all the court documents and will update this link regularly:

14th December 2016
So what happens when you type '' in the SEC Gov searchbox?KER CHING! PONZI! JACKPOT!
Watch yer back MIke/Tony/Lynne...THEY'RE BEHIND YOU!!!

16th December 2016
Those great guys over at have found this little gem.
Mike brought his new house in February 2016.
And he brought it under the company name 'ItsAGoProperties LLC'
$600,000 sure would pay alot of pending withdrawals wouldn't it?

20th December 2016

A post from a member of the audience at the Great Christmas Event:

"Ladies and Gentlemen,
So here it is... the Good, the Bad and the Ugly... what has happened and why, what is happening now and what the future holds for all of us. No BS - just the way I see it.
When a Monarch dies and is immediately replaced by his Heir so that a Country can continue to grow and prosper, this phrase is used "The King is dead, God save the King"
In this vein it could be said "MAP is dead, God bless TAP"
You probably don't know what TAP means yet - more of that in about 800 words time.... what I will say is... TAP looks good, really very good.
So what has happened, and more importantly where is our money from MAP 2.0 ?
To their credit, both Tony Booth and Michael Deese when they got on stage immediately admitted that mistakes were made, big mistakes.
For want of a better phrase, VX Gateway "led them up the garden path" and neither of them realised what a nasty surprise was awaiting them at the end, until it was too late.
As Tony Booth said on stage: "Lots of people are asking "where was the due diligence" but we knew these people well, we drank with them, they were supposedly our friends".
Whether that is an acceptable excuse when $60m is currently at stake you can judge for yourself. What I would caution is not to be too harsh in your judgment.
Let us remember that under normal circumstances a very wise policy to adopt is: "If it ain't broke don't fix it"... and for the best part of 3 years VX gateway was working very nicely for MAP.
We were introduced to the Vice President of GPN Data, Mr Jim Robinson who came on stage. I found Mr Robinson to be very straight talking, informative and open about exactly how the catastrophe with VX Gateway came about.
Mr Robinson explained that GPN Data supplied VX Gateway with the eWallet facility that allowed MAP members to purchase Credit Packs from the very beginning of MAPs existence.
Mr Robinson explained that for reasons that were not apparent to GPN Data, the MAP revenue they had been processing and that had been growing massively and unrelentingly for more than 2 years dwindled down to almost nothing.
What could not be known by either GPN Data or MAP Corporate was the reason for this slump, now it has come to light, VX Gateway had created their own bank accounts into which they were illegally depositing our funds, they were busy stealing our money plain and simple .
It would appear that VX gateway most definitely took a premeditated decision to defraud MAP and GPN Data for as much as they could get before attempting to disappear.
Mr Robinson explained that VX Gateway were also attempting to get their hands on the 10% rolling reserve of funds that had been held by the Acquiring Bank for the previous 6 months. GPN Data were returning this to MAP Corporate via VX Gateway before they pulled the plug.As stated in the court documents, although Michael Deese asked VX to explain what was going on, as the funds were not appearing in our accounts, VX refused to reveal anything.
It was only after legal action was started that MAP Corporate discovered that VX Gateway were not in fact a Payment Processor, but were just an Independent Sales Organisation who had an eWallet facility with a larger Payment Processor - and Corporate were finally made aware of the existence of GPN Data.
Unfortunately the World of Merchant Account Processing is convoluted, complicated and full of disreputable characters. There are reputable and rock solid companies out there, but unless you are guided by someone who understands the intricacies of this environment (someone like myself in fact) you can easily take that trip along the garden path and never even know you are on it.

So in conclusion:

MAP Corporate are 100% convinced that the money stolen by VX Gateway will be recovered.
I did get to ask Michael Deese one question and that was: "All the money that was paid into MAP through Solid Trust Pay, where did that go?"

Once again Mr Deese did not try to avoid the question, he answered immediately and honestly: "We used that money to cover the VX shortfall" subsequent to this Lynne Booth added "It was used to pay profit share". Which is absolutely what it should have been used for.

So it makes no difference how credit packs were purchased, via VX or STP - all the money went into the same pot (apart from the $60m that VX kept for themselves) and everyone will eventually be refunded the same way, regardless of how they purchased their credit packs.

The only caveat to this refund policy being that Tony Booth announced that it is has been decided and agreed by Corporate that whatever funds are recovered or produced will FIRST be used to repay those members of MAP who have never withdrawn any funds.

So those in the worst position financially will be helped first - which is an excellent and praiseworthy attitude. For me it shows empathy and understanding.

Overall with regards to the recovery of funds from VX Gateway I would say that a good position to adopt would be to, Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

This is a legal battle so in reality nobody knows what the outcome will be and how long it will take, until it is decided by the court in Texas or Panama or wherever it ends up being held so that it is legally binding on these scoundrels.

I have covered the history and what is happening to try and resolve that situation - now here comes the FUTURE...

Firstly let me say. I am very glad that I was present at this meeting .
Believe me, I was not a happy bunny before I turned up to this meeting.

I got to Diamond with 1000 credit packs in August and never managed to make even one withdrawal after that, as everything went wrong - so I am already R1m in debt thanks to VX gateway and their actions.

Now I needed to borrow another R20,000 just to fly to the UK at the most expensive time of the year and buy a bloody expensive event ticket - our big event meetings in South Africa including lunch cost R250 - this cost almost R2,000 and that was just the daytime ticket I didn't go to the party !

Anyhow, if you want to lead from the front you need to actually lead, so you suck it up and get on the plane.

As it turns out - some of the leaders of our company that I spoke to are in exactly the same position as Me. They are in financial difficulty and needed to borrow money to get to the meeting - but still we were there.

I was concerned that the existing financial issues would be swept under the carpet, and we would only hear about the new exciting business opportunities - this was not the case.

In the first 2 hours Tony Booth, Jim Robinson from GPN Data and then Michael Deese explained thoroughly and exactly what had gone wrong and what has been happening to put it right.

It was only after lunch that we moved on to New Business.

I will do my best to do justice to this new business model, it is quite simply a massive leap forward.

On 3rd January "The Advert Platform" will be launched.

I think the name change is a vast improvement, this is a name that lends itself to advertising in the business environment. It just sounds more professional and credible.

75% of the advertising will now be focused on Social Media and external web platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and Websites.

This is the real Game Changer!

75% of the adverts will be sent out via social media into the internet, and each one could potentially go viral and be seen by millions of people.

Up to now, in essence we have existed in a closed community.

There may be 320,000 members but regardless of where a particular ad impression originated, the traffic exchange adverts could only be viewed by members logging in to the site.

With "The Advert Platform" it will be necessary to do 12 actions per day to qualify for 100% profit share.

3 Clicks on the Traffic Exchange exactly the same as before.
3 Facebook Shares of an advert placed on the TAP platform
3 Twitter posts of an advert placed on the TAP platform
3 Links to an advert on TAP inserted into a Blog or Website

If you only perform the 3 Traffic Exchange clicks then only 25% of the available profit share will be earned. If you then share 3 adverts on Facebook another 25% will be earned and so on.

So once all 12 actions have taken place 100% of the profit share will be earned.

There will be a grace period of 30 days for everyone to get Facebook, Twitter and either a Blog or Website made ready - so in reality the 12 actions will start on 2nd February 2017.

The Profit Share is 10% and Referral Commission is 10% - there is nothing held back - we get the full 10%.

The Credit Packs remain at 25 Euro and as they mature at 27.50 this will occur twice as quickly as a 50 Euro credit pack, which in turn means that they can multiply more quickly by repurchasing.

There will be a new "Postcode Lottery" Game which is completely Free, but will pay out 100 Euro every day - if this is not claimed it will roll over every day until it is won.

The Wheel of Fortune will also be there, and Free to play - but the games will be more prominent on the site so people can find them more easily as they were hidden in the drop down menus before.

There will be Online Training within the TAP website for everyone to access, making the whole experience easier.

There will be a Forum within the website for members to ask questions and receive answers - so this should hopefully make it a lot easier to keep up to date on whatever you need to know.

There will be an iPhone App completed shortly to work alongside the Android App which will really streamline the whole TAP experience.

The aim is that is should be quite feasible to run your whole TAP business from a decent smart phone.

The first 500 members after 3rd January who make a purchase on TAP will be invited to become Beta testers for the iPhone App software.

There are other products in development that were not revealed but it looks as if the platform will be robust and stable. There are certainly some clever software engineers working for us full time now.

I do realise that for me and for many of you, regardless of how good this new business looks we have no money available to purchase credit packs.
I am going to support TAP 100%, but as I don't have funds I will start again by selling advertising space to small and medium sized businesses who are looking to improve their ranking on Google searches and hopefully end up at the top of page 1.
You can't keep a good man down, well not for long smile emoticon
Wishing you all a very happy festive season
See you in the New Year"...


1. Mistakes were made? A mistake is something you genuinely didn't mean to do.
Saying that you've signed over access to millions of dollars of affiliates money to people who they thought of as 'friends' isn't a 'mistake'. It's Fraud.
2. Mr. Robinson of GPN Data says it supplied VXGateway with the Ewallet facility to process millions of dollars. Firstly, you would have thought that some due dilligence would have been applied by GPN Data before accepting VX Gateway? My first google search of VX found a Linked-In profile of both Celia and Timothy that had cartoon characters as Avatars and a Head Office run out of a PO BOX.
Secondly, both GPN Data and Mike found 'that for reasons that were not apparent,' millions of dollars of processing dwindled down to nothing?
'Reasons not apparent'? By his own admission, Mike signed a document saying that VX could open as many Bank Accounts as it liked and would provide him with no documentation on these accounts.
This isn't a 'mistake' Mike. It's stupidity and incompetence on a grand scale. Or just good old fashioned FRAUD. Take your pick .

Both GPN Data and Mike say they only found out about each other when Legal Action finally started. We have to take their word for that.
GPN Data is going to handle all of the affiliate transactions for TAP.

In conclusion:
'MAP Corporate are 100% convinced that the money stolen by VX Gateway will be recovered.'
How can they possibly say VX - a company they claim deliberately set out to swindle them - have promised to return every penny of the money stolen? Where do you think this money has gone? Into a nice 'high earning interest paying Bank Account?
'Tony Booth announced that it is has been decided and agreed by Corporate that whatever funds are recovered or produced will FIRST be used to repay those members of MAP who have never withdrawn any funds'.

