
Friday, 21 February 2014


Banners Broker International is the subject of a liquidation hearing on
Wednesday 26th February at 10.00am at the High Court in The Isle of Man. 
If you would like to add your name to the long list of claimants please contact:
Paul Cooper at:  
David Rubin and Partners.
020 7400 7900

I have spoken to him personally and he will be very pleased to assist you.

Applying to David Rubin and Partners to be listed as a creditor is CONFIDENTIAL.
Banners Broker will NOT know you are on the list and it will NOT affect your account. 

Bank Chargeback Information from Banners Brokers Ponzi Scam Facebook Page 

We've received a very helpful message regarding bank chargebacks and the coming Liquidation.If a company is liquidated, the banks will almost CERTAINLY look favourably on your chargeback application.
It will confirm to them that BB is indeed a scam.

Paul Appleton @ David Rubin and Partners.

Time is running out!
You have NOTHING to lose by registering.


24th February
I've had messages from affiliates telling me that BBI is NOT registered in the Isle of Man anymore. Chris has confirmed this so it MUST be the truth... 

Unfortunately, Chris tells LIES:

Thanks to Dan Dare for finding this!


  1. Hi
    I'm an italian BB victim. Can I contact Paul Cooper and hope to retrieve my money back from my account?
    Many thanks for your efforts to inform us Tara!
    K rgds

  2. Yes Gio, of course. Either email Paul or phone him asap.

  3. Hello Tara I have been in contact with Nationwide Building society and they tell me that they do charge backs through visa dispute resolution if the transaction is 120 Days only the person I spoke to is Adam from Nationwide Building Society and he tells me he spoke to a person called Jodi at Visa Dispute resolution.I invested 4000 pounds and I need that money back.
    Kindly help me with some suggestions I cannot afford to lose my money money I have 3 kids and I am the only person paying the bills.
    I have also written to Chris through emails in the past and he has now stopped answering my emails when I accused him of holding my money illegally.
    I can send you copies of the emails I sent to him and his responses if you need it.




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