
Thursday, 21 May 2015

Digadz - Bye Bye!

The admin of Digadz, Marius Pederson(who pretends he isn't the admin but we all know is!) admits this morning that Digadz has as good as gone. No more shovels needed for this scam, but BJ already has his next scam lined up:

For translation:
'Dear everyone. Digadz can still be a winning concept. But it's important that the administration is working. Right now I hear about support tickets slow, withdrawals slow but can it be the END of Digadz, OR just a temporary situation? I dont know. It's very important weeks ahead. If payments stop, we can say goodbye to Digadz (sadly) but thats the reality. If someone gets payments, please notify us! We are many who are still interested to work with Digadz long term project. Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I clicked morning and night for 3 days and got no value ads. I'm waiting 4 weeks for a cashout and it's only $14,00. Support isn't answering tickets. Digadz is gone!!


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