...which relies on Lynnes Financial Record Keeping.
The woman who was supposedly in charge of the purse strings?
Who let $60 million just slip through her hands?

...good luck with that one.

2nd January 2017

Chargebacks and Refund Advice.

We've been advising on Chargeback for many years now and as many of you already know, we've been successful in getting numerous affiliates their money back - mostly in full.

Will it work with My Advertising Pays? We don't know, is the honest answer, but it's certainly worth a shot.

If you paid VX Gateway with a credit or debit card you need to contact your Bank or credit card companies FRAUD dept - DON'T GO THROUGH CUSTOMER SERVICES.
You need to tell your bank/cc company that you've been scammed and are claiming a Chargeback under the 540 day rule. This rule is usually used for any purchases that you make in advance, such as airline or theatre tickets, and is used to claim a refund for a service that you didn't receive.

We also recommend you make a complaint to both Action Fraud UK and the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
If MAP/TAP is Officially closed down receivers will be appointed and you stand a good chance of getting back at least a percentage of your money.
If you'd like additional help with Chargeback, please PM us, we'll be happy to help.

PLEASE FILE A COMPLAINT TODAY. It may be the only way to get back your money.

0300 123 2040

The US Securities and Exchange Commission:
SEC, 100 F Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20549-5990.

3rd January 2017

VX Gateway aren't hanging around. This must be the fastest liquidation in history. 
You have until February 20th 2017 to make your claim.

Today sees the launch of The Advert Platform and My Advertising Pays has closed down.
The first version closed down in the US and it relaunched in Europe trading in Euros instead of dollars. Now Europe has closed down and The Advert Platform is targeting Asia.
We've changed the name of our Facebook page to The Advert Platform/My Advertising Pays Scam. Please pop over and like us, if you haven't already done so.

4th January 2017

8th January 2017
'Clicking on 10 ads a day is SO last year, darling...'
so get blocked on Facebook for spamming instead:

12th January

21st January 
Celia and Timothy have been in court answering questions.
But they have refused to give their address details.
They have refused to explain why they have no bank account in Panama.
The judge told them they had to tell the court where they live.
So far, they have refused.
What a farce.…/celia-dunlop-ordered-to-reveal-loca…/

1st February 2017
The latest news from TAP with a legal timetable:

Hello everyone!

During the past month, TAP has seen record increases in member activity as well as an incredible interest the new products that have rolled out on the TAP platform and products that are on the way very soon!

Nevertheless, while our members have flocked to TAP and kept us busy with updates and new features, we have not – for a moment – lost our focus on MAP’s continuing litigation with VX Gateway.

Per the courts order from December 7th, depositions of the relevant parties were completed on the 19th, 20th, and 21st of January in preparation for the hearing set for March 2nd. As stated during the initial court appearance, the topic for each deposition was the jurisdiction (whether international or domestic) that will oversee the litigation as it progresses. Naturally, until this determination is made, the actual facts of the case cannot be discussed or argued.

In the interest of keeping all fully abreast of the deadlines, the following is a reiteration of the dates set by the Hearing Minutes & Order on December 7, 2016:
Forum ActivityLog InRegister

4:16-CV-03541 / LEGAL / VX GATEWAY
MyAdvertisingPays vs VX Gateway – 31st Jan 2017
Profile photo of Ave Joe
By Ave Joe on 31 January 2017 9 Comments / 9291 views
MyAdvertisingPays vs VX Gateway – 31st Jan 2017
Hello everyone!

During the past month, TAP has seen record increases in member activity as well as an incredible interest the new products that have rolled out on the TAP platform and products that are on the way very soon!

Nevertheless, while our members have flocked to TAP and kept us busy with updates and new features, we have not – for a moment – lost our focus on MAP’s continuing litigation with VX Gateway.

Per the courts order from December 7th, depositions of the relevant parties were completed on the 19th, 20th, and 21st of January in preparation for the hearing set for March 2nd. As stated during the initial court appearance, the topic for each deposition was the jurisdiction (whether international or domestic) that will oversee the litigation as it progresses. Naturally, until this determination is made, the actual facts of the case cannot be discussed or argued.

In the interest of keeping all fully abreast of the deadlines, the following is a reiteration of the dates set by the Hearing Minutes & Order on December 7, 2016:

Depositions to be completed on or before January 27, 2017, or earlier, if possible. (Completed)
Motions to Dismiss are due January 31, 2017.
Responses to Motion to Dismiss are due February 14, 2017.
Replies to Motion to Dismiss are due February 21, 2017.
Supplementation on the Preliminary Injunction Motion due February 7, 2017.
Responses to the Preliminary Injunction Motion are due February 14, 2017.
Replies due the Preliminary Injunction Motion are due February 21, 2017.
Preliminary Injunction hearing set for March 2, 2017.
During the course of the above timeline (and as we are able), we will be providing detailed updates of the progression the case is taking toward that March 2nd hearing. It is our request that when we don’t provide all the information that individual members may want, that everyone understand that litigation can be strategic and it may not be in the best interest of our case to disclose certain facts.

We continue to strive to ensure that the case is concluded in a timely manner and favorably for our loyal members.

Our members are having an incredible time with TAP and its many improvements over the MAP model and we want to encourage each and every one of you to get in on the excitement that has enveloped the TAP community.

Please feel free to reach out to us with any comments or suggestions regarding TheAdvertPlatform and any ways in which we could improve this great product!

Stay tuned for upcoming product releases coming very soon that will all aim to enhance the Platform and your businesses worldwide.
Have a great and productive week everyone!

22nd February 2017

The Claim date for VX Gateway has now passed. Note how both Traffic Monsoon receivers AND Banners Broker receivers are still actively taken claimants - months/years later.
And VX GATEWAY are now claiming they are taking MAP to court for unpaid fees:

27th February 2017.
We have an update folks. But does it answer the burning question: When are you getting paid? Don't be silly!

I have a fantastic update for you this week, it has been long in the making and I’m excited to bring it to you. Please follow carefully and I’m sure you’ll agree it’s fantastic news for your advertising campaigns, your TAP affiliate business and the future!

Profit Share Update

From Tuesday 28th February at 12:00 UTC, we are implementing a change to how you earn after completing your actions on the AdSpinner. This means you will earn 25% of your daily profit share for each section of tasks you complete. This was originally slated to start on the 3rd of February, however we wanted to allow everyone a bit more time to get used to how it works.

For example, if you are required to complete a minimum of 3 Facebook post shares, when you do – you will start to earn 25%. If you are required to complete a minimum of 3 Twitter Retweets, when you complete the 3rd, you will start to earn another 25% which totals 50% of the days allocation in profit share. This continues through the actions until you have reached 100%.
By breaking down the different elements like this we feel it is easier to understand and fairer to you as you start to earn something straight away!

Google Chrome Extension

Over the past few weeks, a small subset of users have been testing a very exciting new feature – our Google Chrome extension.

In phases, from today, we will gradually be transitioning everyone over to the use the Google Chrome Expansion. This marks a big step forward for TAP. As we have always been a desktop only platform we want to bring the best value possible to our advertisers.

By using a Chrome Extension, we are able to offer more dynamic ways in which we can serve ad inventory and ensure that users are completing the actions so they are rightfully awarded the correct amount of profit share for doing so.

The Chrome extension gives us many new possibilities. One example being, we can begin to serve adverts without using iframes, meaning we can now support affiliate links, Amazon Associates and other affiliate networks that do not permit the use of iframes. Another is that we can serve HTTP ads safely when we move the site to HTTPS, ensuring that your connections are safe and secure.

We are truly at the beginning of what we can achieve – with the right blend of active, attentive users, advertisers and micro actions, we can make TAP a special place to be.

Smart New Affiliate Links

From March 1st at 12:00 UTC, we are releasing a vanity URL with new domain names! For example;

You can use these on websites, banners, business cards etc – creating a really professional look!

These will be given on a first come first served basis, so make sure you reserve your name as soon as they open at 12:00 UTC on March 1st.
TAP Online Marketing

Our biggest news is the launch of TAP Online Marketing!

Now we have such an army of users completing the daily actions, we are in a better position to sell these actions to the wider advertising world. While we have always had advertisers interested in our traffic, we are now creating demand for our social shares and SEO backlinks and it is now time to serve that demand.

With that in mind we are excited to announce that we have created a whole product suite for you to be able to sell to your contacts and companies!
What TAP Online Marketing Will Provide:

A simple, easy way to purchase and manage your Online Marketing
An easy to follow email with simple changes you can make to your website for an instant boost in traffic
A monthly email detailing where your website is positioned in the search results for Google, Yahoo and Bing
Links on other established websites pointing to your website and themed around your keywords to create important backlinks.
Regular mentions and re-shares on Facebook
Regular mentions and re-shares on Twitter
Regular unique content you can add to your website
The power of what this can do to a website has to be seen to be believed – what would your client say if you got them higher in the search engines and as a result received more phone calls and sales?
Do you think they would book again for the next month? They sure would! We are introducing an exciting 2 level compensation plan and a brand new affiliate toolkit, and we feel the enhancement of this side of our company will really transform how TAP is viewed amongst the market place.
That means you can earn a 10% affiliate commission for your personal sales of these products and 10% on any sales that your personal affiliates make! We feel that rewarding our affiliates with a powerful two level compensation plan is the right thing to do to help this side of the business grow and more importantly, to help you our affiliates make a strong residual income.
It is important to note that there are no qualifying requirements to be an affiliate with TAP, so you can earn commissions without owning our products!
We are so confident that customers will benefit from our online marketing products, we are proud to say that TAP Online Marketing is backed by a PayPal 60 day money back guarantee.
How many other Advertising/SEO companies offer a performance based 60 day money back guarantee?
TAP Online Marketing launches 1st March at 12:00 UTC, your customers are going to love it.

ProjectCascade Completely free of charge, we will create a blog for you, which will be the best place for you to share your thoughts with the world, complete your micro actions (links) with only a few clicks and have a feed of fresh content posted to your blog automatically!
All will be hosted securely on our servers – we really are moving as much of the hassle out of the way as possible.
For more advanced users we will have a Pro version, where you can add more customisation while still benefitting from our unique features.
We are pleased that so many of you have embraced the upgraded AdSpinner and are enjoying the extended reach with your adverts, posts and shares.
The Link sharing section of the AdSpinner is very new to many members and many of you have been struggling to setup and create a “useful” web presence on which to share these links. So we are pleased to launch a free new service for all members – ProjectCascade*

(NOTE: *ProjectCascade is the Working Title of this upcoming feature, the real name will be announced shortly)

You are all now entitled to a free website on ProjectCascade including:

Pre-configured beautiful, modern looking website.
Responsive to display on all shapes and sizes.
HTTPS – full SSL security.
Based on WordPress (WordPress powers over 25% of the internet)
Search Engine Friendly with all the best SEO plugins.
Relevant Content added daily – automatically
Moderated Comments
World Class Cloudflare DDOS protection
Hosted on Google’s own super fast and resilient servers
Ad supported so free of charge.
With just a few clicks you can now have a professional, beautiful, automated web presence allowing you to focus on building your business and promoting your products.
Go Pro – for just €5 Euros per month! Same as standard, with;

Your own unique domain name – (freely transferable if you ever wish to take it somewhere else)
Full admin rights to your own WordPress website
1000’s of plugins available to enhance / extend your site.
Download & Transfer – download and take a copy of your website wherever and whenever you want. It’s yours!
Ad Free! ProjectCascade will go live mid-March and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our IT team have been working round the clock to put together this unique platform for you to use.
Other companies have tried something similar before, but we feel we have got it just right!

VX Gateway I know you all want daily updates on the situation with VX Gateway and as I’ve said before that’s unfortunately not possible. What I would recommend you to do is follow the court case closely by using the official case number 4:16-cv-03541.
We are expecting another update from our attorneys next week and we will pass along any information that we can.
Make sure you set an alarm for noon on Wednesday to secure your vanity URL! Let’s have a productive week!

1st March 2017
Two pieces of good news to share this morning.
Firstly, the Google Chrome extension is failing! Google are blocking it.
And secondly, Chargebacks are now coming through without much problem.
This means the banks/authorities are getting lots of Chargeback requests and know it's a scam now.

11th March 2017 
Those Trustees/Receivers/Liquidators for VX Gateway are absolutely amazing. They've managed to process claims AND arrange payment of those claims in just 18 days flat!
In the REAL world, this is impossible. In PONZI land, this is called LYING.

Latest company update:

Company Update – 10-Mar-2017
By Ave Joe on 10 March 2017 No Comments

Litigation Update
On February 16, 2017, the Federal Court for the Southern District of Texas denied VX Gateway’s motion to dismiss. Defendants were granted leave to file a new motion to dismiss by March 16, 2017. Subsequently, MAP is to file any opposition by April 7, 2017 and VX is granted the right to file a reply by April 14, 2017. MAP is granted leave to file a Motion for Preliminary Injunction by March 16, 2017, and Defendants the right to respond by April 7, 2017 with a reply from MAP due to the court by April 14, 2017.
Once the above motions/responses/replies have been filed and effectively read by the court, a hearing date will be set and the preliminary injunctions as well as the anticipated motion to dismiss will be heard. Naturally we will continue to provide updates of the courts progress. In the event anyone wants to follow along with the courts progress and/or read any of the documents associated with the case and its filings, here are the steps to take in order to access the courts documents:
Go to and click on “Find a Case”
Click on “Search the PACER Case Locator”
Type in the “Case Number”: 4:16-cv-03541
Under the “Case” subheading, click on the case no. 4:16-cv-03541
Click on “Docket Report”
Click “Run Report”
You will now be able to see and download any and all documents relating to the case at hand.
VX Gateway Comments/Litigation v MAP

Throughout this process, our executive team and staff have attempted to professionally progress through the initial discovery process, and now the litigation process. Unfortunately, VX Gateway has elected to take a different track – the unprofessional, untruthful, and damaging track. I want take a quick moment and address some of the claims, comments, and accusations that have been thrown about by VX in their most recent “Updates”.
“VX is in dissolution” – needless to say, VX has used this phrase again and again in order to insinuate that they are progressing through some sort of dissolution process in Panama. Unfortunately, when the company that is in dissolution is able to be their own “trustee”, we tend to see this entire “dissolution process” as being just a ridiculous attempt at dodging liability.
Litigation vs. MAP – VX claims to have sued MAP. To date, MAP – including but not limited to the executives of MAP, its staff, or its attorneys in either Chicago or Texas – has never received any official indication (or service) of a filed lawsuit against MAP as an entity, or Michael Deese as an individual. When asked about this litigation in Panama, even VX Gateway’s counsel in Texas had no idea what was going on or what had or had not been filed.

I could go on with addressing further individual issues that we at MAP have with VX’s “Updates”, but I will end with this:

At the end of each and every VX “Update”, a disclaimer appears that reads:
VX Gateway in dissolution prepared this statement based on the information available to it, including information derived from public sources that have not been independently verified. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is provided in relation to the fairness, accuracy, correctness, completeness or reliability of the information, opinions or conclusions expressed herein. The financial information included in this presentation is preliminary, unaudited and subject to revision upon completion of the Company’s closing and audit processes, as well as independent third party audits. This presentation is not a legal opinion, but general discussion, not intended to deal with or disclose particulars of any specific issue, legal, business, or otherwise. All applicable statutes and regulations control.
After a careful read, the above disclaimer can be broken down to mean: “Everything we just said may or may not be true. We’ve essentially pulled it all from unverified sources, and can’t even tell you if what we just said is an opinion or a conclusive thought. Anything we’ve said regarding our companies financials may or may not be true; and finally, anything we’ve said about our MAP likely isn’t true and we can’t prove otherwise.”

Needless to say, we discount completely VX’s continued attempts to undermine the progress of the litigation in Texas or any other efforts of MAP throughout the world. We realize that VX has their opinions regarding the viability of claims in Texas and we look forward to seeing their officially filed responses when those come due per the United States Federal Court’s schedule above.
Future Update

Our attorneys have actually advised us to curtail the updates at this time due to the nature of the litigation currently unfolding in the Southern District of Houston. This being said, our staff and executive team refuse to keep our members and customers in the dark and therefore will continue to provide updates to all of you regarding the progress of the litigation, and progress with uncovering depths of deceit that have buried VX Gateway.
We will continue to charge ahead in the meantime while our attorneys do their work. We are accomplishing many exciting things with TAP and have much work to do. In due course, everyone will see that MAP/TAP has always been telling the truth from day 1.
Thank you all for your continued loyalty.

24th March 2016

Moberate have decided they no longer want to do business with The Advert Platform:

"Thank you for preregistering with Tap Promoter - Smartphone marketing tools for TAP.

Unfortunately due to recent events with TAP (The Advert Platform) we have decided NOT to launch Moberate for TAP, previously MAP (My Advertising Payes).

This decision has not been made lightly, particularly after a significant development investment in "TAP Promoter". Among other issues, we fundamentally believe that TAP are not living by its promoted fundamentals of "Humanity, Integrity and Loyalty". An example of this is the way they are treating its members who request answers to more in depth questions around the missing 60million Euro under its previous name MAP in addition to questions around lack of governance to protect its members. Many loyal members of MAP have been significantly impacted by TAP/MAP and or its selected partners actions and we can not with any conscience assist in promoting such an organisation.


Damian McDonald
Moberate Technologies Ltd

Web: Moberate - Smartphone marketing systems
Web: Tap Promoter - Smartphone Marketing Tools for TAP

So who are Moberate?
Moberate were registered at New Zealand Company House on 12th August 2016 and the address is listed as:
20 Landing Drive, Albany, Auckland, 0632 , New Zealand.
So not only are they a brand new company, but they operate out of a home address.

This snip is from the front of there website

Moberate uses the power of the smartphone providing none technical users the ability to promote their product or service without having the need to understand the complexities of marketing automation. Utilizing both online and offline media, Moberate allows users to market with both traditional marketing tools in addition to best in class marketing automation technology all from your smartphone.


They also offer paid referral commissions. From the T&C's:

Subscription Referrals

Your primary access subscription will be waived if you have 5 paying referred users on the Moberate system that have been added using your referral link. Each waived subscription period will start from the completion of your existing subscription period.

6th April 2017

Tony and Lynne Booth are in America for a whole month visiting Mike. They have to stay that long. Writing garbage like this requires a lot of hours in the sun:

Company Update – 05-Apr-2017

By Ave Joe on 5 April 2017No Comments

Hello everyone,

As I mentioned in our video released Friday of this past week, our team here at TAP and our attorneys around the world have begun to compile all necessary information relating to VX and the proof of their absolute guilt.

In moving through this VX issue, my goal is to be as transparent and truthful with our affiliates as possible; to consider the advice of our attorneys and the trajectory of cases; however, also take into consideration at all times the fact that our members/affiliates are hurting and in need of answers.

As promised, our team here at TAP will begin releasing in narrative form our entire history with VX Gateway. Coupled with these narrative updates will be supporting documentation and financial analysis to support our claims. Now, naturally the first reaction of anyone to read these documents would be – “someone could manufacture these numbers” – in light of this gut reaction any and all financials that are submitted will be fully audited and verified by an independent agency.

The above being said, let us begin. Our first document release is of the contract (click here) that began the entire relationship. Special consideration should be given to the “Descriptor” as this was actually the company that we believed we were dealing with at the time. This company was in Texas, hence the reason for our US lawsuit in Texas. It’s likely best to follow along using the federal complaint as it provides a tremendous background narrative. We won’t be using this platform to advocate for our position – the federal complaint does that very nicely; and we won’t be using this platform to blast VX nonsensically – we’ll let the information and revelations speak for themselves. Please follow these instructions to follow the lawsuit;
Go to and click on “Find a Case”
Click on “Search the PACER Case Locator”
Type in the “Case Number”: 4:16-cv-03541
Under the “Case” subheading, click on the case no. 4:16-cv-03541
Click on “Docket Report”
Click “Run Report”

Naturally we won’t be releasing one document at a time; our intention is to have further information reveal itself naturally and simultaneously release information, communications, and emails that support our overarching claims.

Our next update will be released soon and we anticipate that it will contain a series of documentation relevant to initial communications between VX Gateway and our team.

Our team here absolutely detests this situation and is angered by the thought that a company we considered a partner could betray our members/affiliates to this degree. As mentioned in the video, we are leaving the technical/legal side of the issues up to our attorneys around the world, but endeavour to constantly keep our members as up to date as we possibly can.

For any questions – please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email, or submit a ticket for return response. Thank you for your continued patronage and we are nothing if not excited about the future!



14th April 2017

The latest company update:
Company Update 12 April

By TAP Admin on
11 April 2017
Hello everyone!

Hope all our members are having a great week!

As promised, we’ve begun to collect all of the documents we plan to release to the public here over the next couple weeks. Today, we’ll be releasing all documents specific to the litigation in the Texas litigation. We feel that anyone who is concerned about their funds in this case that this is required reading. It will enlighten everyone to the battle and struggle we have had with VX Gateway up to now, and what we’ve been doing in the US to ensure our case will be ruled favorably for all of us involved. So, without further delay here is a rundown of what will be released today:

Complaint – MAP v VX Gateway
Motion for Temporary Restraining Order
Motion for Preliminary Injunction
Memo in Support of Temporary Restraining Order and PI
Notice of Appearance
Notice of Appearance
Pro Hac Vice Motion
Pro Hac Vice Motion
Request for Emergency Hearing on TRO
Order Setting Hearing
Notice of Compliance
Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Admission
Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Admission
Defendants’ Response to Plaintiffs Motion for TRO
Notice of Appearance
Hearing Minutes: Order
Notice – Letter to the Court – MAP
Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss
Supplement to Motion for Preliminary Injunction by MAP
Defendants’ Supplement to Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction
First Amended Complaint by MAP
Expedited Opposed Motion for Amended Briefing Schedule
Notice of Defendants Opposition
Defendants’ Response to Plaintiffs’ Expedited Motion
Motion for Admission
Order Entering Motion for Admission
Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss
Other documents will be added as they are filed
All of these document are available “publicly”; however, are not as easy to access as I’d like them to be for MAP members. Additionally, we will be releasing corporate documents related to the suit here soon.
Please follow this link to have a read into the case as it stands today;…/d3f53m…/AADYaR9dOUeKH0ZkTkUVzMLja…

Finally, we are VERY excited to announce that a huge announcement will be coming shortly. Unfortunately, our attorneys all say not to put a firm date on this announcement, but the moment we can release the information – we absolutely will!

By the way – if anyone sees or hears from VX Gateway here over the next week, please ask them to send us along a copy of this supposed lawsuit that they’ve filed against us – we’d be very interested taking a look at that.

Have a great week everyone!



In the final weeks before Banners Broker closed down, two companies were handling their payments.
Vector Card Services and World E Wallet.

BOTH these companies have since been discovered to be owned by Banners Broker and were NOT independent companies at all.
It was all lies.

The court documents above are real. But Mike would never have started this charade unless he knew how it would end.

And the ending certainly doesn't involve a Happy Ever After for affiliates.

23rd April 2017

VX Gateway's site today:

For translation: Your connection is not private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages or credit cards) 

18th May 2017
Latest Court stuff...looks like the circus is moving to Panama:

'Hello everyone,

We have an update on the Southern District of Texas, Federal case, against VX Gateway. The judge in that case has made the decision to adhere to the forum selection clause in the contract until a Panamanian court invalidates that contract all together.

In essence, our move at this point is to file a secondary lawsuit in Panama and have the Panamanian courts determine the validity of the contract between MAP and VX, as well as the validity of the forum selection clause.

While we believe that our arguments in the US case were sound enough to side-step and invalidate the forum selection clause, we also believe and understand that overturning a clause that explicitly states that the matter must be brought in a Panamanian court is a tall task for any sitting judge.

Fortunately, this order will inevitably make our case that much stronger as it is our lawyers determination that the clause is completely and utterly invalid under Panamanian law. Moreover, once the clause (and contract) is invalidated under Panamanian law, we will have the opportunity to re-initiate the case in Texas without any issue of the forum selection clause.

All in all, it is an unfortunate delay, however, because we are quick to the plate and plan to immediately take this action in Panama, we believe that it won’t be an unduly burdensome exercise. Thankfully, the courts in Panama are quite a bit quicker on decision-making than our courts in the US, so we look forward to moving this issue along with absolute haste. The above being said, we anticipate that our attorneys will allow us to FINALLY reveal the biggest update that we have coming in this matter and finally pull the curtain back on what moves we have been making in preparation for this decision by the courts in the US.

As always, if there are any questions at all regarding this matter please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we plan on releasing a second update next week after we have a meeting our legal counsel around the world to determine the proper moves to make.

20th May 2017

The Court Judgement:
In simple terms the whole case has been dismissed by the US court in favour of Arbitration in Panama.
This case was never going anywhere except dismissal,
and was nothing but a show trial from start to finish.

Arbitration will achieve nothing in Panama except prolong the process so that Chargebacks are outside the required timeframe.

The result of this case is that your money has gone.


16th June 2017
Latest update from VX and Mikes reply:

23rd July 2017
We still have no news about the arbitration in Panama, so in the meantime, this is a reminder of how Mike, Tony and Lynne got to know each other and how crucial Tony and Lynne are to this scam: 

25th July 2017
A small claims case has been filed today for the return of (in excess of) £4000 paid to My Advertising Pays. Watch this space for developments.

11th August
Tony and Lynne are going to Court:

8th September
Latest VX Court update:

Company Update – 7-SEPT-2017

By Ave Joe on 7 September 2017 

As we come closer and closer to the 4th quarter in 2017, we here at The Advert Platform are incredibly happy to announce that our actions in Panama have begun to pay off in profound and highly significant ways. In the interest of reviewing the timeline, here are the highlights of the last couple months –
March 28, 2017 – MAP files a criminal complaint against VX Gateway in the First Judicial Circuit Court of Panama.
August 10, 2017 – The First Judicial Circuit Court of Panama officially accepts MAP’s criminal complaint against VX Gateway and demands that they appear before the court.
Additionally, TAP has confirmed that the February 21st VX update – alleging that a complaint was filed in Panama against TAP – is entirely fabricated; no such complaint exists or was even presented to the court.
We have gone ahead and made the following document, relevant to the above rulings, available for review to all of our members:
Order from the First Judicial Circuit Court of Panama accepting the case as legitimate, originally filed in Spanish and a copy translated to English for this update.
We invite all of our members to read through the order in its entirety and to continue to follow along in this case as further information comes to light and VX, Celia, and Tim are brought down.
Following shortly, we plan to release a copy of the complaint filed in the First Judicial Circuit Court of Panama along with further rulings by the court that are quite damning to the Defendants.

We continue to act in consort with our counsel in Panama and, as such, will release information as it is advisable – or acceptable – to do so.
We intend to continue our extremely aggressive legal pursuit of VX Gateway, Celia Dunlop, and Tim McKay within the Panamanian courts and further pursuing such action against them within the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and throughout Europe.
CEO, TheAdvertPlatform

Update on Tony and Lynnes Court Case:
The case is progressing well through the Court system and updates will be released when it's appropriate to do so. 

13th September 2017

We have an update from Mike.
He says that Celia and Tim (who live at Trump Tower no less)
have failed to turn up to a criminal hearing in Panama and because of this could be liable to two years in jail:

'Hello everyone!
We had attempted to contain our excitement over the weekend in anticipation of this update and, finally, are able to release the most damning thing to hit VX Gateway since the inception of this litigation. We expected this would happen sooner which is why we mentioned something big was coming back in May. But as always, the justice system is quite often a lengthy process with many unexpected twists and turns along the way.

In accordance with the First Public Prosecutor’s office of the First Judicial Circuit of Panama notice, Tim MacKay and Celia Dunlop of VX Gateway are currently being tracked down for failing to appear on August 25, 2017 at a hearing regarding the filing of our criminal complaint.

Among other things, the notice (in English) states the following:

The Judge shall take the necessary measures to avoid that the accused who is released on bail or on bail is not absent or fails to attend the hearings.
If the accused unjustifiably denies subpoenas that are legally made, he will be detained preventively, wherein the crime has a minimum prison sentence of two years for failing to appear. Otherwise, they will be summoned by police authorities as many times as necessary.

We are providing, in conjunction with this update, a copy of the official notice along with an English translation with the names combined (Celia and Tim) so that you may follow along. As you can see, not only have they been living quite large – Trump Tower no less – but look to now be facing quite a bit of possible jail time if they don’t comply with the order and answer to the court.

We will never stop fighting for our future and our past. We as a company have never failed, we were robbed! Let’s all stand and fight together for past, present and future. Others come and go, we remain through thick and thin!

As always, we will keep all of our Members as up to date as we are and remain in close contact with our legal counsel. We are beginning to see the end of the tunnel here and very much look forward to releasing the next update in this matter.

CEO, TheAdvertPlatform'

A reminder of Mays announcement:

We have an update on the Southern District of Texas, Federal case, against VX Gateway. The judge in that case has made the decision to adhere to the forum selection clause in the contract until a Panamanian court invalidates that contract all together.

In essence, our move at this point is to file a secondary lawsuit in Panama and have the Panamanian courts determine the validity of the contract between MAP and VX, as well as the validity of the forum selection clause.

While we believe that our arguments in the US case were sound enough to side-step and invalidate the forum selection clause, we also believe and understand that overturning a clause that explicitly states that the matter must be brought in a Panamanian court is a tall task for any sitting judge.

Fortunately, this order will inevitably make our case that much stronger as it is our lawyers determination that the clause is completely and utterly invalid under Panamanian law. Moreover, once the clause (and contract) is invalidated under Panamanian law, we will have the opportunity to re-initiate the case in Texas without any issue of the forum selection clause.'

So...the hearing in Panama went ahead? But Tim and Celia refused to go to it?
So what happened? Case adjourned?
Tim and Celia live in Trump Tower but are currently being 'tracked down' for failing to appear. So...they've moved?
And whose tracking them down? Deputy Dawg?

2nd November 2017
There's still no news about the Panama Court Arbitration, but there is news about the Small Claims Court case against the Booths and a surprising twist to an otherwise disappointing verdict:

8th December 2017
The latest blog post at TAP has been removed.
So which bit does Mike  want to hide?

12th February 2018
My Advertising Pays is now listed as a 'dormant' company at Companies House. And Mike isn't listed as a Director at The Advert Platform:

Small Claims Court Update:
Due to non-payment of Solicitors fees, Tony and Lynne Booth have decided to go to Court to recover these costs.
The Court date is:
February 23rd 2018 at 3.30pm
St. Helens Courthouse,
Corporation Street
St. Helens,
Merseyside,WA10 1SZ

Arguments can be presented from both sides, which means a Judge will finally get a chance to see all the evidence we've gathered and can rule accordingly.
I'm sure any support you can give on the day will be greatly appreciated.

February 25th 2018
The Booths won this case. 
Costs are to be paid back at a rate of £20 per month.

5th May 2018
Mike has announced that the Advertising side of the business is now closed and that GPN and TAP have parted company. GPN are holding on to funds for six months, then affiliates will get back their money. 
 I'll believe that when I see it - since Mike appears to be deleting accounts:
From 'MAP Members United' Facebook page:

'Company update 11th April 2018

Hello everyone,

We want to thank all of you for your patience through this process. Over the past year, TAP has witnessed a huge change in the advertising market. All our business advisors and professionals, along with ourselves, have quite frankly been astounded at how much the sudden popularity of the crypto world has directly affected us. It is because of this massive shift that ourselves and GPN have mutually determined that our two business models are no longer compatible.

Per our merchant agreement with GPN, funds will be held in a holding account for a period of 6 months. This is due to risks associated with said funds and is a common practice in the world of processors such as GPN. Exactly how and when we intend to distribute said funds will be announced shortly. GPN is no longer engaged in TAP payouts and/or settlements.
We want to ensure all of you that no one will lose any money for having participated in our advertising business. Of course, we wish the situation was different but its very difficult to predict market changes and sometimes you must roll with the punches.

Our BTC mining products continue unchanged and unaffected.
Please stay tuned for payout schedules.
TAP Corporate Team.'

Note there's NO mention of the Arbitration in Panama or the missing $60 million!
And the BTC mining products are disappearing down a very deep hole! The latest Alexa rankings:

  20th July 2018

No word from Mike, Tony or Lynne regarding the Court case and arbitration in Panama.
But there is some news - Tony and Lynne are selling up and skipping the country - rumour has it they're going to the Isle of Man.

20th October 2018

Your SIX MONTH'S is up Mike! Where are the refunds??

 The Advert Platform/My Advertising Pays are closing down and refunds will be paid soon -  according to Mike!
That is of course if they haven't already closed your accounts down due to inactivity or if you miss the 15 day deadline.
If anybody DOES get a refund, please let me know, because I won't believe it otherwise.

12th January 2019

Thanks to everybody for sending in screenshots of your back office showing that your accounts have been deleted.
This is the message:

Account Deleted, Not Logged In For More Than 90 days.
As per the Terms and Conditions that you agreed to when creating your account:
Account/Affiliate Inactivity: If your account should go to inactive status (90 days with no logins), The will consider the account abandoned and close it.
All funds in the account will be forfeited, the balance zeroed and the account will be closed'

Which basically means:

Mike, Tony and Lynne have got away with this and are millionaires at your expense.

If you don't want them to get away with this, you need to make a complaint to the Securities and Exchange Commission NOW.

29th March 2019

Zenkers (The German MAP Leader)  Trial Information:
April 4th 2019

'Unauthorized advertising (pyramid scheme) in Landsberg

Room 96
13 KLs 25/18

The accused, born in December 1973, is charged with criminal prosecution under the Unfair Competition Act (UWG).

He is said to have undertaken from March 2014 to January 2017 from Landsberg to induce consumers to purchase goods, services or rights by promising them that they would gain special benefits if they induce others to conclude similar transactions (§ 16 para. 2 UWG).

Through a co-operated advertising platform he is said to have sold to consumers so-called credit packs, which should give consumers the right to participate in a revenue-driven pool, provided that they fulfill their obligation to click on at least 10 banner ads every day. This gave the impression that the business model not only generated revenue from the sale of "credit packs" but also advertising revenue, which was not the case. In fact, in the spirit of a pyramid scheme, the business model had financed the commissions initially distributed to the consumers involved merely by selling more "credit packs",

The accused is said to have collected over $ 100,000.00 in this way.

The defendant denied the allegations and argued that the business model was not a pyramid scheme.

In the case of a conviction imprisonment threatens up to two years or a fine.'

Watch this space...


  1. Very comprehensive review of My Advertising Pays.Unfortunately there are going to be a lot of people who wil join this scam, as they will be duped into thinking this is easy money. The reality like all pyramid/ponzi scams they will LOSE their money. Action Fraud needs to get on top of this

  2. At least with the 540 day Chargeback rule, as long as you paid by Credit card, you're covered and can claim your money back.

    1. Great advice, I was involved with maps and soon as I seen your page I quit and got charge backs to my credit card. I advise anyone to look at the bigger picture and get out. FAST

    2. Jordan,

      You just asked MAPS for a refund and they just credited your credit card back for the full amount?

    3. No Randy, you have to apply to your own credit card for a refund. MAPS won't give you one. Chargeback info on my other page.

    4. how can I get my money back? Iinvested 100 euro and paid by credit card

    5. Then ask for a Chargeback. Tell your CC company's FRAUD DEPT you've been scammed by a PONZI SCAM.

  3. Interesting background that the Booths have, eh? Dodgy double glazing! Well done for finding all that Tara.

  4. Hi Tara,

    What are we supposed to say to our credit card company when we ask for a chargeback from MAP?

    1. Hi Anon, you're the first person to ask me this. I hope there are many more to come!
      The process is very easy. There are two Chargeback avenues open to you depending on whether or not you have been paid.
      Firstly, tell your Credit Card company that MAPS is a ponzi scheme, that the FSA and Trading Standards are investigating and that you would like to apply for a Chargeback based on your belief that MAPS is a scam.
      Secondly, if you have requested a payment from MAPS and they have not paid you, you can request your Chargeback under 'services not provided'. You have a 540 day limit to claim from the date of your original transaction.
      Other tips to help you are available on my Chargeback page. Please let me know how you get on? Thanks.

  5. Well done Tara
    You've been doing a great job. Personally I'd like to see MAPs continue for some time yet just to keep these morons in the limelight. They're like an idiot's version of entrepreneurs on The Apprentice. I feel really sorry for Arblaster. He's clearly not very bright and hangs on to the coat tails of Simon Stepsys. Now personally i really admire Simon Stepsys. I wish i could be that naive and stupid. The world must seem a really simple place to him. Of that i am envious. I really hope i get to meet him one day and get some of his business pearls of wisdom. I don't know why Buffet or Branson haven't yet knocked on his door for advice. I can see it now, Virgin launch online Ponzi scheme. Members who throw away the most money get to be part of the 'Diamond Success Club'.

    More depressing than these characters themselves are the ones who fall for it all hook line and sinker. Even after being warned off it with all the evidence that is available for them to see.Oh well, there's my opinion for what it's worth. Keep up the good work Tara.

    1. Many thanks Anon, much appreciated. I agree with you completely. Simon thinks he's untouchable, it's very sad to watch all these grown up people fawning over him like some kind of god. But I believe in Karma, he'll get his comeuppence one day. As for Richard, he has made the wrong choices in life and unfortunately will lose everything again and again...

  6. They are, yes. And people are using there fake 'earnings' to buy MORE fake credit packs, which keeps money in the system. It will all implode eventually.

  7. Hey Tara, you talk about being able to do a charge back for up to 540 days after the payment was made, but i rang my bank and they said you could only do a charge back if you file a complaint up to a month after the payment was made. Where do you get 540 days from?

    1. Hello Anon. The 540 day rule applies to 'services not received' i.e you haven't been given the payments that were promised to you.. Your bank will automatically think your dispute is retail unless you tell them it's fraud. All the info you need is on my Chargeback page.

  8. I'm in the process of withdrawing every dollar as it comes in!!!! Recently the profit share speed has almost doubled some days !!! Maybe a trick/ploy to entice you to pump a load more cash in the system. Anyway great blog and info ..

    1. Thanks Anon, hope you manage to withdraw it all!

  9. This stuff is scary. My friend is in this thing for 30k. He got his whole family in it. I'm getting him out.

    1. Best of luck trying Anon. It took my brother nearly two years to realise I was right! My advise to you is to tell your friend to make sure he has all the necessary proof of payments etc And screen shots of there accounts etc. And if he has paid by credit card, he can claim some back hopefully in the future. Good Luck!

  10. Great review, Tara! You did a great job and hopefully saved some people from getting into it. They also started in Poland a year ago and still growing here.

    1. Thanks anon. Poland aren't as active in MAPS as they were with Banners Broker.

  11. These people are goofballs and criminals and deserve to be treated as such.

    If MAPS and Mike Deese had real contracts and real advertisers why not produce them and shut up the haters? Why not audited financials and funds held in real bank accounts rather than VX Gateway? If MAPS was real, there is plenty they could do to show it, the fact that they focus on haters and staying positive is all the truth anyone needs.

  12. Tara that was brutal! BUT the other side of the coin did need to be revealed. I seriously considered buying a credit pack because a successful member in another biz opp claimed it was the only traffic he used which made me believe the traffic might have been viable as I was not interested in the potential paltry earnings. So I started the trial with them and clicked like a mad man just to build up advertising credits to advertise my stuff and received ZERO sales out of like 500 clicks :(

    Yet still many claim the traffic is "highly targeted" because there's nothing but business opportunity seekers there?!

    After reading this, the thing that stood out is the "intent to dissolve"... so does this mean when they originally started the company, they already had in mind an intention to dissolve after a certain point?

    1. Hello William,
      Your guess is as good as mine. Ponzis skim off alot of money for the people who run them and the money has to go somewhere. They play all sorts of games with the companies they run. But it is definitely highly suspicious, yes.

    2. William, I suspect they dissolved the US corporation and took things offshore to hide the money and muddy the jurisdiction. VX Gateway is run out of Panama and the MAPs home office in St. Somewhere are mail drops. As long as they pay the fees, no one will ask any questions for a good while.

      If you look at all the higher ups in MAPS including Deese, Stepsys, Shaun Simth, Cole, etc you will see these people have promoted nothing but scams and will say anything to put money in their pockets. Just two years ago Banners Broker was the mighty traffic exchange that was going to topple Google. With millions lost in BB, nary a peep from the lot, just more promises this time will be different.

  13. That's a very good point about Mike Deese's "office". If he is the "CEO" of a company, where IS his computer, phone etc?? I wonder if they nipped into a furniture store and took some quick photos while the store staff weren't looking?? It's good for a giggle anyway!

  14. This is spot on! I took 2K loan from the bank to buy into MAPS. I was just about to spend it all when my girlfriend linked me to your site and now I have realized. The flags were always there, but in my haste to get rich, I ignored them on purpose. I didn't want to believe it, hoping this one would be different.

    Thank you Tara, so much. You've helped many people like me who were on the fence, I'm sure. Bless you!

    1. My absolute pleasure Vitaly! Many thanks.

  15. Hubby and I looked at this My Advertising Pays and it seems silly. If they have all these advertisers willing to us to click on their ads why on earth do my husband and I have to put money in first or recruit our friends? Seems like all they care about is getting new people putting money in.

  16. Go and learn your MLM legal requirements and why MAPS will always be in the green. Wow some people! Anyway whether you like it or not we still get paid!

  17. I have a question. If you understand that this is a pyramid scheme and go into it eyes wide open and recruit new members simply for the sake of paying your bills but whomever you recruit knows the truth as well and is willing to do the same, is it so bad to enter into this without sustaining it for long and getting out while you still can by just getting your initial money back and a profit?

    1. Is it ok to belong/promote/entice people into an illegal PYRAMID scheme? Seriously?

    2. Good Luck getting out a profit at this point. There is a reason Pyramid/Ponzi scams are illegal, very few will turn a profit if money is extracted as soon as it comes in. Hence the need for fantasy back office balances and rolling ad packs by everyone except the leaders. As soon as enough members rush to take their "profits" in cash this sham is done.

      If you got some sucker to put $10,000 in you will get a $1,000 cut, what happens with the other $9,000 besides keeping the charade alive a little longer? The person you where "honest with" now has to find some sucker with $100,000 just to break even. The sucker he recruits needs to find $1M, see where this goes?

      If MAPS was advertised for what it really is none of the suckers would play.

  18. If all is so bad in the internet then what company can we believe in Tara since you have investigated so much....

    1. I don't give financial advise Anon. I give sound advice. If it looks to good to be true, it IS to good to be true.

  19. Hi Tara,
    So how do we report this and get it shut down? Who do we need to contact to have this ponzi stopped before it ruins too many people's lives?

    1. Hi Anon, all the links are on my Information page. That's great that you are reporting them. Action Fraud is your best one,

  20. Have they been reported yet? I see so many people now withdrawing their cash and making money which makes it seem legit...

    Why have the authorities not stopped them already or is it not that simple?

    1. They have anon, yes. But as long as they're paying and affiliates aren't complaining then there isn't much the authorities can do straight away. Eventually it will all come crashing down. Two weeks or two years? Who knows...time will tell.

  21. Hi, I recently joined MAPS last week and was so excited and was daydreaming of living on my home, quitting the 9-5 being able to support myself through maps. Before I joined though, I even told my sponsor that it seems like a pyramid scheme, and too good to be true, he talked me into it and he's probably just as clueless about this scheme as I was 5 minutes before reading your blog. Anyways, after I seen the money go up after the 1st pack, I was hooked, thankfully I haven't been in long enough to dump a whole lot of money into it. I have 6 credit packs... and I will stay at 6 until they expire and will withdraw as much money as possible to get back what I can.

    What made me want to look up if maps was a scam after a week of being geeked up about it was watching a video where a pro-maps supporter was talking about staying away and ignoring negative people and negativity and just take action. To me that sounded like some devil on the left shoulder type of shit, so I decided to look up why maps is a scam and eventually I wound up here. One hour ago I was enthralled by MAPS... and after reading your blog and hearing the other side and knowing what the definition of a ponzi scheme is... I have done a complete 180 and am now disgusted that I fell for something that I thought was a scam to begin with.

    Thanks Tara.


    1. Hi Derek, so glad you've realised this. Many thousands still haven't and are going to lose alot more than $250 unfortunately. You'd be welcome on our facebook page 'My Advertising Pays Scam' to help others understand to.
      Thanks Derek.

  22. Hi Will,

    Some thing you need to take into account is the fact there are not really 140000 members. 140000 people may have signed up, but the vast majority of those people had a few grains of common sense to rub together and decided MAP was BS and never came back. I have run the number and estimate only around %10 of the 140000 have actually bought credit packs.

    With regard to the membership fee, the vast majority of members are paying for this with there advertising fund. This is money that MAP already has and you cant withdraw it. This isnt new money coming into MAP. Its just more numbers being shuffled around on your screen that mean nothing.

  23. Hi Tara,

    Really appreciate your work! I work in a restaurant and someone that is in Maps gave me a card about this ponzi scheme like Banners Broker, I know few people that got scammed. At first, when she gave me the card I didn´t related with BB scheme but when went to url that comes to the card is a redirect affiliation to MAPS. That I found strange...and then the guy talking in MAPS site made me remeber BB site. Then I searched more and I found your site...and really they are scammers...
    In this schemes the first who got in always get paid if they know how this ponzi schemes work with affiliates under their affiliation link...and the thing is withdrawing frequently. This is a cycle. The ones who think that this last forever or the ones who get in, for example, right now will be scammed and money lost.




  24. The main problem is that people want easy money. There are some great opportunities out there, that work and are legit, but people want it yesterday! They are not prepared to work at it and build. Which is frustrating.

    I've spoken to a few people that have been online for a few years, and still think MAPS is solid, even after explaining how it works and what will happen, they take no notice and try and pitch other similar programs to me. When you explain what will happen to that, they say "meet to owners, I'm sure this good and you will make a lot of money".

    So this begs the question...

    If people are so dumb, do they deserve to lose their money? And if people are so naïve, banks pay .5% interest, the stock market can achieve 10% + over 12 months and MAPS is giving 120% ROI, do these naive people deserve to lose their money.

    There is no accounting for Greed and Stupid.

    1. No accounting for greed and stupid sounds about right. And MAPS isn't even the silliest scam out there, yet the numpties keep lining up.

      The only people that claim MAPS is solid are people that promote endless recruiting schemes which are not only illegal, but doomed to fail. They might also be saying it's real to lure suckers, who knows what they really think. There are no adept business people, and certainly no one in the ad industry that would claim this is anything other than a scam.

      Tony Booth had a chance to engage with someone who understands advertising on his page and he deleted the comments. Even things like their traffic claims, and membership numbers are dubious at best. With public web rankings anyone can tell Booth is lying, imagine how silly this would look if he actually opened the books.

      Mappers sending their money to a mail drop in Panama via a third tier payment processor. Then taking someone's word that it is really somewhere and growing. One day all the I've been paid on time boasts that assured them this was safe will stop.

      As you mention, the return is absurd. A monkey could click ads, what goof would pay someone 120% year for that?

      If someone is stupid enough to send money under those circumstances I do believe they deserve not to see it ever again.

  25. I'm glad there are people like you to investigate and tell the truth about scammers.

  26. I get the impression that Mr Smith despises the people in his downline, and sees them as nothing more than sheep to be fleeced. He comes over as a really despicable man. He certainly has a bad case of hubris. He should be warned though, hubris is extreme pride or self confidence, and usually goes before a great big fall.

    1. He does, yes. He sees them as complete idiots. Why would anybody join under him?

  27. Hi Tara. Have been with MAPs for 12 months now and before this had no online experience whatsoever. A family member encouraged me to join and after starting slowly & cautiously eventually after seeing the potential for earning I probably a little naively invested a substantial amount of money. After seeing your blog and doing a little more research I have developed cold feet and realized this is a ponzi(something Id never even heard of til getting involved). I have recouped the money I have put in but still have potential to take a lot more out before all of my credit packs expire. If I decide to take all I can out and run should I put all the money aside as Ive heard it must be paid back and who will it be paid back to and when?

  28. Anon, if you have managed to re-coup your money then you're done. If you take out more then you are effectively stealing from the new affiliates who have handed over fresh money.
    And as for paying it back, hopefully, one day, yes.

  29. Great post about Shaun Smith. If anyone still had doubts about the serial ponzi pimps being innocent victims just like there down lines hopefully this will put those doubts to rest. The sad thing is the authorities dont care about these thieves and they are free to steal with no repercussions. So if you have no morals or ethics, dont mind your name being slandered all across the internet, and are happy to alienate the majority of your friends and family and replace them with a bunch of sycophant ponzi pimp wanna-bes, you could make a very lucrative career out of scamming people

  30. They CAN be held legally responsible if they KNOWINGLY promote ponzi's, for a living, over and over again. The professional referrers know exactly what these schemes are and promoting a PONZI scheme is illegal. The authorities can and do read the blogs and forums on the internet. Sooner or later, the professional referrers will all get caught.

    1. Then why has Stepsys been allowed to scam consistently for 15 years with next to no consequences?

    2. Because, until recently, very few people have reported his activities. We certainly have now.

  31. Didnt he get sued by someone from banners brokers? Any idea how that turned out?

    1. Not Shaun, Simon. And the case is on-hold at the moment.

  32. I find amusing how some wanker is deleting my posts in Myadvertisingpays success page created by Simon Stepsys on facebook.
    I posted two things: one the server is down for hours and people are losing profit sharing and two for people to post withdraw proofs and success since they joined MAPS. Both of my posts have been deleted from the group without explanation
    I find all this very shady , also the Jackpot Wheel has a bug and the most i earn is 2 cents per day and 3 of the 5 times i spin the wheel it always lands in ''NO PRIZE'' . A bit sketchy no?
    I dont know, i advise everyone to be cautious before depositing any sum of money on My Advertising Pays.
    It's always a risk to put your money on the hands of a company especially one that can end without further notice, and if MAPs turns out to be like any other Rev Share model, things are going to break down soon and loads people will lose all of their investment for a year or more.
    And dont buy on that shit of buying more and more credit packs - i started with 1 credit pack to test the waters and i just repurchase from profits, so if something goes wrong all i lose is 50dollars - not like all people that start with 100credit packs
    You just cant be too sure on anything in life - especially on things that dont depend on you, but in this case, in the owner(s) credibility.
    Also, there has been rumours that Vi Petra, one of the Diamonds, was a hooker before joining Maps and Simon Stepsys a well known scammer with process in court.
    Will you really deposit all your faith in people like this? And why would they delete posts that arent so convenient for them on Facebook? As far as i'm concerned, people have the right to complain when something is wrong especially about a company where you spend money in.
    So my advice for yall is be really carefull - i never trusted 100 percent on MAPS and never will, so i dont end up disappointed like with programs i joined in the past and failed after a while.
    Stay safe

    1. That w****r would be Stepsys! !00% agree Charlotte and glad you haven't lost too much money.

  33. Report your referrers.

  34. Hi Tara,
    This is VK.

    First of all I appreciate you for your research in various online services specially Chargeback and now in MAP.

    Yesterday MAP site was down for 9 hours and members not yet recieved any update on the reason which shows takeoff.

    They are saying they are coming up with new plans but on the other hand as you said most of people who are reaching 1200 packs not withdrawn their Good amount, atleast their investment.

    In general, no Pyramid scheme works for long term. And as MAP crossed 18months, it is upto peoples decision to go for a ride with MAP.

    I sincerely advice all existing members to start withdraw atleast to be on safe zone.
    Already maximum Ads are duplicated so dont expect company earning huge profits and pays you in huge.

    In worst case one can apply Chargeback as you said.

    And one more info i want you to post is on VX-Gateway.
    What if people drawn good amount to VX-gateway, one of their processor and MAP shut down in meanwhile.

    Is the money in VX will be safe to draw.
    Except MAP,no other company using VX, so my doubt is what is the probability of getting money from a Processof like VX-gateway when its client closes.

    And I suggest everyone to think twice when they join in Pyramid schemes even if it is one level referal.

    Thanks a lot.

    Your research is saving many people.

    Good Luck.

    1. This is an01

      What you say about VX Gateway is perhaps good advice. I have quite a lot waiting there now. As for MAPS it seems to be still expanding fast and may last quite a bit longer before grinding to a halt. I hope so as it will take another 90 days or so to get my money out. If it makes it 'til then I will have a 20% profit though the expenses involved with processors seem to be huge and will bite into that a lot.

    2. Once MAPS blows up any money in VX Gateway or any other processor will be disappear into the Ponzi Abyss. Look at what happened with Digadz or any other scam. The processors are as much a part of these scams as the promoters, and they know where their bread is buttered.

      The only real money is in your bank account safely away from this foolishness.

    3. An02 here,
      VX has been saying for a few days, maybe weeks that their tickets are down. It is the only way to contact them in order to be able to lift withdrawing limits, "for security reasons", which allows any bank to ensure the money is sitting longer, and/or that you get a lot of fees for each separate transfers if over like ~200€/day.

      That's another red flag. Cf

    4. Expect at some point they will ask affiliates to provide copies of passports, drivers licenses, first born birth certificates, you name it all in the name of "compliance."

      Anything to slow withdrawals and keep people believing in the scheme.

  35. great post, it's good to see that people starting to get the message and doing something to clean up the internet of con artists like these. The next step I think is to start a petition to hold domain registrars responsible for not revoking scamming domains and making their websites unreachable......

    Top Ten USA Classified Site

  36. When someone buys a credit pack, they are purchasing 550 credits and 10 boosters. The profit share is a bonus and is not guaranteed - something everyone has to agree to when they purchase the credit pack. Everyone receives the product they are purchasing - which is advertising. Without an investment return guaranteed, and the product they paid for received 100% of the time, it cannot be a ponzi. Simple facts trump nonsense hype.

    1. Sufficient external revenue to pay the money owed affiliates is the only thing that would prove this is not a Ponzi. All you have done is described a Pyramid Scheme, which is also illegal and ends with losses for most participants.

      Someone buys a pack for $50, Deese owes them $7 and the person that referred them $5, meaning they have paid nothing for their credits and boosters and Deese is out $12. What external advertiser is going to pay for ads when everyone else is getting them free, plus $12 in boot?

      If this was not a Ponzi and there was sufficient external ad revenue then the $50 ad pack purchase would not be needed. People could join for free, advertise for free, and still get their $7 return plus the $3 free advertising when a pack matures. The math is exactly the same, unfortunately a scam can't be run when simple facts are applied.

      MAPS is one more in a lonnggg line of ad clicking Ponzi scams. It either gets shut down by the authorities or the money dries up and the excuses about delayed payments start.

  37. No, Anon, they are purchasing the right to click ten times a day on adverts from OTHER members only. This can't possibly pay out the millions of pounds that you think you all have in your 'accounts'. Where are all these millions held anon? Because most of you sure aren't withdrawing it! The fact is, NEW money is paying the likes of Simon Stepsys RECRUITMENT commission. NEW members pay the old members etc, etc. Which is, I'm afraid, A PONZI.

  38. thick pleb...this video from MAP clearly states you will receive $60 in return for your investment therefore its an unregistred securities ponzi pay attention to timer on 0.38 on vid

  39. [me:: an01]

    Oh dear, didn't do very well with that Anon ( 2 July 18:36 ). One reply completely missed the point you were trying to make and the other cannot even tell the difference between a video from MAP and a video by someone else about MAP. As you say it's the legal documents agreed to by the punters that count in the end.

    Tara, his point was: has MAPS ever promised to pay out the millions they probably don't have. Morally they may be in the wrong but perhaps not legally.

    1. They promise to pay you $60 on a $50 credit pack, yet state that only 1% of affiliates will ever earn enough to leave their job. MAPS is morally, legally and totally, 100% SCAM,

    2. The law is very clear on what is an investment when the Howey Test is applied. To this end MAPS is no different than Zeek Rewards or Ad Surf Daily. Actually if someone thinks MAPS is original, they may want to look up ASD.

      According to the Howey test, an instrument is only a security if it involves an investment of money or other tangible or definable consideration used in a common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived primarily from the entrepreneurial or managerial efforts of others. The form of the security (whether it is a formal certificate or nominal interests in the physical assets employed by the enterprise) is irrelevant.

  40. Mmmmm sounds like Richard Mead has made a thinly veiled threat there. He also states that policemen are involved in maps. Take that email to your local police station - I'm sure they would be interested to know that some of their own are involved in an ILLEAGAL ponzi, with a leader that tries to intimidate with threats of violence!!!

  41. I have to keep anonymous at this stage but I surely will fight in the corner with Tara. I refuse to be a victim

  42. Re Richard Mead's comments - Connected people eh? Connected to whom? Sounds like the Kray Twins! seriously, though, it does come over as quite threatening. Maybe not intended to be - but that's what it sounds like to me. I don't believe for one minute that Solicitors and Doctors would be bothered with something like this. When would they have time (or inclination) to mess around attending meetings in hotels?

  43. Cut off the head and the body will die. "vxgateway" is the head. Without it "MAP" or any similar business model can't survive. Unfortunately those at the top are now rich and set for life.

  44. Here is the head programmer for MAP -

  45. It appears that Tony and Lynne Booth and their Henchman Tony Murtagh are still bringing in the gullibles at the Foxfields Country Hotel Whalley Road, Billington near Blackburn, Lancashire, England BB7 9HY every Wed Night, unless its recently been curtailed .

  46. You may want to encourage everyone in the USA to file a complaint with the Attorney General in their state:

    And, with the Securities and Exchange Commission:

    And, with the Mississippi Securities Division:

  47. Hi Tara,

    Since you have experience with this can you tell how much time it takes for a ponzi site to actually go down from the moment they began?



    1. I'd ask the guys on Real Scam that question, they've been around way longer than me. But generally, I'd say when the excuses about servers/PAYMENTS and website problems start, its as good as over..

    2. Oke tara thanks! i will get all my money out.

  48. Hi,
    I just joined maps 15 dyas ago and bought 36 credit packs with real money and reinvested in 4 packs with my earnings.
    Now Im going to withdraw all the money I will made, I just hope I will be able to withdraw everything before maps get down, I hope its not too late

  49. Dear Tara,

    one of my relatives recently started to invest into MAPS, which is why I decided to confront him with your information posted here. Unfortunately, he is already too much brain washed and does not believe what I am saying.
    He told me, that even huge companies, such as Amazon, Samsung or Apple, are satisfied clients of My Advertising Pays, although their banners do not show up when entering the Web site. Have you ever contacted these companies in order to find out whether they are truly clients or not? In case you have gathered evidence, could you please post it here? This would convince my relative of MAPS being a scam. Please help me! Thank you.

    1. Hi Anon, I had the exact same problem with my brother. He swore blind that Banners Broker was legit and wouldn't hear a bad word against them. Unfortunately, nothing you say will work. As for Amazon, Samsung etc, NO WAY are they advertising with MAPS. What your relative can see are just affiliate links. Good Luck with trying to persuade him , or her!

    2. Thank you for your quick reply, Tara! I am also 100% sure, that they are not advertising with MAPS. Do you think there is a chance to receive a statement from these three firms, or just one of them, that they are not involved in My Advertising Pays?

    3. The best thing to do Anon is to screen shot the 'supposed' advert and then email the company concerned asking if it's genuine. Please get back to me with their answer ok? Thanks.

    4. Thank you for your advice, Tara!
      I will do that and let you know as soon as they respond to me.

  50. Thank you. I looked this up before signing up. I need to find something since I'm out of work. I've learned the hard way over the past few years to dig a bit deeper before signing up for anything like this. I will definitely take a pass on this one.

    1. That's great news Cdublu, glad to have helped you save some money.

  51. Be sure to report MAPS to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for laundering money through here:

  52. I see Slippery Stepsy is in the news again.

  53. Hello Guys
    Good Thing I read this blog.. I am signed up already in MAP as referred by self proclaim millionaire.
    TARA saved me from those scammers..

    If you review is this site legit?
    well if it is I will Advertise this blog for others to know about the scam
    especially the traffic monsoon thing..

    1. Very glad to hear that James. Easyhits4u is also a ponzi but feel free to advertise my blog on it! I'll wager it won't stay on site for long through!

  54. Hello ANONYMOUS, Firstly, I've never been wrong about any scam I've exposed, if one of them turned out to be magically legit I'd admit it! Secondly, ANONYMOUS, all you need to know about me is what I've already written: I live in the UK, I have a family and I expose criminals.

  55. Hello Tara. Thanks for putting all this together. Great stuff man. A (good) friend of mine is trying to refer me to MAP, wholeheartedly trying to create a win win situation for both of us. I immediately felt something fishy about a business without an actual product. I did some research on my own and your blog definitely put the icing on the top. I am totally enlightened now.
    My biggest problem now is...How am I going to beak this bad news to my friend?

    1. However you break it, he probably won't believe you. Good Luck!

  56. MAPSs is DEAD in US....

    If you are an American Citizen;
    •As of now, all current American members’ MAP profiles are read-only, meaning you can’t change your profile to another country. If you legitimately have citizenship in another country, can legally operate from it, and can prove it, you will need to contact our support department and provide this proof before we will change anything in your profile for you. Please submit a support ticket with the subject line “Legal Change of Address” and include in the ticket your Legal ID from a country other than the US. All ID’s will be vetted to ensure legitimacy.
    •Current US members can no longer purchase credit packs.
    •If you are an American member, even though Profit-Share earnings are not guaranteed, your currently held credit packs will be paid off completely over an extended time-frame. The extension will be due to the loss in profit we will obviously have from the American market. Being ethical here is very important to us so we wanted to ensure our American members were still paid.
    •The America profit-share system is now separated from the International profit-share system. The US-PS system will pay out profits according to advertising purchased by American participants. It is practically impossible for us to determine how long it’s going to take for all of your current credit packs to be completely fulfilled, but we suspect it will take around 6 months or longer. Please do not construe this as a promise by us as it completely depends on advertising sold to Americans.
    •Any American member that has made a purchase through a payment processor within the last 30 days can ask for a 100% refund and we will process those for you, so there is no need to dispute the charge with your credit card issuing bank. Please submit a support ticket with the subject line – “US Refund” and we will process them ASAP.
    •Any American member with referrals will still earn referral commissions from those referrals purchases uninterrupted, according to your Membership Level.


    We are offering a lump sum payout to anyone that has already earned more than they have paid to us. This offer extends to ONLY those that can pass the following test;

    Total your IPAYOUT+STP+VX purchases. If that number is LESS than the “Total Earned” number found on your My Credit Pack Stats page ( ), then you will qualify for a lump sum payment. Please do not count purchases made with your MyAcct.

    October 30th, 2015 will be the last day you can request a lump sum payment. After that date, your credit packs will earn until fulfilled.

    Lump sum payments will come from the US Reserve Fund and the offer will be less than the total payout for your existing credit packs (check your dashboard for your specific payout amount). You do not have to accept this payment and can opt to earn the total amount of your Credit Packs over an extended period of time. The Adfund will not be a consideration in the lump sum payout amount.

    1. The problem with MIkes promise of a lump sum payment is that he's already closed the USA accounts!

    2. Mike has paid everyone,,why dont you post some real concrete,,like someone not been paid in it,,you cant can you,,your tarnishing everything with a single brush,stick to blogging about cats,your going to end up wishing you never posted this blog,do you have any idea on what going to better be able to back up your claims on here,,proof ,,also that all the admins are scammers,ie mike deese the us war vet,your calling a scammer,,you got to be crazy,when you get the 100k court costs ,,your need a real job to pay that,,maybe join maps now lol..Seriously you must be mad doing this blog,you got no real proof,its all hot air.MAPS is coming after you,,,and there going to sue you..there taking legal action,and they will win,because this blog is just slander without cant do that,,its not down to you to be judge and jury,,you got to prove its a scam,,prove mikes a scammer,,you cant ,,best of luck

  57. Hi Tara

    Thank you for this website. I was doing some research before purchasing the CP and I will not now. Can you comment on Adclick Express. This MAP reminds me of it. It was formally known as Just Been Paid. Thanks.

    1. Glad you like it Anon!
      Adclick is also a ponzi scam, it's listed on my A-Z scam page.

  58. Hi Tara,

    as you said all account already closed in USA and also got updates that they are going to get lump sum for that.

    I got a email they are clearing one by one account with lump sum.

    Tell me one thing if they are Cheater, ponzi,Scam, and all the single bad points they are having why they are sending money to them.

    If you are right they should closed the door and go away.

    And Tara no one can get money easily in this earth, within a year it may give you 30 % return without any thing.

    But you keep continue on this, you might have good intention.

    Best of luck.

    1. But Sibnath, the affiliates in the USA have only got back a small percentage of the actual amount they are owed. Both Mike AND Tony said they had millions stashed away to cover liabilities. This has now proven to be a lie. As for closing down...The SEC in the USA forced them to close. Sooner or later they will close the rest of the company as well.

  59. Generally how long does it take before a scam bursts? If MAPS lasts for another year would you say it will be safe to invest ?

    1. You're seriously asking me if it's safe to invest in a scam? Good Lord, no hope for you!


  61. So, I went to South America at the beginning of the year and I met this guy who was German. He told me how he was an entrepreneur and he doesnt work and all this shit. He was telling me about MAPs and how good it was.
    It didn't sound right to me.
    Anyways did alot of research and saw that it is probably a pyramid scheme.
    The thing is, this German guy is actually making money from it.
    He literally does not work and he even showed me his German bank account with the money from MAPs.
    He told me he got into maps right at the beginning. Is the reason why he has a lot of money from MAPs because he got onto the scheme right at the start and now is near the top?

    I actually do not understand how he makes money from it.
    Why does he make money, but the others dont?
    I never signed up btw.

    1. He makes his money from referrals - classic Ponzi model.

    2. He makes money be conning people like yourself to join, and then makes 10% from everything his referals invest. People like this are scumbags that know full well the "biz op" they are promoting is a scam, but dont care that they are putting other peoples money at risk who will most likely lose it, as long as they can make a profit for themselves. Thankfully you are wise enough to see through the bullshit

    3. He may seem like a fun and friendly guy, but make no mistake, he is actually a liar, thief and conman.

  62. MAP is coming to italy Whar can we do to stop it?

  63. Unfortunately I have a friend who got sucked into this crap to the tune of almost $14,000 and is planning on using his "earnings" to retire on next year. No one seems to be able to talk any sense into him and we're worried what will become of him when he does try to pull funds out and realizes he can't and that he's just lost $14,000. These scumbags have no morals and instead of prison they should be taken out and shot so they can't scam anyone anymore.

  64. you just saved me from registering with these guys! Thanks Tara, very informative blog. Wish you all the best. Bring them scammers down. !!

  65. OK, So a lot to read all in all but to re-cap in simple layman's terms. The sponsor makes money from their referrals and from anything the referrals buy. Therefore the only way for me to make money would be to refer someone I know and piggy back on their 'buying'? I have been asked to join the scheme but will not. However, in theory, and it is just for my own understanding, what is the downside? How much would an individual have to actually pay out and what are the financial risks down the line. Would it be to pay back all you have been paid. Apologies but I'm battling to get my head round it

  66. It's really very simple Anon. It's all smoke and mirrors and means ZERO. NEW people joining pay OLD people withdrawing. Its as simple as that. Stay well away - they will be gone very soon.

    1. Thanks Tara, I will not be getting involved but as with others slightly awkward as the person who asked me to join is a friend who has made a lot of money from it for the last year or two and is well and truly hooked. That will be a tricky conversation. Thanks again

  67. Goodness me, read your own message....! Why are you actually considering joining? I'll tell you, so you can make a lot of money from it - just like your friend. Please don't try and make out you believed this scheme was going to help the starving millions, you became interested in making easy money - like your friend. He/she has done just that by the sounds of it, so either get in or get out, but please allow others over 18 to make the same choice. Tricky conversation, do me a favour !!!

  68. The major differences between MAP and companies like Facebook and other Googles are:
    Those companies offered real services like communicating between people. answer questions etc
    Venture capitalist understood that those companies would experience exponential/viral growth as long as they could invest in better technology like huge servers and therefore those companies got significant venture capital that did not have to be reimbursed or "expired"
    they knew that soon those companies would reach so many genuine members that the big advertisers would start to bring in millions of dollars and that the users were real potential buyers for their products. For many many years those companies did not make any profit. In MAP there is no venture capital and no real buyers neither advertising income, and certainly big losses only financed by new members. It is a pure Ponzy scheme with a fake service to fool the naive and easy money dreamers.

    As you rightly pointed out, the day that a significant quantity of members who reached the 1200 $ diamond "Graal" there will never be enough income from new members or referrals to compensate for their redrawels (as they stop to "invest" in new packs) and that could be soon!

    1. Yes... at least in the very similar Traffic Monsoon Ponzi, the scam designer had the sense NOT to have that "stupid" game-defeating 1200 limit... so that it can just go on and on and on. [In their latest video 19th January 3 of its leaders boast of around TEN THOUSAND ad packs each].

  69. A lot of my friends joined BB - I spotted straight away that it was a scam - there were no products - and this proved to be the case. They all lost their money. For this reason I was very reluctant to join MAP since some of the people involved in BB were now promoting MAP. However I did join for free, and used the advertising platform, for free, to promote my other businesses.

    On the face of it, the business model of paying out $60 for every Credit Pack was not viable, unless new members were coming in i.e a Ponzi scheme. I asked several times for an explanation and was told that external corporate advertisers would come on board attracted by the clicks. This is now proven to be the case as I have spotted quite a few non MAP members advertising. As well as that, members have the opportunity to buy banner ads etc with some of their 'profit share'. This is just like 'Pay per Click' advertising elsewhere, and is completely legal and above board.

    It is true that most of the adverts on MAP are for other internet money making businesses, some of which may be dubious, or the tools to help with online marketing, however I have noticed more and more genuine non internet related businesses now advertising.

    I have now started to buy Credit Packs, which gives me more advertising clout. And yes, if I click on other ads, I will eventually get my money back. In the meantime I am driving traffic to my other businesses. This is a great business model, potentially free advertising. In case you don't realise i